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International #652
Healthiest countries ranking
/balt/ + /ur mum/ + /ausnz/
Your cunt
Who /losingfaithincountry/ here?
Can you name 10 famous French people?
Are Muslims bad people?
Ex-yu bajo moj
Why do Italians have nigger hair?
Can someone redpill me on the mindset of an immigrant or a refugee?
Time to be serious
Muh metric
Muh protestant work ethic
Kurva anyátok
Islamic culture appreciation thread
Jolie and Pitt divorce because of a french women
Post em
Does Russians even like living in Russia?
/nice/ - kind general
WTF! I love Palestinians now!
Western European Dragon Ball Z
Be american
Why does spain hates so much forests ?
Sverigetråden - bondeupplagan
Austria-Hungary edition
Why are Americans so impressed by these cars?
He doesn't have an abundance of germanic women in his country
A fucking hexagram
What are you doing in this weekend?
/international/ tinder thread
/fr/ Fil Francophone
Save me
Do latino girls like western europeans ? Or I save my money to go to Korea instead ?
American journalism
Why is India so detested Cred Forums?
Question for americans
Nationality guess thread
Non-Europeans are simply ethnicities we chose not to genocide
M-muh conservative loyal muslim women
Ask an American girl anything
Muslim here, with a message for you Islamophobic people
Your nationality
Channel Islands
Can it still be saved?
/balt/ +/ausnz/ Estonian president elections edition
What do these two countries have in common?
Is this true?
You are having a threesome with a girl and a guy. You get to chose their nationality...
/med/iterranean general
What do French people think about the spread of English language?
Fucking sea chinese niggers need to die
1.what is your country?
Post music in your country's native language
"What is on your mind my boy/girl? Don't be afraid to confess your sins. Talk to me"
ITT: Post your town/city
I don't understand the Yugoslav wars...
Are you a Mensan in your country?
Belgium was a mistake
Donald duck is the white man's comic book character
/lat/ - hilo latino
West Europe,you ready?
What is your favourite low HDI country?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/D.A.K/ ehemalig /deutsch/
What polish thing have you done lately?
A large Coke at McDonalds is the same as American medium
Sverigetråden - Död åt hanrejer
Can i pass native in your country ?
I'm seriously thinking about moving to Wales. Is that a good or bad idea?
Mom dad I'm back from İstanbul. Meet my fiancee Ayşe Mehmetoğlu
I have gross flight anxiety, so I'll never see the US in my life
What the fuck is their problem?
Which Scandinavian language should I learn?
Ask a yakut girl everything
/eire/ /éire/
/hell/ /gr/
Tell me honestly, descrive how will you FUCK these Jewish girls from Moscow
Old games thread
/global greek general/
Sup /int.. Just frying some whale meat
Fucked the world up twice
Singapore thread: National University of Singapore Edition
Tfw you will never visit North Korea
Purest, whitest genes on all of Cred Forums
I get sexually aroused by 12 yo girls in cute dresses and heels
We dianoned pedojew in russian imageboard and he is actually she. It is some autistic Jewish girl, she is shizo...
Putin is great!!!
/ESP/ Falange edicion + ANTI JORGE
Does anyone else feel like english is very much different form the other gerrmanic languages?
1. Your country
Fixed the world of spoken languages
Tfw my mom is going to kick me out for being a neet
European girls
What do social people do in your country?
Has anyone here actually met a Syrian refugee?
Ur cunt
Which countries are Fancy Asians?
This is considered "food" in Britain
Most hated countries of /int
What is your combat role? What were you trained as in the military of your country?
According to koreans, this is what a lobster looks like
User I'm bored
Certainly one could not say all the Germanic peoples are racially evil in the same way that all Russian peoples are...
What do you do when you are bored?
If you extrapolate Australia's population to the year 2100, we'll only have 70 million people
Guess my ethnicity
Ask a female everything
Why does this keep happening?
