Summarize your country in one image

Summarize your country in one image







i thought this kind of stuff only happened here. Good to know the so called "1st world countries" have similiar situations as well.


>1st world

Belgium is nicer than The Netherlands ťbh

Portugal's infrastructure isn't THAT bad, compared to the rest of Western Europe. Getting there is the main reason we're broke, actually.

The problem is the bureaucracy and slow everything that bogs it down and prevents repairs, so things decay over time and start looking shittier, now that the money is gone.

Belgium is literally a meme country
it's never been a historical region except for when Cæsar just named it Celtica Belgicum something
Vlandern should go to Germany
Wallonia should go to France

ISIS and other groups use the non-existence security in Belgium to trade weapons etc
it's basically anarchy

Drinking is problem

Nice Cred Forums memes there


>Average finnish women




>a country

What does that say earthquake-bro ?

that's not really that big a distance

Unless there's a huge crowd (in which case everybody is forced to be close together because of the lack of space), I'd say that's a pretty normal distance where I live.

Not like that "waiting for the bus like a Swede" pic where they're literally 3 meters apart from each other.

Vos panneaux sont pas tout à fait comme chez-nous, Jean-Yves.

maybe they're waiting for different buses and know where exactly it stops



I actually find that really comfy, it's hard to live in a 15mln+ city :c

"I was in the metro and it was super packed for a change D: After a few stations I got off and something touched my ass and it felt sticky, I went to the bathroom and to look and there was this ;-; how could you be such an asshole, cunt ;-; I hate them all"

wtf i love chile now

I know that feel.

Sometimes I think I wanna live in Finland but then I remember the autism