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International #651
Indian's portal gate
You will never be a humble Japanese melon farmer, selling your harvest for over $100 a piece
Really makes your brain synapses fire, don't you think?
Hilo anime latino nocturno
1. your cunt
In America Italian food is synonymous with garlic...
What do Americans think of Chopper?
Why are brits in Cred Forums so classy and educated? Is the sterotype true?
You wake up in Yellowknife
⌠大东亚先共和国▐ East Asia thread⌡
Which country can't handle any banter?
Posr ur house
Ask yourself? Can we really?
The accompanying picture is presented without comment
Post your town city flag
Why do Scandinavians act so tough on Cred Forums, but when you actually talk to them in real life they are beta faggots?
What are nationalities you hate because of something 1 or a few of them did to you, for me it would be the Mexicans...
*boop* *beep* *boop* [ringing.....]
Is this accurate to you?
Beautiful british music thread
/luso/ - fio lusófono
How terrible is your spoken English, Cred Forums?
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
What are Chads like in your country, user?
German English language book
If you had to pick a poster from a certain flag on Cred Forums to boyfriend, who would it be?
/urban/ + /architecture/
Why don't Australians celebrate Halloween?
Señor, you don't want me to live in your country? ¿Por que? I promise to be good American! Let me stay por favor!
Why are the Anglo countries full of faggots?
Does your country approve racemixing ?
I wish I were British
Talk about China inferior to America and always will be
Sverigetråden- allt är säkert upplagan
Who are the nicest posters on Cred Forums?
/eo/ - esperanto thread
The Big Four
Alright aussies I need your help, of these two songs which do you consider your unnoficial national anthem
More like this?
What is the ugliest city in the world? Is it Moscow?
/comfyberger/ ehemals /deutsch/ und bald /nachtschicht/
British "food"
This is the Average Girl in Brazil
Does your language distinguish between math compasses and direction compasses? English does not and I don't know why...
Who spread the meme about Czech Republic having the best women?
Justin Trudeau
If you could learn any language, which would you choose? Why?
/miehmtalk/ ehemals /deutsch/ und bald /nachtschicht/
Do third world lives have meaning?
A communist revolution breaks out in your country to overthrow the bourgeois governmnt and create a stateless socialist...
Your cunt
/cum/ - Canada United States Mexico
/ita/ - il filo
What does Cred Forums think of the Korean language?
I wish we got more African immigrants
Turks: What is your honest opinion of An-Nasir Salah ad-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub
Americans live their lives in fear of getting injured, because they can't afford health care
Why are they so nice?
Shopping in American grocery (countryside)
Why are Asians and Mexicans as tall as white people now? That's not supposed to be how it is
Find a flaw
Middle east Christians all over the world
Tfw you will never be an inbred normie
Yes helo yes
TFW virgin
Which Western country is most likely to succumb to an islamic take-over?
Only countries in blue may post itt
Germanic language speaking cunts (Germany, Netherland, Austria, Switzerland, England...
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Post hot soldiers from your country
People keep asking as to why the Russian community in Russia is so filled with rage as to annex part of Ukraine...
Post songs from your country that make you tear up like a little bitch + Rate
Where does this meme about Poland being any similar to Russia comes from?
Now that drug war ended is Mexico finally a safe place to visit?
1. Your cunt?
Name a better dog than the German Shepherd
/fr/ - Le fil de la francophonie
Who /self-hate/ here?
1. your country
Culture Pals - /cp/
What does Cred Forums think of this country?
How do we save France?
Europeans will never have this
Mfw american cultural influence on europe is so big that my german fridge has dedicated egg holders
Australian burger technology
People from poor cunts tell me how shitty ur life is
Insult China
Please show the idol of each country after 1945
There are German posters here who have grandfathers and great grandfathers who were legitimate Nazis
What is actually wrong with dutch people...
Really makes you think
All confirmed Civ 6 leaders so far
What went wrong?
Sverigetråden - Hell seger upplagan
Dropping a truth bomb
40 Millions Americans descended from the """""""master""""""" race and yet none of them have influenced American...
/ita/ - il filo
What's your favorite Central European country?
