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International #655
You wake up in pic related,Poland
Claim your waifu
Multiculturalism doesn't work
How healthy your country diet is?
Wake up, this is the current world order
ITT post your face when you see a white person in your country
Which nationality from Cred Forums would you like to fight ?
I'm fluent in both, where should I move
Is this the endgame of murrikan race?
His country is a part of NATO
What happens in moldova?
You wake up in the Umayyad Caliphate
Does your country have a geopolitics guru? B
You're out in the Thai countryside all lone
How do you people even get laid?
Portugal, Italy, Greece
I'm an Irishman who's desperate to hear what New York City is like
I love you, Lithuania
Why does Cred Forums likes Chile so much?
How comfy is life in Argentina i would like to move there
Any Western Ukrainians here?
You're cunt
Eye thread
Why are we so ugly?
How to protect the tropical forests?
Your cunt
Kurva anyátok
/fr/ - Le Fil Français
North American Union when
Mfw foreigner answers me using vocaroo and i hear his funny accent
The best part about North America are towns such as this
Once you see past their tryhard kawai attitude you'll notice japs are fucking autistic
/carib/ - JUST edition
Post pictures of beautiful cities from your neighbouring country
Dat first meal of the day
/cum/ - Canadia, U S AYY, Meheeco
Which do you like?
Please, teach me curse words in your language
"Paris? It's my hometown I'll guide you around Paris."
Fuck you
Latin america
All confirmed Civ 6 leaders so far
Why do americans
Do you want to move abroad int? If yes, than where?
What if life is actually better in the USA?
Dalai Lama will visit my country this month
Culture pals - /cp/
Are you member of your country's alternative culture scene?
Mfw we evolved from monkeys
Would you fuck a Finnish woman despite them all being bitchy sluts with no damn personality whatsoever?
Mfw i have chosen my gf based on how much she resembles my favorite anime character
1 - Cunt
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
/isr/ - /ישר/ - Israel Thread
1 what's the name of your country
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Which nationalities/people are the most hated worldwide? And all countries reject them?
How you imagine your country in future?
1. Your cunt
You will never be Finnish
Americans call the police on their teenagers drinking and having parties
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Reminder if you're not catholic you're not going to heaven
/fr/ - Fil de la France
Show me proof that you are not a women
This triggers the jew
Holy shit guys!!!
HINT 1: Europe
Post your bad fatty meal that you loves so much
The golden age of Europe is over
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/fr/ - Le fil francophone et francophile
So I heard that Japan payed a lot of money to Korean comfort women
Brand New 2016 Fertility Rates
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
I was shopping this afternoon in Paris, I bought food. In the store I saw a very manlet brown guy. He had to be 1m60...
I was on webcam with two Israeli girls then I heard loud bang and last thing I heard was them shouting "OH MY GOD...
Wake up
I will always be a balding manlet euromutt. I will never have a german gf. pls kill me
Tfw 1.64
Dear Friends
What does Cred Forums think of Georgia?
W-was that really necessary? Weren't children there? Why punish innocent victims for the crimes of their government?
What's your country national fighting sport?
/hell/ /gr/
Is it true half of Polish/Czech cities were built by Germans?
What is the
Yellow countries pls explain yourselves
Have you ever met an Brazilian in real life?
What is it about trams which makes them so comfy?
You are always talking about us Japanese slut girls
Are Slavs white?
Which of the Big Four is the most powerful?
Why do zainichi keep paraciting in Japan?
If you had to live in one state which one would it be?
MeNa (Middle Eastern & North African) qts :3
Poland gets bantered
USA adding racial category for Middle Eastern, North African
Denmark has allowed child brides, but only for muslims
Hey Americans, are mixed couples (black and white) considered normal in your country?
Hey Europeans, is this accurate?
ITT:We strangely speak well of Poland and Polish to make them blush to death
Sverigetråden - Lördagsupplagan
How did Mediterraneans become so lazy and useless they are basically nigger tier. They had such great civilizations...
What is the correlation between skin melanin content and neuronal synapses in a human?
How do you view your neighbors?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Are japanese girls nice?
Bosnian niqab-wearing politician seeks office to ‘reduce prejudice’ & help poor
30‰ female
What's the name of your country
Guess this Finnish woman's ethnicity
/balt/ vs /ausnz/
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
Japanese please behave
/fr/ - LE fil francophone
What is Europe really like? When you're a young kid in america it's basically thought of as fairy tale land
Is Japan a nice place???
