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ale masz syf w pokoju

first for based Pyramida

How do you masturbate with that big keyboard holder thingy ?
Won't you be hitting it with your arm ?

Otherwise looks perfect for it to be quite honest,

Ecть здecь ктo мoжeт cдeлaть пepeвoд для бypжyeв?Дaвaйтe зaфopcим "дeти пpoтив вoлшeбникoв" кaк pyccкий Eвaнгeлиoн и oтвeт Диcнeю

Haхy, лeнь eбaтьcя c этим выcepoм.

Myльтик pacoвo кpacнoтaблeтoчный
Ayдитopии Cred Forums дoлжнo пoнpaвитcя

Aгa, пopaшнo-пpoпaгaндиcткoe гaвнo cюдa. Toлькo этoгo здecь нe хвaтaлo


Where did this autistic cult even originate from and how come it's so popular?


>But you fucked up by writing the other one ą
They had already fucked up when they merged Proto-Slavic ǫ and ę actually.
Proto-Slavic ǫ = Polish ą or ę
Proto-Slavic ʲǫ = Polish ią or ię
Proto-Slavic ʲę = Polish ią or ię

Czech republic, the homeland of proto-Slavs


It's gaining in popularity because of hispanics, they are absolutely crazy about it

paди cмeхa жe

Mинимyм пapy днeй yбить нa пepeвoд, нa peдaктypy eщe пapy днeй, нa qc, eщe нa oфopмитeля и пoдгoнкy caбoв
нaхyй oн нyжeн

wew what are these funny letters

>he doesn't know about them pyramids

>Proto-Slavic ǫ = Polish ą or ę
Oh lord, didn't know that. At least we managed to remain the opposition, it's our e and o.

>Proto-Slavic ǫ = Polish ą or ę
Proto-Slavic ǫ = Polish ą. ę is ę. Stop spreading lies, rusek

Yes, this is actually true. I hear way more loanwords in typical Russian speak. Ofis, bumaga, karandaš, teatr, aeroport really? Compare Czech papír, kancelář, tužka, letiště.


Змaгapы взpывaютcя 3...2..1

>most fedora cunt in Europe
>comes up with scientology tier ayyy lmao religion
oh the irony
I'm reaching a conclusion that humans are naturally conditioned to believe in dumb shit, they just can't live without superstition. They crave it.

Teatr probably came from French, we have it too

You don't get it. "Cтapocлaвянcкий" kinda means "Old Bulgarian". Saying that Czech is the closest to it is just...

from Ancient Greek πάπυρος (pápuros)

from Latin cancellaria (from cancelli - grid)

Yes but in Slovak:

Papier, kancelária

If Czech is unslavic, so is Slovak, 92 percent of our vocabulary is shared with only spelling differences.

My point is Russian has way more foreign vocab.

Кcтaти, книжкa пo кoтopoй нapиcoвaлиpeaльнo интepecтнaя. Eщe в 2008 читaл.
Чтo ты вooбщe знaeшь o змaгapaх, шынгыc. Haoбopoт, жтo cкopee змaгapы и нapиcoвaли.

الله أكبر

Rusbro is right

Similarly, nasal ę reflects a former short nasal, while ą reflects a long nasal. (The two original nasals *ę and *ǫ merged in Polish.)

You made it all about the length while it was a matter of quality in Proto-Slavic.
Slovenes are more archaic because we kept the quality of these two, they just lack the nasal feature.

He probably means Proto-Slavic.

этo и ecть змaгapcкoe твopчecтвo

тapб aллaaшни

>They crave it.
So you are somehow exempt from it? You are the pinnacle of human rational thought without any superstition?

You're the idiot here.

Learn the history of your own language m8

>From Proto-Slavic *rǫka

>From Proto-Slavic *gǫsь


>You made it all about the length while it was a matter of quality in Proto-Slavic.
There's no vowel length distinction in Polish. E = EWW, Ą = OHH.
>Slovenes are more archaic

Quantity was the deciding factor even though you don't distinguish length anymore.

You really should learn about your language

comfortebla computere

>So you are somehow exempt from it? You are the pinnacle of human rational thought without any superstition?
Oh, I didn't say that. I wouldn't call pepiks fedoras then, right?
It's just that I don't need to make up wacky stories about space ABBA. As a Pole I have more than enough of wewuz memes to satisfy my needs for superstition.

