In this thread you must kindpost to other countries

in this thread you must kindpost to other countries


fuck on

Well I thought it was a nice attempt russia.

Share the Islands friends!

You are best South America. No, best all America.

i love you russia

Russia seems very interesting and I want to learn Russian one day.

Argentina makes good value wine and deserves Las Malvinas

America is a broad and diverse country with amazing natural heritage that'd I'd love to experience one day.

I want to lewd things with you Russia-chan

yah I liek Canada eh
it's all aboot that mapel syrupe am i rit

I can't be kind to animeposters, fuck off.

hello lads

kindly other countries, very nice and sweet


love you all

hello my fella

America... That's a very nice sweater

Mexico you will build a very nice wall!

>he watches GAY-ON

H-hi :3



I love you all!

Ohayou senpai-tachis~

Poland you dropped some rice on your flag

that's not the flag of poland that's the flag of singapore and what you called rice is a white crescent moon facing a pentagon of five small white five-pointed stars



drop dead you slavshit

Your shitposting is often funny.

but we can be kind to you

Dear Japan,

Your women are beautiful and your land is gorgeous.

Also, thank you for sushi.




Finns are honorary whites and when we're rejoined Finland will be a real part of Sweden.

You won some wars sometimes
Not all of you are black, in fact some of you are White
Your men can make some decent women
You're so irrelevant that the things you do and believe in don't harm others so that's good
You were good once one time and it was nice
You're a big guy
You kinda had a Stand of the Swiss Guard while fighting us only you didn't do as well
Your women's asses can be nice sometimes
I don't know where your country is located but I'm sure it's not as bad as the middle east or Africa

Did I do good?

All of your countries are less gay than Sweden