Been lifting for 3 years
Please talk to me I'm so lonely
Name one thing you dislike about your country
In this thread we ask other cunts about forgiveness for past doings
Tfw most bullied nation on Cred Forums
Just how the FUCK am I supposed to get a gf again?
How many guys do you think fucked her in the olympic village? would she get the gold in being a whore?
SUN countries
Poland vs Estonia
How do you say happy birthday?
He fell for the italy is paradise meme
V4 HRV edicija
Fenno-russian alliance
I want Australians in my thread
German in Turkey here
/ita/ - il filo
All of the real countries build a big impressive thing to show how awesome they are
If someone says "I love America" do people in your country automatically assume they're losers or do they assume...
Goodmorning Cred Forums
You wake up in Lodz,Poland
Psycho killer Canadian
Kurva anyátok
Anyone who posts with an American flag here and identifies as anything other than American: Fucking STOP
Have you ever kissed a person from a foreign country?
What is your unironic opinion on Canadian posters?
Pros & Cons of your Cunt
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
Let me explain why Japanese scorn Chinese and Korean
Reminder: "countries" where dogs are eaten should be nuked ASAP
If someone says "I love japan" do people in your country automatically assume they're losers?
You get 20 million and fluency where do you go?
Go university in Ontario
Your son gets back from university
I could pass as a local in your country?
Ur cunt
Why don't we just like... get rid of borders?
/Nachtschicht/ bald wieder /deutsch/
ITT: Places you want to go to but can't due to a language barrier
Visit Japan, please
Hilo latino
I've seen video about east hustings on tv:
What country is the most unrecognizable from what it was in 1900?
You wake up in Medellin, Colombia
How to make Japan learn English?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Post you're forecast
I wake up in England
How do you deal with the soul-crushing fact that you will never be an Ohioan?
Your country
1. your cunt
In 1687, the Parthenon was extensively damaged in the greatest catastrophe to befall it in its long history...
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
You wake up in a rural town in Poland
Polandball thread
Iceland can see you from here
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
2016 will end soon
Russian is here. Any questions?
What happens here?
Who is the Mexico of your cunt?
/nachtschicht/ tagsüber wieder /deutsch/
Wtf I hate China now!
Any natives on this board (Aztecs, Abbos, Indians, etc)? European Caucasians don't apply
Lives in a country with legal prostitution
Why are brown eyed women superior?
You will never be Finnish
/NORGETRÅDEN/ - fokk bursdaghatter utgaven
Let's settle this once and for all - what cuisine do you prefer, Mexican or Italian?
Tea vs Coffee
/hell/ /gr/
Where are the hottest women on Earth? Can Argentina compete?
ITT: shit your countrymen do that pisses you off
Find something wrong
/fr/ - Le fil de la France éternelle
Your national costumes
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
Are there any Asatru/Odinist followers on /int? specifically in northern Europe? If not then why?
The next Imperial I see, is dead
Italians are just well dressed mexicans
Be Australina
Biking through the city at night
Are americans completly irresponsible ? Why americans parents let their children to go in Mexico during Spring Break ?
Iceland is the best country, because it is full of ice!
Why are Asian countries so straight-edge?
What are German women like Cred Forums?
Google streetview game
Polish women strike to protest abortion ban
Portuguese "women"
Post average girls from your country
Why are americans so fucking stupid?
Is drinking in public legal in your country? Im surprised that in most countries it is legal...
FACT: Filipinos are the most powerful race in the world
What does Cred Forums think of this country?
Can we have a chile thread ?
/ausnz/ plus /balt/
Your country
ITT we learn about Slavic culture
Cred Forums に日本人はいるのか
This is triggers the Burger
This is the map of Europe in future
Russian diaspora
You can not deny the fact that EU superstate is better than US
/fr/ - Fil de la France
How can I says I love you in your language?
1. Your country
Non-latins posting simpson memes and calling us chicanos
Russian anons
Chinese points-based visa scheme:
Nuke Scandinavia
How common is Incest in your country? what the people think about it?
You must move to a Muslim country, and not a meme one. Wher do you go?
Tfw too intelligent for a gf
How do Latin American countries and in particular Mexico portray Donald Trump in the news?
Stepsister just sent me this wtf
Would you kiss her feet or rather be beheaded?
Wiping around the globe
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Eu falo um pouco de portuguese. Muito um pouco! Eu acho ~150 words. E verdadeiro!
Where is this country from the awful video?
/Who Mixed Here/
Kurva anyátok
Did your country fall for the dairy meme?
Which country has the best beer, and why is it the United States of America?
Am I the only girl on this board?