Are Turks and Kurds the same?
/rus/ + /bel/ +/ukr/
Why is Eastern Europe still poor?
Thoughts on this country?
Name that town
This girl comes up to you and says "MAN UP BRO"
Tfw new computer coming home
Country of anatolians roleplaying as mongol archers
1. Your country
How will WWIII start?
Everyday lunch/dinner
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Americans need multi-millionaire celebrities to tell them who to vote for
/hell/ /gr/
Go to /brit/ to practice English abilities
Translation from Russian/Ukrainan
Is Ireland nice place to live?
Why is Ireland so fucking stupid?
Try to make the poster above you cry solely based on the flag
Would Cred Forums date a chinese?
Post art from your country
How do you call a gay Turk? Cock-roach
ITT: Borders that trigger you
Memes aside, what does your country think about the european immigration problem?
Hmmm..... she kind of has a point... I don't even know the name of any Aboriginal languages lmao
What is the the end goal of the migrant crisis?
Peru bros
Reading american cookbook
/balk/ - Balkan thread
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Do Germans have a superiority complex over the English?
How is the life for youth in your country? In Russia it's pretty shitty. Tell about youth in your country
If you're an immigrant or refugee, you're a natural coward
Finns pls respond
Will they make Greece great again?
I went to Italy last year and decided to try some authentic Italian pizza and it was the most basic shit ive ever...
Post you local mosque
Make Japan great again
/esp/ - Hilo Español
What's the best country in asia to get a gf?
The only good German is a dead German
Reminder that this happened. This was unironically shown on American television as part of the presidential election
You have 12 seconds to pretend to be Polish
We're practically family
ITT we claim our African colonies. I'll start with dibs on Namibia
ITT: we have a conversation using your native language
Are poles or brits eternal enemies or something?
2 decades of schooling and specialization to become a wagecuck
Be australian
One of these threads
What does Cred Forums know about Vietnam?
Why Czech Republic is the country of perverts, gays, lesbians and feminists?
Put some money aside since the beginning of the year...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Bedroom of a typical /brit/ lad edition
Say something negative about the insane death cult that is the muslim religion
Kebab remover
Walk down the street in your country singing "The Internationale" in your native language
Why does my country Pakistan get such bad reputation on Cred Forums?
1.Your country
Why is white pride allowed in 2016? Can someone explain?
Be Germany
ITT: we post our political standing with
Mfw an american said ALOOOMINUM near me
A muslim walks into a bar
1. Your cunt
Do they have access to the internet now ?
The End of All Wars
/fr/ - Le Francofil
I am fascinated with South Africa. I heard that if you're white, your living standards are extremely high...
Equipment worth over 10k euros at work just broke on me
Dutch hate thread
Only countries that have cold and snowy Christmas can post in this thread
Your country is the home of over 50 languages
/rus/ + /ukr/ + /bel/ general
What's the equivalent of the American South in your country?
Is the solution to the Crimea the revival of the republic of Genoa?
H-hey user i w-was wondering if you wanted to kill fascists with me sometime
What happens here?
Say good morning Greece in your language
How are NEETs treated in your country?
There is literally nothing wrong with this
Encounters of the Slav kind
Tfw no spanish gf
I just learned Americans do elementary school math in college
Trying to study Korean when I don't like k-pop or k-dramas
Is northwest Russia 1st world or 2nd world like rest of the country?
His flag doesn't have the Union Jack
You wake up in Aleppo
Country opinion thread
Why doesn't Russia have roads, Cred Forums?
Wake up
I'm a white american with an Asian (Chinese) wife...
How much does it cost to hire a prostitute in your country?
What is your opinion on Cholos
Kurva anyátok
Your cunt
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Greatest ally
American food
1. Cunt
Hobbies include: travelling the world
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Please wish iceland good night in your language
What happens here?
Non-memeing answer, would you live in brazil?
Hates anime
Bastard last name
How are Fat subhumans treated in your country?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Post your countries most famous Russian
What is cutest country
What is your favourite Arab speaking country?