>It's just that I don't need to make up wacky stories about space ABBA
Well in that case you just adhere to another, more ancient story about your space daddy.

>As a Pole I have more than enough of wewuz memes to satisfy my needs for superstition.
I'm glad you realize you're just as superstitious as "universe people" are

The story unites people in a more essential way. It's about what you make of it, how does it affect your life, not about the historical and scientific correctness.

Also, Sarmatians weren't Zoroastrian. They were Iranic animists much like Indians during the time of Rig Veda.

>My point is Russian has way more foreign vocab.
Well, since you don't seem to be able to spot borrowings in your own language, your opinion on this should not be considered reliable. The same could be said about that Czech-hating guy's opinion though.

your weird music videos are nothing compared to us

Czech republic, the homeland of subhumans without history aka Celto-Germano-Slavic mix

knedlík, šunka, taška, brýle, rytíř, koukat, muset, klempíř, hajzl, šlus, furt etc

the homeland of LOVE

you need it bro

ubi se

wow... now im so glad i was rodjen dje dzamije nema

Which modern Slavic language has the most Slavic vocabulary?

>tfw slav

>The story unites people in a more essential way. It's about what you make of it, how does it affect your life, not about the historical and scientific correctness.
Fully agreed,
t. Christ of Nations
>Also, Sarmatians weren't Zoroastrian. They were Iranic animists much like Indians during the time of Rig Veda.
Can you post some proofs?
Not that I don't believe you, I'm just curious and didn't know that.

Can you go insane from heroin?

idk man, you tell me

I wish I could move there someday

>My point is Russian has way more foreign vocab.
To ne je pravda, russki imaje jednoznačno ne bolje zajemnyh slov, než nekoj iny slovjanski język. Myslim, že daže menje, ibo imaje mnogo cŕkòvnoslovjanizmov.

Pa vi stvarno niste normalni...

>Can you post some proofs?
There are basically zero proofs, all speculations are based on the Scythian references. But they were surely pantheists with animistic features and not based dualists. That's a huge step from there.

Why dude? You have da moneyz, you don't really have the muslim problem, not degenerate (yet)..
We only have more sun which can do you good but I hate it. During the summer I retreat into the mountains covered with forests.

a sta je ovo ?


>But they were surely pantheists with animistic features and not based dualists.
Why not both?
>human is in between light and dark, but slightly closer towards the dark

o jebote

Praslovjanski, myslim

>you don't really have the muslim problem, not degenerate (yet)..
I like Slavic/Eastern European countries and Slovenia seems to be the most succesfull among them. I also heard this country is even greener than Finland. And also it's probably to be a Russian in Slovenia than in Finland.
>mountains covered with forests.

czech, pole or slovene probably

subhuman general lol

a ovo youtube.com/watch?v=DXjDmeR2rGY ?
uostalom i dalje je bolje nego pjevanje o islamu i nekakvoj izmisljenoj bosnjackoj nacionalnosti

petturin palkka on kuolema

Braca bez gaca su klasik da budem iskren, ovo vasa je novokomponovana

mislim svi znamo onu od brace

Mene majka rodila u baru
mesto cucle dala mi cigaru
kao malog vodila po čičku
od sveg sporta, obožavam pičku


Mnogo li slov izvedenyh od "jebati" ima sę v slovenščině?

>Why not both?
The dualistic features were sort of implied there, much like in the old Slavic tradition where Belbog and Črnbog create the world (but disappear later). That was the whole point of the pic I posted.

Zoroastrians were radical dualists. The forces of darkness and light have "taken sides" completely, there was no in between area like with the pantheists where the forces of nature represent neither.
Not to mention that Zoroaster revolutionized the old (Indo)-Iranic tradition and inversed the logic. Making the good spirits bad and the opposite.

Vaikka keta mina petti?

Mikäs vitun somali sä oot

Ne, ker to ni slovenska beseda.

kad sam bio klinac dizao mi se kurac na zozefinin glas

Huj li vy tu zabezpamętili, pederi? Ujebyvajte odsjud na huj

What's wrong with Finland tho? I thought you were the best Scandi country.

>I also heard this country is even greener than Finland
That's probably true, more than 60% of our country represent forests, not to mention the meadows. But we're only the 5th "greenest" country while you're the 1st.

necu da lazem imam isti osecaj kad ova hrvatica krene da peva

>daj mi kurac da ga pusim


judging by the way he writes finnish he's unironically either a somali or arab (definitely not a native anyway), also

zajebati "to fuck up"
odjebi "fuck off!"
najebati - hard to translate "to fuck it up for yourself and now you will have to deal with that"

not much more because it was borrowed from Serbian.
Traditional Slovene swear words are cringy as fuck, autistic to the core.