Kurva anyátok
Trying to learn German
Guess my ethnicity
Am i white?
How do you cope with having latina fever?
Help Help Latinos
Nuke it
Why do white women age like shit?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
The year is 2050 what does your country look like?
Sinosphere Friendship Thread
What states are usa have the most beautifull, sexy, hot, smart, intereting, funny, easy girls in usa? Also...
Finnish wife = win at life
What's your excuse for being a virgin?
Rank these 5 countries and explain your reasoning
What do high schools look like in your cunt?
1. your cunt
Tfw live near Charlotte
He lives in a land-locked country
Which countries has the most insane videos?
Is it true Brazilians prefer not to mix?
What, did I just hear you saying you're a racist nationalist, user?
America is weak and powerless country
He doesn't want a Spanish wife
Would you interbreed with a colombian girl?
Rate my new pet american Cred Forums I got him at the pound yesterday
Which countries have more posters per capita on Cred Forums ?
Why are there so many Canadians on this board that hate Americans?
Why are eastern europeans so cold?
/nachtschicht/ ehemals und morgen wieder /deutsch/
*dabs on Cred Forums*
Where do Koreans normally shitpost?
What's for dinner Cred Forums?
Tfw no qt white American gf
How to protect the tropical forests?
Wake up
Is your language worth learning?
Post the most cucked region in your country
Just found out europeans don't have 4g yet
Do you like redheads?
What is your heritage Cred Forums?
What does the average person in your country think of this man?
/eo/ - esperanto thread
USA hate thread
Where do your grandparents come from?
/D.A.K/ - auch /deutsch/
Be brit
Blonde mutants BTFO
Post important images from your cunt's history and explain what is going on in them please
I want to learn another language but
One big dysfunctional family
US Air Force base in Ramstein, Deutschland
Tfw no spanish bf to protect me
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
Would you have sex with anzu
Why do Europoors not want free trade with us? :(
How is the job situation in you're country?
Can anyone enlighten me, why is this crap one of them most popular drink in the world?
Half black half German/English
Be 21
Badmouth islam
What kind of lame shit name is "united states of america"? Couldn't the founding faggots be a little more original?
Finnish sexual harassment
ITT: Things you learnt from Cred Forums
*gestures at you*
I mean what the fuck is this shit?
Post underrated cuisines
1. Your country
Let's discuss keyboard layouts
/ita/ - Il Filo
What will your reaction be this November when Hillary Rodham Clinton is elected as the 45th President of the United...
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Portugal and Spain VS Belgium and Netherlands
Americans will defend this
Culture pals - /cp/
Do you know telenovelas shit from latino countries ?
It's time to stop spreading lies about the turkish nation
We must stop the Islamication of Europe before it's too late
Whats wrong with American women?
Haven't you ever had a very special friend, Cred Forums?
Tfw no colombian gf
/carib/: Will Guyana ever be relevant edition
Anti-Spain thread
Germany has only existed for 25 years
Kurva anyátok
Go to Germany for vacation
Food hlep helper didnt coem tday, going t schol tmorrow
What does Cred Forums think of this country?
ITT: surprise others with pictures of your city
In America, muscle cars are driven by young people
Bean thread
1. You're country
Cred Forumscraft
Do you live in famous country?
/isr/ - /ישר/ - Israel Thread
Who is the rightful Heir to the Roman Empire?
I am the only australian awake browsing Cred Forums right now
Spanish - 67,1 million learners
Does Cred Forums like Italian food?
Cred Forums
Why are there so few Danish people on Cred Forums?
China GDP in 2050: 36 Trillion
Romanian thread
How do I get an Ethiopian wife?
Your country (very Cred Forums related)
ITT: post Game Stores from your country
What are your life goals, where do you see yourself in 5 years and what are you doing right now to get there?
Was the British empire the most evil thing to ever exist? I think yes
German hate
Lets get one of these threads going
I want to annex russia
You will never be Finnish
I'm considering moving to South America
Which one is worse? USA or Russia?