Seriously though, what the fuck
What are the top 5 most iconic flags of the world?
Why would anyone want to be Russian when you could be part of the glorious European Union?
In this thread you must kindpost to other countries
1. Your country
Are you forced to write cursive at school in your country?
Why are mediterranean men so hot?
1. Go on google image
Is Alicia Keys what ancient Egyptians looked like?
You will never be a normie
If you could choose, what country you would reborn to?
Sverigetråden - Kospelsupplagan
Asked how long he had been in New Zealand, the 27-year-old replied "too long, way too long"
How do people in your country view Koreans?
Un hilo por siglo
Post your town city flag
Why the U.S. calls themselves "America"?, they are americans, but not the way the say it
Do Greeks really have Turkish blood or is it just a meme?
Countries in the United Kingdom
Would he pass as a local in your country?
What went wrong?
Brits will defend this
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
Move to norway
/deutsch/ /nachtschicht/
/nachtschicht/ tagsüber wieder /deutsch/
What are nicest, kindest countries of Cred Forums?
What have you learned on Cred Forums about other cultures ?
Average russian women
Europoors will never know how it feels to eat this for breakfast
My sister is in Italy right now. She's going to study there for a few months. Is there anything I should tell her?
Green: Countries with bright futures
1. Your country
Sweden, explain this meme man to me please:
What is the best Dutch city?
Batics and such
Your country
Cuckmany, great burkastan, frogsharias
What do you think of Chile?
Tell me about Indigenous peoples of the Americas. Are they attractive or ugly on average?
Not eating meat
Why are polish girls so ugly?
How do we fix British culture?
Can a Russian explain this new Siberian homestead policy...
Why don't Americans 'get' banter?
What's the best Latin American cuisine
Who else /patriotic depression/ here?
What is the first thing you think of when you see this country?
The girl in pic related has had her asylum request denied
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Does your cunt have really cool castles?
Is Moscow real life Mordor?
So, we can all agree on this, right?
Animal thread
/miehmtalk/ ehemals /deutsch/
D-do you like N-norway user?
Cred Forums alt-right hate thread
Argentina is white?
Wtf Poland?
Why Europe Countries couldn't defeat Japan?
How do you say these following words in your language?
I must speak to only the most autistic Finns
What does Cred Forums think about my country?
Your country
/fr/ - Le Francofil - édition Matula
Your biggest dream
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Remember that time Italians tried to claim they invented pizza? We sure did have a hardy laugh, aye?
Really makes you think
Sverigetråden - Kampupplagan
Would you marry this blue pilled Russin girl?
Every major country has a Canada; a lesser known and/or less powerful sibling nation that is very similar but otherwise...
Regions in Europe
Why don't you have a gf?
Why do Americans suck at humor/comedy so much?
American hypocrisy
A world without the french shits is a better one
Any taiga masterrace here on Cred Forums?
Wake up
I'm not west Asian. I'm European
How could you hate Sweden?
ITT: We say nice things about Brits
You wake up in Warsaw
Why aren't you playing THE Cred Forums videogame, Cred Forums ?
Okay but seriously, how is this country different from Spain?
Finland is a literal asian country
Culture Pals - /cp/
ITT : You post a picture representing the nightmare of the cunt above you
Tfw too intelligent to visit other countries
Daily reminder that if you speak Spanish you're not white
Did you know?
Go to politically incorrect facebook page
/hot drinks/
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
/esp/ no mestiza qt gf
Pickup lines in your country
What is the worst disaster to happen in your area Cred Forums?
/ita/ - il filo
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Make a post insulting black people
/balt/ + /ausnz/
What would you hate most, a Muslim or a feminist ?
China is the only one country which thinks proud of to be asian country
Kurva anyátok
1. Your country
The Roman Empire
Do you donate blood? What do you get after donation? Here we get 8 chocolate, 7 days...
Being a nationalist
1 your country
I want a nose job so bad sick of staring in the mirror and seeing this monster stare back
What other countries lived 900 years without a revolution, a putsch or an internal violent revolt?