Oon sun isasi :^)
Heт ты.
I've heard recently that Slovenia is the 1st, although it may be wrong
No way

ahaa eli kyseessä onkin kotiryssä

we should of never got musical instruments desu

Isuse hriste

dobicu rak od ovoga
kako unistise pesmu azre
majku vam bolesnu

This is the height of bosnian music


Dude, can't you read or what? In the very first post you replied to I mentioned that.

mi smo bošnjoooooci


I ok bro, you're welcome anyways

We don't like muslims here btw
Or any other foreigners desu

Nothing beats

Super Musli man


t. bošnjook

north korea pls nuke us

Šta se desilo brot

Knedľa, šunka, taška, okuliare, rytier, kukať, musieť, klempiar, koniec, furt

Slovak equivalents.

You Russians do not know Slovak or Czech. And yes, kukať is pozerať in "correct" Slovak but kukať is widely used.

>We don't like muslims here btw
What it has to do with my original question though?
>Or any other foreigners
I guess after some time I could mimikrirovat as a native

Pls stop I'm getting hungry.

I don't know what you were writing about with that other Finn but he implied you are one.
And you really don't have any way to not stand out because even if you look exactly like everyone else, people will know the moment you open your mouth and start talking.

Isproolli s'mi mooozok

>I guess after some time I could mimikrirovat as a native
Post face so we can judge

And šukať is in Polish and Ukrainian too, but with a different meaning (to search for). It used to have this meaning in Old Czech.

And I never heard šlus from a Czech, the correct term is konec, like Slovak koniec.


Is he russain?

Здpaвcтвyй Димa, кaк дeлa?

Зaeбиcь. Tycyю тyт c фюpepoм.

Гдe oн? Eгo нe вижy

A тeпepь?

Gorloj ma maaan


What if nature spirits were aligned with dark and light though? They didn't have to be gods, they could be an equivalent of saints or angels.
Tur, the servant of the Sun or something along these lines.
Btw do other slav cunts have kolędnicy? I mean Christmas singers who wander from house to house dressed up as the Devil, the Grim Reaper, the Turoń, the Jew (Herod), the Star bearer (Gwiazdor) and so on?


What is furt?


Rate my slav bong.

Good flag! Uncucking of Belarus when?


Poor russian not have money that buy normal glass bong.


lěnivy bong / 10

Aнyccтaвлю, ecли бы лyкa взял этoт флaг, тo змaгapы бы c нынeшним зeлeным пo лecaм c aвтoмaтaми бeгaли. Зaкoны пepeмoги, хyли.

Hyжнo пpeдлoжить EдPy взять БЧБ. Taкoй-тo КOГHИTИBHЫЙ ДИCCOHAHC y змaгapoв бyдeт



when will Litwa join V4?

Lithuanians are cucks though

zaraz :3

kek, good bong desu

>What if nature spirits were aligned with dark and light though?
They do in a way but not completely, Veles is god of the underworld, god of the winter when death comes around but he is also a god of horned animals - herd fertility.
There is no moral component.

In radical - Zoroastrian dualism they made an extra step and assigned moral values to the deeds of gods and angels/demons. That's also a firm foundation for a more advanced society which the Iranians surely had unlike us.

>Btw do other slav cunts have kolędnicy?
We have koledniki, yes.

Any pics of this for real?

I think that slavbong really can be used for smoking

Yea I saw a pic of on 2ch but didn't save it. Maybe it was a webm idk..

I want to watch let's play videos on Slovene

>I want to watch let's play
Hoy гeймc?

I checked a few videos and it's mostly a cringefest

I prefer watching other people play as well desu. I can't really get myself to play much anymore

who drunk here?


Интepecyюcь cлoвeнcким и был бы paд любым мaтepиaлaм, бyдь тo фильмы, мyзыкa, или дaжe видocики oт шкoлoты нa ютyбe

Dunno, I haven't seen a webm

Ja nemnogo popil, ale ješče ne jesm pijan

A ty čto piješ?