Sverigetråden - För svenskar och brödrafolk
What do Americans think of Spain?
Tfw I'll be 30 years old this Tuesday
Why do brits hate poles if they are so pure?
Are you worried about population growth?
Yfw americans think there are 30 months
/esp/ hilo español
Your country
Only victims of Brits are allowed to post here
Did your parents buy you a knife when you were a kid?
Do you love Russia?
Argentina will be the only white country in 2030
Women of the world power ranking
Tfw too intelligent to be a nationalist
Tfw gonna work for 12 hours in the middle of nowhere with Palestinians walking around
A foreign power invades European soil
Blue- Real countries
1m brits in Spain
Why didn't my boomer parents get rich it was easy back then how useless can you be...
Post white countries that are growing without the need to import 3rd worlders
Hilo latino ajaj
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/ita/ - il filo
/asean/- Party night Friday night edition
This is literally the result of 5 minutes on Tinder in Germany
Why are women in Germany so sophisticated?
I hope that your country is not some cuckland where is no christian cross hanging in the parliament room
Fuck the west
Which country's people have right to insult your country?
All those unemployed European/North American NEETs leeching off their parents/government whilst insisting they're...
Svergetråden - Fredagsfest
Sverigetråden - Fredagsfest
Is this correct?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
How is she Germany bros? Is she good for the country beside the refugees crisis or is she fucking over Germany big time...
Which European ethnic group is the most attractive?
Can we get a Sweden appreciation thread started?
your country
Why don't you move to Singapore?
Could this Roman Emperor pass as a local in your country?
He thinks Germans are white
Post yours
Why is everyone in north England a fucking alcoholic...
Doggo thread!
Island life tthread
Vietnm has a city called Huế
Mexicans are bringing catholicsm to my town
Why is this right?
Mixed people
/hell/ /gr/
This will always be s white man's paradise
Don't get me wrong, I feel bad for them as well...
/éire/ /eire/ /eiru/ /erin/
Your pussy
Russians unironically eat American KOC
Why do European women look like boys?
Why are Turkish girls so cute?
Quit watching anime
Are African-Americans the most attention-seeking peoples on Earth?
Dear Japanese
Mfw you realize that Brazil's only purpouse in this world is to trigger white supremacists and denials of racemixing
Are Slavs genetically inferior to whites?
*walks towards you*
Why don't Brazilians or Indians eat seafood? They're both next to the ocean and have vast coastlines
Is this funny in your country?
Wake up
Your home
Trying this again during Australian hours. What happens here? Are Western Australians the most isolated whites on Earth?
You can only post here when your country can destroy germany
Polish """"""""""""""""drivers""""""""""""""""""
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What the fuck Russia?
/rus/ +/belarus/
Thoughts on Japanese women?
A world without Slavs is a better one
When will they give back viborg?
What do you think of Altaic peoples?
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
Your country
So I just got back from a few day business trip to Eastern Germany(mostly Berlin)
The reason why Western leaded the industrial revolution and social develop is not because they're superior in that...
Where should the headquarters of the future World Federation be established ? I propose Bucharest...
Your favorite girls are from ________?
Poor, warmongering, genocidal, obnoxiously agressive, uncivilized...
How can we eradicate terrorism from this world?
Daily reminder that the only thing stopping China and Russia from taking over the world, is the bald eagle...
Faces of Cred Forums
No longer a meme
Do you have friends of different race/ethnicity?
Say a NICE thing about the country above you
Hi, I'm Japanese and I want to know about you guys
How do I befriend my Japanese roommate? He's honestly the most respectful person I've ever met...
Mudslim refugees on a boat
Get a (You)
Who was Napoleon Bonaparte to your country? Is he remembered fondly there?
Is anime popular in your country?
Why aren't you enjoying your first can of the day yet?
Your cunt
Why dont americans celebrate D.A.K?
Makes you think
East Asian faces and Southeast Asian faces
The episode received a mixed reception in Australia...