Doesn't go to sauna
I just want a country I can be patriotic about
/bunt/ ehemals /deutsch/
Name a country that betrayed your trust
Why are thai girls so hot?
Men came to America in search of what we all really desire...
I wish I was born Israeli
Say what you know about one before post's country
Post your national dish
You're cunt
Sverigetråden - Fredagsfest
Appreciation thread for the whitest country of the world
Normie Thread
Whats it like living in russia? share stories please
Kyrgyz are mongol
Boipussy union
Why is British cuisine god tier?
USA - The Greatest Country
The Japanese Empire committed horrible war crimes in the past
What's up with this dude?
/NORGETRÅDEN/ - Bæsjutgaven
Cred Forums can post any female that best represents their country's women. who do you post?
His country's money can't do this
ITT: Post the time you wake up and the time you go to bed on average
Culture Pals /cp/ General
What does Cred Forums think of this country ?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Have your country fell to a EDM meme?
English "diversity"
Talking to german girl
Great cuisine and shitty people
Is Italy a relevant country ?
I cant pronounce "world"
Why do we not have any culture?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
What do you think of your countries capital?
1. your country
Tfw had to stand all the way on the bus today because there was already a person on each row
/fr/ - Le fil de la francophonie francophile
Sverigetråden - Fredagsmys
Why are there so many gays on Cred Forums? Go back to /lgbt/ queers
Are Chechens European/white?
/latin/ - Romance thread
Rte my version of Europe continent
Estonia bullying thread
Mfw when all the nice and colourful flags of Europe will soon be replaced by the EU flag in a few years when the EU...
Fuck all goyim
Things you dislike about your country
1. Your cunt's name in your national language
There is not better architecture than Dutch architecture, exterior and interior. And I say this as a German...
1. Country 2. Does egg belong to a pizza in your country?
Time for a poll on something that truly matters, Cred Forums
What is favorite insulting term for your country?
France isn't white
1.your height
So this is what mixing a slav with swede looks like, wow
Meanwhile in Italy
Nah but seriously why don't you live here
What country does your country hate the most?
Ur cunt
TFW no gf
Thats what you deserve when you are white
You will never be Finnish
Why do blacks have bigger dicks than whites and azns?
Some countries dont eat porks
If you support Trump in your country, what happens to you?
Name a more useless ally than Italy was for the Axis. Germany did nothing but bail them out...
Do the French want this clay back?
1. Your country
When i first traveled to europe i just hoped to meet and have some night fun with local girls but only local gay guys...
SEA is probably bigger than Europe
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why do slavs do this?
How do we fix Europe?
You're country
Post best food from your country
Why does this image board have a disproportionate number of Portuguese people compared to their world population?
Why are geisha a thing
How harsh is westernization in your country, int? In Russia it's pretty severe, and I am really tired of it...
Estonian ""rap"" music
Looking at Google Earth because I have a curious mind
Be slavshit
'Th' sound to vanish from English language by 2066 because of multiculturalism, say linguists
Live in the funnest country in the world
Only one chance at life
Belarus is russia's canada
Positive impacts of multiculturism
Tfw depressive
Are you willing to wear this meme beanie? it's only $9. but i don't know if i should buy this one...
Modern day Americans
Languages that shouldn't exist
Everywhere you go, Cred Forums is everywhere
European ethnic groups in the US
Kurva anyátok
Enter Wal-Mart
Tell me about Siberians
Which European country should I visit to maximize my chances of having casual sex?
Im sorry for being brazilian
What is the most dangerous animal in your country?
Why is California so fucking stupid?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
"The big difference between America and Europe is that in America, when you see a guy riding around in a limousine...
Post your country's folk songs
TFW listening to porn while doing cardio at the gym
Do you like Thailand?
You wake up in Warsaw
Wtf i hate spics now
Post pics of your town/city
They are a disgrace for the independent mainland. Even Africa is fully independent
Is it social suicicde to not have a car in your country? or where you live specifically?
Why are white Americans so good looking? My theory is it's the natural selection of ambition and genetic diversity...
What do you think about this country?
Why are the japanese such pussies?
What's it like to be from California?
Is white genocide real? No troll, just asking
ITT: Dead memes
Post countries where you automatically think of a white person when you see the flag
1: your country
All confirmed leaders of Civ 6 so far
Is eating ass acceptable behavior in your culture ?
Why don't Koreans, Chinese and Japanese get along? They're all basically the same people
Why is this so amazing?
How many languages can you speak?
Translate the phrase 'Gosh user, you're such a loser" to your language
This is a 10/10 in Finland
Guess what this map shows
Which country is the gayest on Cred Forums?