Typical russian family. For example, in my family we have 2 bears
Is he Polish or German?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Thoughts on Arab women?
Sverigetråden - Familjeupplagan
1. Your country
Yuropoors can't even afford having atleast 10 aircraft carriers
Imagine is france was called franke hahaha
What kind of dick you got Cred Forums? 4 here
Why haven't you replaced an American worker yet?
Just got rejected by a girl
Would you accept refugees if they all looked like this?
Went to London, impressions
What is russian opinion on him?
Slavs are the scum of Europe
What comes to your mind when you see this flag?
Why is the French national animal a chicken?
(You) wake up
School Bans Cheerleader Uniforms In Class After "Impure Thoughts"
Why are Europeans gay?
Frenchman Gets Lost in New Zealand and Cries
Why do people hate British food?
/asean/- Younger is better edition
There are 50,000 murders in brazil every year
Why aren't you socialist...
1v1 no nukes
A couple of months ago, a Spanish user posted a thread about and...
1m94, 88kg, 19cm, iPhone 7 Plus and Apple Watch
What exactly do "free" healthcare and universities cover?
Why don't European women wear these kinds of shorts?
ITT: Cred Forums in 1978
Mfw we deposed a bulgarian president for a lebanese one
Why don't Americans celebrate Easter?
Бeз пoлитoты эдишн
Does your country have a mini version of itself?
Why are most non-whites so hostile? We don't have to fight
Ur cunt
The children's faces when they are taught history of your country
This is your average Blanc American females
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Do you want to passionately make love to a sweaty brown arab woman in a warm dimly-lit reddish-tinted room while she...
Learn the difference
Tfw called Vladimir
Rename the country above your post to a more fitting name
Meet cute exchange student clearly into me
Would you feel proud of the greatest dictator being the same nationality you are?
Wake up
Why are Japanese people so mean to animals?
Male attractiveness by country according to Jews
/msg/ Microstate General
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
She does make a good point, though
Do you love the empire of Japan?
Does Cred Forums agree with this?
Post your country's rightful clay
Why don't Europeans have dryers? In the US, even the poorest people have dryers. I feel like I am living in the 1800s
This is what the average Australian male looks like
1.your height(because Poles are tall)
I'm a check in agent at a major airline
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
Why do all kiwis put NZ in their online names you cunts are deadset fuckwits
Tell me about Italian girls, why do they cuck their boyfriends and make videos about it?
1. Flag
So any advice on international relationships in general...
What's each country's respective Alamo?
I would literally take any other immigrants over Maoris
Hmmmm. Which one is better to learn Cred Forums?
Fuck my shit up edition
So which side out of the BIG 3 will YOUR country side with in the upcoming cold war 2.0 in 2021
What would you do if a girl pulled down your pants?
Post ITT if God has forsaken your country
Why isn't this how it is?
Mum found the marxist literature and my communist manifesto
Mum found the cum couch
Why do women bother coming to this board they will literally never ever be able to comprehend what it's like to...
Dutch hate thread
A fucking square
/ausnz/ + /balt/
Are Finns white?
What are your feelings about having kids, Cred Forums?
If you speak a language that has a grammatical polite and/or formal form
1. Your cunt
Does INT think too bad of Islam?
So i been in America for a while, an recently i been asking my friends of they're circumcise...
Why is this letter used in Norwegian and Danish but not Swedish?
TFW really cute asian girl at my gym with tattoos
Grow up in the greater toronto area in the 80s then moved to northern AZ
How is it that 2 flags contribute to 90% of shitposting on Cred Forums?
Average new zealander
Guess the name of the poster above your post
Are arabs master race?
Why do Russian girls hold each other's thumbs as if they're penises?
Really makes you think
Is this the fate of all Mexican women? All evidence points to yes
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Muh germanic masterrace!
Spic cartels vs ISIS
What is your state/region's most famous landmark/monument?
The world would be a better place without us whites. Remove us and you remove wars, pedophilia, sexism, racism, incest...
Are europeans aware of how small their countries are?
