How to protect the tropical forests?

How to protect the tropical forests?

by using more renewables
don't worry it makes sense

By trying to invest in th


We need to drop the farce of sustainable large scale exploitation and put indigenous peoples under a rigid legal system that prevents them being corrupted in charge of them, give them guns and federal government assistance to protect these territories.

Kill all chinese

>giving natives guns

well, that's one way to start a civil war

wow, Australian coast has a lot of forest. I thought it was only the northern region.

The best people to defend a place are the people who inhabit it.

We've stuck with supporting the shitty "kick all the locals out to make a national park" and made others suffer fir it.


Colonize other planets

The ones with guns already, the EZLN, are doing a great job protecting their territory from poachers and loggers.

Let's be honest a lot of the Imf and WB has supported mass land evictions and gutting protection of the environment or people alongside kickbacks hidden as aid.

it was the chinese all alongy

lower population growth
stop eating meat

Burn it down. A new forest will rise from the ashes like Phoenix.

Here for Georgian Rainforests

There's,yours or both?

Kill the richfags who still buying them.

The southern parts have a temperate rainforest

Also make more of those big ass spiders for the Amazon so no one will develop on it.

wtf are those islands in the mid atlantic

this 2bh

7 - 1

>Chilean forest


>Map says rainforest
Learn to read.

They won´t try again

>lower population growth
Go to africa and tell them that. The rest of the world is already shrinking.

the azores

Central Thailand
> Forrest LMFAO
Concrete jungle maybe


Genocide shitskins that are destroying them

I dunno


You guys support it though.

>no no it wasn't the Europeans who consumed 99% of world resources 1500-2000