I just want a country I can be patriotic about

I just want a country I can be patriotic about.

It doesn't feel like Canada is really for me anymore.

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>tfw to intelligent to be proud of a bunch of lines drawn on a map


Why are you in BC?

>Colombian in British Columbia

don't see anything wrong with that m8

good goy

Why? Patriotism is for the slaves.


t. self hating russian liberal that would sell his mother for a US visa

What? I do not hate myself.

This is sage advice you won't get on Cred Forums, but I'll give it to you anyway...

Countries are an artificial construct.

Feel lucky you were in one of those fake things that was was retarded enough to give you a comfortable life.

Now, move wherever the fuck you want with that bullshit passport and credentials.

Canada sucks because it's full of Canadians. The people create the country and that's why America is so much better because Americans are superior ubermentsch. I know it hurts me too...

>Paki detected

So which third world shithole did you come from to invade my country?

We have a lot to be proud of as a nation, honestly. Take the syrup pill. Don't let the leftards kill us with their manufactured bullshit.



Isn't Canada full of sandnegers?

t. weeblord who probably is a failure NEET

a gay slav immigrant that hates the concept of canadian nationalism

canada is full of subhuman anglos and frogs and America is full of Germanic Aryans... It eats away at me everyday...

I knew you were a Paki. Go back to your shithole and leave. Countries are artificial to you since you don't belong here.

You have lots to be proud of.

Kids in the Hall

Red Green


Why, Poo-in-the-loo... silly!?!

Not really, I was from Middle-East.

I admit, Israelies are almost as dull as most Anglo-Canadians.. but not enough that I am ashamed.

Go figure,.

Anglo Canadians walk around with this smug, passive-aggresive "our shit don't stink" attitude because they're fucking retards that bought into the plastic, airport gift-shop tier sentiment that we are "Bastion of world peace and successful multicultralism : the nation ™" A resurgence in right-wing politics would change things, but you guys that complain about Canadians all day are mostly lefties and immigrants. So, pick your poison, Muhammad. Do you want to see a Canadian Trump as our next PM? I thought not.

I'm right wing though.

And yes I do.

Sold it for visa to Polen.

>I'm a patriot

contribute to the change then

Dude, nice sword!