Nuke it

Nuke it


Maybe stop selling guns to cartels america
That may help
Also if you are going to do drugs produce them yourself
Legalize them
Leave our army kill them all like they are already doing and quit bitching about it

sudacas are the trash of the world

fuck spaniards for thinking it was a good idea to fuck the natives instead of killing the savages

Is this the spoopy Halloween thread?

>we borded this 5th world nightmare


Lol spics are worse than ISIS.

Would rather live in Syria than kekxico

>stop selling guns to cartels america
Your cartels get most of their fully auto weapons from china. We get most of our black market ones from china via you.

FFS, you arm one group a little bit years ago and you never get to live it down.

Post more gore dude

t-they didn't skinned him alive, right?


Narcos are indeed subhuman I wish them nothing but death.

Non of you will ever be worthy of life in syria

>Your cartels get most of their fully auto weapons from china.
Kek, if drug gangs in fucking Brazil buy guns in the US, why the same wouldn't happen with Mexico? Every now and then there are shipments being aprehended.

If I pull that off, will you die?

spics aren't even human

Replace the people and culture. It's a failed country

And stop consuming drugs produced in "latin" america, or start producing it yourselves

it would be extremely painful

What about you fat fucks start to grown your own weed?

Saddam pls, no one in their right mind would choose any ME country over Mexico, even with all the problems they have.

Brazil probably use semi auto weapons because they cant afford as much ammo.

Most black market automatic weapons are chinese knockoffs. They are counterfeit guns. A very serious issue desu, that money should be going to honest hard working gun manufacturers.

>It's le evil USA's fault! WE DINDU NUFFIN!!!!

Stop selling guns to those subhumans and never do drugs.

>1% of the population does something terrible
>100% of them have to take the blame for it
Bad meme

We do produce our own drugs the CIA owns the biggest poppy fields in the middle east. We need good honest american drugs for our junkies, why do you think we wanna build a wall?

>It's le evil FAT PEOPLE's fault!
supply and demand Tyrone, Supply and Demand.

I would choose Lebanon tho

Hello Miguel Jorge José Rodriguez.

Jordan, lebanon and Israel would be definite picks over mexico

Stop airing The Simpsons

>Brazil probably use semi auto weapons because they cant afford as much ammo.
Son please, if there is something drug gangs have is money for ammo. The US small arms manufacturers sell guns to anyone with money, there is no need to defend them. When I say there are shipments every now and then being aprehended is because there are, they come directly from the US' ports to Brazilian ones.

Non-sense!, i'd like to visit brazil
Also you have never even seen syria before the war so you would'nt know what it was like.
I lived in syria for 10 years, i still say none of you will ever be worthy of life in syria

no :(

Israel maybe. Lebanon and Jordan? Hell no.

Are you sure you arent getting the knockoff counterfeit chinese ones? Because thats pretty messed up you get the real deal and we are stuck with chinese crap if we want an illicit fully automatic m16

>spic trash blaming lal their problems on the US again


Ask a pureblooded white Ameristud vacationing in Mexico City anything.

Wait, they manage to keep the eyelid on the right eye, but not on the left.

I'm all for spreading fear, but at least be consistent.

Foreign martial law
drug legalization
independent drug manufacture

Why not? There is nothing special going on there and they both have higher HDI.

We don't need your pussy foreign forces
Just stop buying drugs from cartels
I'm sure your greedy corporations would love to have income from drugs

A while ago there was some uproar here in Brazil because the federal police discovered that Taurus sold thousands of small arms to an yemeni trafficker and it was used (or mostly likely exploded on the face of the user, since Taurus is crap) by terrorists.
Big manufactures from any country usually have a steady supply of weapons being sold this way.


Jesus. Kinda scared of Mexico now.

vote trump

if your country wasn't so weak and corrupt you'd be able to deal with your fucking cartels.
you think you're the only country who has ever had to deal with organised crime?

and deal with your own atrocious drug abuse problems first.

people have always done drugs, but it's only since the 70's and 80's that the cartels have been a major player in the US market

With anime

>jus say no xDDDD

You're literally being nancy reagan right now.

Funny plenty of Lebanese have historically chosen Mexico, ever heard of Carlos Slim?

Not posting this shit would help in having something more of a legit discusion

Yes, the cartels use psychological warfare tactics, not just agains their enemies but against authorities and the population, believe me there's incredible war weariness in Mexico over this and Peña was partially elected on the rationale PRI would look the other way and allow the narcos to continue their business uniterrumpted in the shadows. They did to some extent try this, and it did not because of some very complex dynamics which right now conspire the cycle of violence uniterrumpted. Here's the reality tho, all the Mexican governent can really do is containment, corruption simply reaches too high to eradicate its stranglehold on the government, hard man aproaches such as extra judicial killings by the judiciary have more often than not targetted inocent civilians and aggravated the situation by further alienating the population, reform is moving at a snail pace.