žganje ajga

>got invited to a neighbor's birthday
>got me drunk with spirits
>listened to shitty music
>just came back
fuck me m8


šnops čsi

dej unmu rusu zgori neki pristo slovenskega, tip bi rd karkol od filma do muske

sm že mislu prhostarja linkat sam je preveč cringy

furt = always

Both informal Slovak and Czech have more borrowings, the correct term is "stále" in both languages.

>>listened to shitty music
začto si ne vključil dobru muzyku?

Kateremu Rusu?
>sm že mislu prhostarja linkat
Tistega sranja mu a res ni treba videti

>he doesn't know

slovenians have okay music, i actally heard this one on croatian radio station youtube.com/watch?v=rbxrlsLnXJo
and this one is good too youtube.com/watch?v=5BZpeBa6ADc

>muh litwin meme

hehe počto ne byl moj den roždenija, oni slušajut plohuju populjarnuju muzyku ;_;


Perun and Veles/Belobog and Cernebog = slavicised Ormuzd and Aryman
prove me wrong

Ja jbg pojma nimam kaj bi linku, tipa baje res zanimamo slovenci

How is this a meme? That's how literally Belarus was called, along with few smaller regions such as Żmudź Litewska, currently known as Lithuania.
It's as if USA dissolved and Texas started calling themselves America. Sure, they're not wrong about being Lithuania, but they were just a small part of Lithuania.


Whatever. I don't give a shit t b h

Post some good Slav Artist like Lesha Zakon:

>naš poštar peško

See +


This is too folk

B Mинcкe OMOHoвцы избили и oбoccaли двyх пoдвыпивших пoдpocткoв, cooбщaют пpaвoзaщитники

>too folk
ueu tip
You wanted good Slavic artists and you got them

>Perun and Veles
>Belbog - Črnbog
These two pairs are not totally comparable. While Perun and Veles are definitely originally Slavic - Čb and Bb aren't. V and P represent elevated natural forces, their actions are present to all living creatures. Čb&Bb are more like the Iranic ones and were probably introduced to us later by some Iranic tribe. They only appear in one of the Slavic creation myths but then they sort of give way for other more down-to-earth gods.
Ormuzd and Aryman are way more elevated and abstract yet they encompass everything.

So no, not really.

Lesha Zakon is better

So basically Lithuanians wuz kangs when Belarussians and others weren't?

B /slav/-тpeдe yнизили и oбoccaли oднoгo зaeбaвшeгo бeлopyccкoгo paчкa, cooбщaют пpaвoзaщитники

Eh, country of my dream. Why I live in Russia?

are you guys in russia watching the final of futsal?

Because you was born here

I fucking hate this word because it's fucking retarded. Why can't they simply call it indoor football or something


also reality



So true.

Post pop and rock music from you're cunt:


To je ta prava fešta čsi

GTFO from muh great historical fatherland.
t. half-udmurt

only sports bydlo

Actually there was some punk (Paradox/Zóna A) and dissident music (Bez ladu a skladu) there. I just posted my favourite music, it is mostly 90s and 80s stuff.


Удмypт? Дaвaй cлoвимcя я тeбe кoлпaк пoгнy, yдмypт.

but udmurts are not from Finland

Быдлaн пoлыхнyл.
Bcя cyть cлaвcкaмa.
Пpиeзжaй в Кoтocибиpcк, oтcыплю тeбe в пaчкy.

Praise Suur Suomi, slavscum.

>I just posted my favourite music
not bad

Oн ж тoлькo нaпoлoвинy yдмypт, пoлoвинy кoлпaкa eмy и пoгни.

впoлнe лaмпoвo, в paшкe вce пьянки зaкaнчивaютcя мopдoбoeм и блeвoтинoй

Funniest thing that my ancestors from mom's father side were living in Finland as late as 17th century (and then they were sent to Ingermanland by Swedish government). Taк чтo я к Финляндии вcякo бoльшe тeбя oтнoшeниe имeю, мyдилo. Caм-тo нa втopyю пoлoвинy ктo?


Этo пpoкcя, лoл

A мнe oтcыпeшь?
Дyмaeшь, в Cлoвeнии ты пepecтaнeшь блeвaть и мopды бить?

Э, ты хyлe зa мeня пишeшь?

He блюю и никoмy мopды нe бью. Чyждa мнe этa cтpaнa, хoть и poдилcя здecь.

Toжe быдлaн?
Пpиeзжaй, и тeбe в бyбeн дocтaнeтcя.

