Really makes your brain synapses fire, don't you think?

Really makes your brain synapses fire, don't you think?

>it's real

Why does this keep happening and why hasn't anyone written an article on it?

forces one to reflect

guys I'm legitimately creeped out right now

this can't be real

it's fucking real
google's pushing agendas now eh

Well this certainly deserves at least an ironic 3D smilie.



found this today

el austriANO

shiiiiieeeeeet austria

>a fucking pidgeon

Wow it is real. Reminds me when people use to try and botch searches on here.
I like how one of the results is just IBM

huh, really makes you think

>african people

I was seriously freaked until I realized it was a group of trolls posting on the same websites.

Thank god

Google has been forcing this shit on us for years.
Search Hannibal and you'll get all this shit saying he's black. Everything on google is black now.

>not black
he was AFRICAN, he lived in AFRICA

So that explains why my daughter is black!


are you literally the newest poster on this entire board?

>people actually, unironically believe this
>black """"people"""" will die defending this
>google will try and push this as hard as they can

The people of Carthage were Phoenician. It was a Phoenician colony. The Phoenician people were Semitic, they came from the Levant and surrounding areas.
Goddamn, even if that wasn't true, you could still say they were Arab or Berber or something by virtue of Carthage being in modern day Tunisia.
But to say he was black is historical revisionism at its finest.

The shartest for sure

lmao, why do white people get so angry when confronted with facts?

I know you're trolling, that's not what triggers me.
It's the fact that niggers actually, unironically believe this kind of shit. And people who won't bother to do a shred of research will see that and think it's true too. Then these ignorant retards pass it on to their like-minded friends, and then you've got loads of people believing lies and historical revisionism for the sake of political correctness and tolerance, because apparently it's intolerant to tell the truth to black people about their history, or lack thereof.
Then you've got all these niggers post WE WUZ KANGS shit everywhere and pussified liberals eating that shit up.

This is how it starts, this is how the world ends. Niggers and liberals start believing lies and revising history because of muh feels and society collapses from the inside.

memes aside, you are so fucking mad you autistic fedora-lord

Cringed lad, you'd be better off not replying in these situations

guys its because its all hits from a tumblr about black people in yuro art

Yea I noticed all the pics were from a similar url

Ahh I see, tumblrinas exploiting google's indexing algorithm

What picture was that!?
*curiosity intensifies*

what did he mean by this?

it was a peruANO getting quints

Why it was deleted?


Go to sleep Mae