Kurva anyátok
How common are these stereotypical names in their countries?
/balk/ just a nap edition
Why is India so poor?
His country doesn't have its own wizarding school
This is half Australian half Japanese
South Brazil is great and first world. I wish America was as great as South Brazil
100% of France's white population moves into your county. What happen?
There's more portuguese speakers than spanish speakers in South America
This is considered first world in latinoamerica
The country above you is now at war with you, how fucked you are?
I unironically thought Alaska was near Mexico
How would your friends and family react if you start dating a colombian girl?
Post ur house
Son, you are 18yo+ and you are spending your bests years in a taiwanese forum talking about shit, put on your clothes...
Post your town city flag
How the Fuck do all these third world countries have internet????
And another car blasting reggaeton in this subhuman brown shithole full of apes
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
What went wrong?
Portuguese > English > everything > Esperanto >Spanish
The American Empire
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
What does Cred Forums think of us?
My dad has to get heart surgery tomorrow
So the le American bear "Israel is our greatest ally" meme isn't just a meme?
Should Puerto Rico become a state?
Cred Forums invaded you
Hispanics = African Americans
It was nice knowing you guys
Aren't you glad we can talk to people from all over the world
How many US American soldiers are stationed on your soil?
Is Japanese the Cutest Language?
Can fellow japan anons decipher what Hiro meant by this?
/deutsch/ /nachtschicht/
Is it true Italians and Spaniards live with their parents well into their 20's? How is that not creepy?
Is this true? How do we save France?
Why can't we be mates?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Would The Land of The Free protect your cunt in a war?
I just want a white American gf desu
Israelis are doing exactly what the nazis did
/ita/ - Il Filo
China may conquer Japan, what will all the weebs do without anime, waifus etc.?
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
This is the new video made by the city if Paris to encurage tourist to come back...
ITT: Banepost in your native language
/balt/ + ausnz/ + /natasha/
Anti-British Thread
How can I stop getting bullied by Muslim women?
【大东亚先共和国▐ Republic of Greater East Asia thread】
Could i pass as local in you're country??
Sudacas explain this shit
You have twelve (XII) seconds to post an Cred Forums meme you're sure no one remembers
Peru will conquer your shit country
Faces of Cred Forums
/Bundesstaat Österreich/ ehemals /deutsch/
Why is this cunt so racist? Pollacks don't even hide it. they openly say racist shit in public
I am Greek
Name my band Cred Forums
When was historically the best age of your country?
Rate my American meal
Culture Pals - /cp/
When an anglo tries to pronounce foreign words (especially french)
Brits only thread
/urban/ + /architecture/
Go to North America
Do you get the feeling your country is decaying ?
What do you think of my country?
There is sea all around this shitty island
Are Poles white?
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
I love you, Lithuania
Is it true that Brits get salty when you mention that all their historic architecture got LUFTWAFFE'D?
Refugees get free houses and shit
Daily reminder of Finlands righteous borders and clay
Is Malta an Arab country?
Macdonald is considered as unhealthy in Japan
My name is Mszczuj
Describe your own high school life with a picture
/col/ gran colombia
Can a Dane explain this to me?
Paddy is hungry, paddy is hungry
people roleplaying as countries
Are "latinos" gangs a problem in you country?
Are there any English letters that your countrymen struggle to pronounce?
How common are redheads/gingers in your country?
Mfw Germistani posters lost all credibility because of that one Greek autist spamming with their flag
Man brutally beaten and stripped naked for allegedly snatching woman's handbag
When you walk into a house or an apartment and there's a dedicated space to take off your shoes and coat etc...
1. Your country 2. What's your honest opinion on Poland and Polish people
Cred Forumsernational fap thread
I'm learning how to speak Spanish with a Latin American accent instead of a Castillian one
Over 75% of all denied asylum seekers continue living in Germany
How are apple users considered in your country
German women
I'm a nationalist
Why do Americans smile?
