If a group of Muslims living in your country went up to create their own Shariah law in the little town they live in...

If a group of Muslims living in your country went up to create their own Shariah law in the little town they live in, how would this go down in your country?

Not well, it would be quite painful

For the country?

Depends on the location of the town, anywhere in the south would result in lynchings.

Depends where.

But in my town the people would take up arms and kill them all

Not remotely joking, they would probably be found dead very quickly. I live in a small rural community full of old hillbillies, we have one black person in our 5,000 population town and that's too much for some of these guys. Muslims would probably be gunned down very quickly if they tried to do this where I live.

Politicians and police would start with "attitude campaigns" to create a new, softer more western alternative to sharia, because after all it is 2016.

A slim majority would oppose it.

The police would protect it and arrest some of the majority speaking out.

The remainder would virtue signal on twitter and Facebook about Islamophobia

You're a big guy

>I live in a small rural community full of old hillbillies,
What's that like?

Probably they would get beaten up

Like having a lot of Billies on a hill

Big outrage, they'd probably get beaten by common folk and arrested by the cops once they did anything illegal.

Only the most insane lefties would defend them.

I live at the edge of a mostly liberal city that borders a very conservative area of town, so it would probably be shot down by the mayor. A few people could die.

special forces would prevent this long before

if by any chance they didnt, then GUNS and BULLETS through extremists

Here in the most gun-friendly state, they'd get mowed down instantly

Aren't you guys Muslim lol, or at least culturally Muslim.

People here hate muslim extremists because of the Abu Sayaff so it would be really violent.

nice if you're an autist like me. they mind their own business and only talk to me if i talk to them first

This would get shot down (either metaphorically or literally) so fucking quickly anywhere in the country that it boggles my mind. Maybe there's some forgotten corner of Dearborn, Michigan where you could get away with this for a week or two.

That's okay, I guess.
If the ultimate Sharia law (not MENA/ISIL version) was practiced, 90% of the law deals with muslim matters, and the rest deals with universal law.

Even as muslim, I just thought that the muslim in the west (and most of them are from MENA) are actually bringing their retarded version of Sharia, hence the misunderstanding.