Mfw an american said ALOOOMINUM near me

>mfw an american said ALOOOMINUM near me

shit OP

good OP

that's how you pronounce it

the way sir humphrey davey intended.

Aluminium literally comes from an anonymous review of his book criticizing calling it aluminum. non geniuses, eager to have an opinion on the matter due to science being fashionable in the era, but lacking any real understanding of things, took up the cause of that anonymous critic as a safe way to discuss the topic with out actually having to understand anything. And the rest is history, and quite unchanged. People who have accomplished little but fancy themselves sophisticated still call it aluminium to day this, and the country that went to the moon calls it what the first man to isolate it did, aluminum.

>mfw an american lost near me

I can be spelt aluminum and it sounds better too.

>MFW a Dane shagged a sheep near me

It's aluminium, like titanium
I never heard any native Anglos say it differently

You're weirdoes

Its pig learn your fucking menes cunt

-ium fags always forget about platinum

aluminum is a valid elemental name.

Yeah you'd know, New Zealand. I'll let the degenerates be the expert on the subject.

We say platinium you git
Platinum is a seppo way of saying things of course

Am I right, native British English speakers? Eh?

>We say platinium
good on you poland, buck the official globally sanctioned way of saying an element and make it your own. Maybe you will into space one day after all.


good post

>normal people call it aluminium, and the country that gets planed by muslims and where school shootings are "other news", aluminum

excellent post


MFW when an American calls a ute a 'pick up truck'

Yes you are

terrible post

we planed ourselves to destroyed documents in wtc11

Building up a natural resistance to bullets will only help us in the coming global conflicts. Youll wish you got used to being shot gradually over many years too when the time comes.


>mfw a Dane mumbles near me.

mmmffuucking mhjmmfaggotmm

i don't get it

check the k/d Nguyen

>mfw his primitive language doesn't have a name for aluminum so he has to use the latin name

It's obviously hliník you plebs

It's cool to realise that CSA won the Civil War

>milk shoik