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
Womens of which country are the most slutty?
Which wrist is your watch on?
Why don't Central Asian muslims chimp out?
I fixed the world
/esp/ hilo español
This is Malmö, the most perfect place on earth
When do you plan on getting married?
Japan is 1:00 a.m
Who else is having a true American lunch?
Why do Europeans use , as decimals?
1. Your country
Why do Americans say shit like "I'm 1/16 Scottish"
Hurr Dur, Merica
La violencia
Semitic Nations of Europe
His language doesn't have the letter w
Sweden hate thread
/ita/ - Il Filo
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
You will never be a nigger BLACKING hundreds of le conservative cathohol girls
Are anglos the true god-chosen people? Their success make me think so
Which country is nicer?
Blue - Western Europe
Who in Cred Forums has been in a war
Told my dad that I am gay
There are girls browsing this board right now
/sg/ general. Singapore thread !
What languages do you speak?
Turn on the news
/deutscht/e Seele, frisch wie der Norden-Ausgabe
Post churches from your city
/asean/- getting high edition
Your country
Tell someone from a developed country how much I like his country and how much I would love to live and work there
A migrant is knockout by an extremist french catholic in Paris
What do slavs think of pic related?
Summarize your country in one image
Poor, warmongering, genocidal, obnoxiously agressive, uncivilized...
Tell me trivia of your country
East Asia person
Be Greek
Sverigetråden - Eftermiddagsupplagan
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Poland vs Germany
Why were vikings so uncivillized?
Robots are going to be soon more intelligent than us, how the world will turn ? Will they create countries...
What went wrong?
Why are there tons of koreaboo in western countries?
What is there
Are Scandinavians white?
Do you love Poland?
Mother Earth hates non-Greeks
Australian """cuisine"""
A world without Slavs would be a better one
Your religion
Are you agree with this?
Italy sure has a large economy but why does the country and its people seem so invisible in present day...
Faces of Cred Forums
Which one is the ultimate snownigger country?
Nothing like a British breakfast to kickstart the day
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why did they do it?
Named warsaw
1. Go to YouTube
Insult brits
V4 thread
I kind of want to become American these days actually with the fall of Vancouver
/fr/ - le Fil de la France : Edition de la richesse
Tfw no qt finnish boy to fuck
What do you think about weeaboo?
Dear Japanese
Why is India so irrelevant despite being so big and so full of people ?
Mfw foreign people keep coming up the 'Korean 9cm penis' meme No matter how i tell them that's a lie...
How is eating out alone perceived in your country?
I recently acquired an Italian passport through my mom who was born in Sardinia...
What is the best state/province in you're cunt?
/flag/ - Vlamingen editie
What does this time of the year look like where you live? Just snapped this yesterday
Do you?
You wake up in Lodz,Poland
TFW can't stop looking at black people without thinking of their bbc
ITT countries you LOVE other than your own
So it's agreed?
Is anime popular in your country?
Why do Americans only eat cheese pizza?
How much time until it becomes 1st world?
Are you below or above the average height of your country?
Australian Aboriginals are the most ancient civilization on earth
Kurva anyátok
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
If a group of Muslims living in your country went up to create their own Shariah law in the little town they live in...
Last threads
Feet thread
Celebrity cum tribute thread, post a cum tribute picture of a celebrity you hate but want to fuck
After we die, consciousness must go somewhere, right?
Family fap thread, ill start with my sister
Post ones who make you HARD
Rape thread who want to rape this feminist woman
Hunger Games Thread
Hey Cred Forums, A quick penile angle survey for y'all. With enough data...
Real girls and celebs that deserve to be horny middle School boys sex slaves
Ask an internet Nazi girl anything
FB/insta thread
Roll 50 to win 50 dollers
Yummy tasty juicy lolis
Exposed bread. Post your favorite inspection pictures, websluts, and exposures
What do you think about hippopotamuses?
Celeb thread™
Tributes Continue