Are Slavs white?
Attitude towards countries thread
The Epitome of Humankind
Why is everyone so fat?? how do we stop fatness?
Where should i travel for good food
I lik spin do you lik
I-I don't even like you! Why don't you learn to use toilets? B-baka!
What stage of population growth is your country in Cred Forums?
Why you don't have Japanese girlfriend?
American "food"
The more intelligent the population the more cucked it's people. Swedes are more cucked than Dutch, English, Danish...
Last photo to prove that she is my ex
Your country
1. You are cunt
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
/deutsch/ /nachtschicht/
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
Why new worlders fags and slavic fags don't like hair on pussy ? It's much more attractive and sexy
Russbros, you do realize you only have a few months to get the hell out of Russia, right?
/ita/ il filo
Wake up
"user let's play some video games!"
Random needle attacks in Kiev, Ukraine
Which country brews the best beer, and why is it the United States of America? Honorable mentions to Belgium and Russia
Why do Soviet grills look so much better than Russian girls?
Post users from your general
What is the master race of food and why is it Indian?
/esp/ edicion forofgold cree que no somos de fiar
Is the USA in terminal decline?
Are any countries really ready for women drivers?
If you are having a bad day remember that Icealnd is cheering for you
Search for "*your nationals* are" on google in your native language and post results. Czech results here
Whats the purpose of life when you are 1.64, i wanna be at least 1.70 like messi or 1.74 like neymar
How do you call this in English???
Why don't you have a gf?
Koreans love spicy
Poland ball thread
Who has better food
1. Cunt
Blue= real countries
How does it feel to speak and think in our language on a daily basis by virtue of posting on Cred Forums?
Do American really say "daddy" and "baby" during sex?
"Hey user do you want to study for the geography test with me tomorrow?"
When you're American and you know that people will flee North if things got scary
/esp/ viernes noche
I wish I were British, I really do
Why are finnish women such sluts?
Do Europeans blame the US for refugees or has Angela Merkel accepted responsibility?
Wher is spen???
/fr/ - le francofil
Sverigetråden - För Svenskar I Tiden
For the world being so flawed and shit...
Post your most Finnish picture
Name one (1) country
Has your country ever had a redpilled leader?
Estonian ""rap"" music
Chinese birth numbers already are 7% above the 2015 total as of September 1st...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Post your internet speed
Why do Germans hate America?
Why is this "country" allowed to exist?
Kids in the UK are taught about hate crime at school
Have you ever seen an interracial gay couple in your country?
Tfw poland is the only country where rape from females on males is real
What the fuck happens here?
What is your hobby Cred Forums? When every one else goes to play ice hockey...
Volkswagen putting defeat devices to cheat and lie about the emissions of 11 million vehicles
Would you like to move to Mars, int?
In America the Jeep Wrangler is marketed towards women as its popular for young women to drive these
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Show me your military's recruitment commercials, Cred Forums
Sverigetråden - TGSNT
Also what does pic related say?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
What is your cunt's president/PM official car?
Itt: post your cunts native wildlife
Mfw it literally doesn't matter what you say to me, because I have a home in israel that I can always go back to
Guess the country based on the boobs
Is it true that Americans can't read or write cursive?
Could i pass as a local in ur cunt? (i'm the guy wearing in grey)
Whats it like to be American?
Kurva anyátok
War Sim
Is aids a problem in your country?
John F...
What does the average person in your country eat for breakfast?
Forgotten days
Today I talk to Spanish person
/fr/ - le fil des /fr/ancophones
Is this look gay in your country?
How hard is it to move to south America? What country is the best...
Am i white (skin)?
/ita/ il filo - Tomoko edition
Polski anons of Cred Forums, recommend me some good Polish movies (preferably not black and white ones)...
Last threads
Feet thread
Celebrity cum tribute thread, post a cum tribute picture of a celebrity you hate but want to fuck
After we die, consciousness must go somewhere, right?
Family fap thread, ill start with my sister
Post ones who make you HARD
Rape thread who want to rape this feminist woman
Hunger Games Thread
Hey Cred Forums, A quick penile angle survey for y'all. With enough data...
Real girls and celebs that deserve to be horny middle School boys sex slaves
Ask an internet Nazi girl anything
FB/insta thread
Roll 50 to win 50 dollers
Yummy tasty juicy lolis
Exposed bread. Post your favorite inspection pictures, websluts, and exposures
What do you think about hippopotamuses?
Celeb thread™
Tributes Continue