You could have roughly similar levels of gruesome violence but get it down enough through increasingly authoritarian methods so that it reaches levels not unlike those of Russia or Argentina (which while very high are not generally perceived as violent societies) which seems to be the government's gamble, still, it only takes a few hundred high profile gruesome cases to retain the appearance of an out of control failed state which as a Mexican citizen I consider not entirely unfortunate, we are looking for real solutions not to band aid the problem.

The dynamic needs to be stopped on the US side, Americans have become at this point dogmatic and myopic enough to believe only a wall will help, which they're welcome to try as long as its not on my money. To believe this problem can be solved without hitting the drug/human trade across the border is beyond idiotic, short term it makes things worse for us CONT

Uh, worthy of life in Syria? Ok Assad, first off no one wants to live in a country that Iraq, that place is fucking cancer. The only part of your shit country I would want to see is Kurdistan because at least they live like civilized humans. I'd rather live in Colombia that Syria, at least there are remnants of human civilization there.

Is he dead?

Who said it had to be our military? We're building a fucking wall for our own good, not yours.

>not mad durka durkas
Fuck off Zyzz.

Sure, please keep thinking like this :)

We love Mexico like a brother but you scare me.

Or maybe I can go to Syria and find some nice cheap hookers now that they're war widows...

You really un ironically believe that?
This bait is getting old or you are just stupid as fuck

where are you vacationing?

Cartels are just a black market militia. Remove anti-drug laws and
1. The cartels lose their money
2. People stop dying from bathtub heroin

as criminals turn to violent cruime against the population once that income stream dries, and we've already seen this phenomenon in some states as cartels rivalries and law enforcements drive some groups out of business, but we can't solve this problem without hitting at the root of it which is on the American side of the border.

To be honest at this point if I was the president I might hit them in such a way as to encourage violence across the border on the hopes this finally moves Americans into action other than blaming their whole fucking mess on us. This is a repeat of Colombia and in a way their success there is what fucked us here.

It's not shifting responsibility, a lot of things have to change here, but it is a realist admision, there's no way the drug trade coiuld be handled by the criminals any other way as their dynamics now only allow the most brutal to survive and the government targetting power struictures for something like a decade has splintered organized crime so much infighting is a near constant.

kek, are you the user that was asking to meet people in here the other night?

>hey kid you wanna buy some drugs?

If you unironically believe it's our fault for wanting drugs, you're dumb as fuck. Blame the con artist, not the customer.


>Hey buddy, spare a cap? I can make it worth your while.

You've got three times the homicide rate but I guess you think you're a more civilized country because the overwhelming majority of the victims get raped rather than having a couple dozen flayed don't you?


>Had a dream last night
>Pope calls a Crusade
>Narco leaders all somehow agree to it and mobilize central and south American gangs
>9 million catholic latino gang members from Mexico and south America invade the Levant
>Use cartel tactics against the Mudslimes

A man can dream.

I can taste the butthurt


I blame many people
Including our stupid government, military is tired of this stupid war, but politics here wont make drugs legal, corruption keeps police forces useless and keeping our armed forces policing the country puts them near all the shit civilian security forces are, I also blame your stupid drug laws, I see no problem in some idiot doing weed or something but why our few good cops, your border agents and our soldiers have to die so that idiot that is going to get high anyway has a """harder""" time finding some weed or shit?

Calle del Acueducto Fuentes Brotantes
San Juan Totoltepec
Naucalpan, Edomex, Mexico

Lmao yes. No bites, so I just accepted that I was fucked until I get home Wednesday. Too bad, I would've loved to see the city's nightlife

That's probably just you putting your fingers in your own butt and then licking them

is he ok?

This hasn't been my country for years lad

not that guy, but it's not entirely your fault.
But you have a problem with drugs, a huge problem with drugs. I bet if you were in the same place as us you would stop doing so many fucking drugs in a heart beat. Or at least solve the problem by making it legal.
People in here doesn't have the need to inject themselves some heroin in the same car as their kid. But people want to make money to get out of poverty even if that means chopping out testicles and bath people in acid.

This shit just boggles my mind. This dude lived till his mid 30's then wound up a pincushine with kitchen knives, and a crowd stands around him. Wtf.

Don't pay attention to him lad.

arent you the aids capitol of the world

Fuck off Texas. You're Mexican clay.

That cannot be real

Looks like some Aztec shit

That's Botswana, but I think the darker types here are a close second.

it's a fantasy