What the fuck happens here?

What the fuck happens here?

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death of stars

1.Your cunt
2.Are black holes considered white ?

Another way of killing earth, get cucked by pulsar radiation.

Only the science guy in wheelchair knows.


Beautiful Quasar desu

Looks like your mum is about to swallow something.

God farting.

Argentine capital

Hyperdimensional libraries or sum shiz

literlaly my dick entering ur moms vagoo LMAO NERD

actually knowing what the Argentine capital is/using the name would've contributed to the joke imho

I know that it's Buenos Aries, but you have to cater to the lowest common denominator on Cred Forums

>black holes are so dense that they fill space that isn't even in our dimension

>but you have to cater to the lowest common denominator on Cred Forums




Planets get hammered by Mилeнкo Heдeлкoвcки


Black holes are fascinating

>someone watches you cross the event horizon
>do not disappear immediately, but instead appear frozen in space until your remaining light redshifts into nothingness

something completely dark. you cant see anything there, only can get spaghetti'd once get into an event horizon and lose any light

Compression of matter into an infinitely dense aggregate state

daily reminder that even though your science got forward in the past century, these "objects" reminds us we still know nothing at all.

It isn't even that.
>going into a black hole
>assuming you stay conscious, you never actually cross the event horizon and eventually become suspended forever right on the edge of it

Is there some new theory that disproves the black hole as a gravity well or something? Sounds like malarkey

No, what would happen is time dilates so much that at some point one second for you is billions of years for the rest of the universe. Basically you'd look away from the black hole and see the entire remaining life of the universe flash by before it ends, likely ending you and the black hole with it.

I read somewhere that you'd see the entire history of the universe flash before your eyes too since black holes tend to be extremely ancient and basically trap all light eventually

Naruto VS. Sasuke

is where ur mum lives :DDDDDD

Once you are past the Even Horizon, only Death awaits you.


Not at all. Once you are in free fall in a trajectory towards the black hole, you don't think anything odd about the black hole at all. For you to witness the end of the universe, you will have to avoid the singularity for ever and that requires power to keep accelerating away from it or find a stable orbit inside the event horizon. You would see some shit weirder than LSD because of the messed up trajectories of light, though.

See and other Susskind lectures.

>No person has ever seen a black hole only artist renderings

honorary but not literally

Once in the black hole you cant avoid the singularity. All paths lead to it.

I know what you mean brother

So what happens inside a black hole? Where does all the matter go?

I would combine my matter with that blackhole

>what did he mean by this?

I would let her singularity in her black hole stretch me out until I become cum with her

>cum with her
no-one has ever done that


a black hole isn't an actual hole, its a star so extremely massive and dense that even light cannot escape it
nothing would happen inside it, like a neutron star the atoms or particles would be so dense they are locked in place and do not move


Not quite.

It is the matter from collapsed star, a black hole isnt a star anymore, it is a very large star that has collapsed into a small area.

Nobody knows what happens in a singularity.