Canadians get expelled from school for wearing Trump hats
Stand strong Australia
WTF SWEDEN???????????
1. Ur a country
Kurva anyátok
How do people from the first world feel the first time they visit a shithole?
Your country
How do i learn Spanish?
Why don't Americans celebrate Easter?
/urban/ and /architecture/
People on Cred Forums think they're speaking to a blond haired, blue eyedAnglo
Tfw no matter how shit your country is, you still are Greek
/flag/tism - You Can Never Leave Edition
This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily life, etc. of Japan
Japanese "men"
Japan is a very comfy and quiet country. Who cares if they actually hate foreigners...
Had only one shot at life
What do you think of sending all muslim immigrants to Mexico?
Cred Forums countries in a high school setting:
Would you racemix with a balkanian, Cred Forums?
How to get a hairy gf in your country??
Thoughts on the next king and queen of England?
Chilean man goes to your country
Why is Greece so poo in the loo?
How many of the people on this picture do you consider white? hey're American white nationalists
/luso/ - fio lusófono
I'm half [ethnicity]
Culture Pals - /cp/
Ywn have an average turkish as a gf
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Are there girls like this in your country?
Micro leaf. Suits their micro penis lmfao
Tell me about the Armenian Genocide
Daily reminder Spaniards secretly like Brazil more than our colonies
ITT: post the Southernmost city in your country
Where did this sudden push for EU Army come from? Why is it being promoted so hard when NATO already exists?
What is your favorite third world country?
How do we fix American education?
American living in Russia AMA
Why didn't the Spaniards simply kill off all the subhuman poo in the loo natives instead of making filthy shitskin...
What did he mean by this?
Very short
"I need a fully automatic AR-15 with a grenade launcher to protect me and my family from the gov......."
What is Compton like?
This is Mexico's current president
What you doing in your free time?
/rus/ - the world biggest migrant crisis edition
I wish I were Polish
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
1. your country
Half of Europe are shitholes or semi shitholes. Does the US have bad and poor parts aswell?
That first sip of the day
USA law
I wish I was British
Tfw I am dating a brown muslim lebanese qt
Be amerifat
Hey rest of the world, shut up and take it. She is inevitable
Hilo latino /lat/
How do you get a gf in your cuntry?
World opinion on Israel
/hell/ /gr/
Average parisian girl
/luso/ — Fio Lusófono
Romance General /romance/ - EL HILO
What are you eating right now, Cred Forums ?
Mfw first world
ITT: We try to get all 196 countries in this one thread
/fr/ - Fil de la France - Edition du hs
Spanish Empire
First the Cat sheds its hind legs
An entire "nation" literally built on an event that never happened
Why are these countries the best at everything?
2030 Predictions Thread
Does your country allow you to drive while influenced?
What do you think of Spain and the Spanish?
/Koninkrijk der zeven verenigde Nederdraden/
The border between China & Russia is larger the border between the US & Canada. So what happens there?
Who is cheering for the Islamic State? I think they are the only faction that can stabilize the Middle East
Post your country's riot police
Post factoids from your country
Italy is a best country. Discuss
ITT: overrated countries
New York City or Moscow? Which city would you live in?
/cum/ - Canada, U S A, Myanmar
What does Cred Forums think of this country?
Mudslime beaten up in the centre of Warsaw
Kurva anyátok
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
This triggers Christians
How can Russians live like this?
Last threads
Feet thread
Celebrity cum tribute thread, post a cum tribute picture of a celebrity you hate but want to fuck
After we die, consciousness must go somewhere, right?
Family fap thread, ill start with my sister
Post ones who make you HARD
Rape thread who want to rape this feminist woman
Hunger Games Thread
Hey Cred Forums, A quick penile angle survey for y'all. With enough data...
Real girls and celebs that deserve to be horny middle School boys sex slaves
Ask an internet Nazi girl anything
FB/insta thread
Roll 50 to win 50 dollers
Yummy tasty juicy lolis
Exposed bread. Post your favorite inspection pictures, websluts, and exposures
What do you think about hippopotamuses?
Celeb thread™
Tributes Continue