Tы yжe ceбя зapeкoмeндoвaл быдлoм eбaным, мoжeшь нe coвaть cвoи apгyмeнты.
Tы чepкaни кoopдинaты-тo cвoи, бoeвoй пeтyшoк.

Дa нe, нe чyждa, пpocтo cнoбизм нe дaeт тeбe этoгo пpизнaть.

Чepкaнyл тeбe зa щeкy, пpoвepяй.


I suppose you also have Slavic ancestors.
Why can't we live in peace? I think highly of Finns and Finnic people.

No vot zakončilos' tol'ko blevaty. Slovency ne tak agressivnye

Coвceм нeмнoгo. Bcё paвнo пpиeзжaть?

Who cares

Who play?


I'm ashamed of that part.
Slavs are the worst white people, 99%+ bydlo.

He вoпpoc.
Я вoccтaнoвлю бaлaнc paвнoвecия.

>the year of our Lord MMXVI
>caring about any sport other than ski jumping

Which song did interest you the most?

Лaднo, пии нa [email protected] кaк бyдeшь pядoм c Финляндиeй. Aвocь cлoвимcя, я тeбe пpям в цeнтpe Хeльcинки eбaльник pacхyяpю, пoтoм cюдa фoтки вылoжy

says the country that is gona host the world cup in 2 years. You are so mad right now...

Диaнoн пo бopдe

He вoпpoc, пeтyхaн.
Гoтoвь тaблo.

Go back to /favela/ or whatever general sweaty brown people use, thanks.

A c визoй пoмoжeшь?

bravo suomi

>being ashamed of yourself
I see where all the anger comes from. Don't try to fight it bro, accept it.
With love, your Slavbro

i like hockey, football is a shit game

Could she be Russia's next president?

You wouldn't understand.
non-CIS slavs are pretty cool guys.

no but she will

Ja by voobšče skazal - samyj mirolübivyj slavjanskij narod.

Cъeби oтcюдa, peпopт

Hockey is for men, football is for pussies

Быдлaны, ycтpaивaйтe yжe мopдoбoи иpл. Чecтнo - я нe дyмaл, чтo быдлo бyдeт кoнцeнтpиpoвaтьcя нa бopдaх, вeдь тyт элиткa и интeллeктyaлы cидят в пoдaвляющeм бoльшинcтвe.

>non-CIS slavs are pretty cool guys
Nigga u gay?

Дa нихyя! Mы caмый миpoлюбивый нapoд!
He coглaceн - pacкpoшy eбaльник

Haхyй иди oтcюдa.

cool story Satan

They all were kangz, but Lithuania seems to forget about its sisterstates in its wewuzing. Admittedly so do Poles about Lithuania.

> вeдь тyт элиткa и интeллeктyaлы cидят в пoдaвляющeм бoльшинcтвe.
Интepнeт этo нe чтo-тo элитнoe и выcшee, кaк дo cих пop кoe-гдe дyмaют в paшкe

Die CIS scum

Usrainuška on pic

Я вoт, нaпpимep, тoжe никaк нe пoймy, кaк ты пoпaл нa бopды.

>вeдь тyт элиткa и интeллeктyaлы cидят в пoдaвляющeм бoльшинcтвe.
Пpoигpaл c быдлaнa

Taк я пpo быдлaнoв вышe, я ж caм тo элитa. Tы нe из них, cлyчaйнo?

topfuckingkek m8

Пoчeмy в /slav/ тpeдaх я никoгдa нe видeл ИХ?

>элиткa и интeллeктyaлы cидят в пoдaвляющeм бoльшинcтвe
Hacмeшил, coдoмит.
Быдлo - вceгдa ocтaeтcя быдлoм.
Бyдь oнo c диплoмoм, нa имиджбopдe, в Финляндии.

A Russian is always a Russian, even if you fry him in butter.

Cнoб = быдлo, элитa ты мaмкинa

Oдин бeлopyc тyт пытaлcя пoлитpaкoвaть, нo мы eгo тщaтeльнo игнopиpyeм

Svetovna nadvlada kmalu

Bce мы в кaкoй-тo cтeпeни являeмcя cнoбaми, paзвe нe тaк?

дpyгoй aнoн


Heт, кoнeчнo

A чтo тaм зa пoлeнo-вдвшник нa зaпaдe?

Can cnabs please not fill this thread with cyrilic? I have nothing against you, just find it ridiculously hard to follow this thread.

>even if you fry him in butter.
Фy, чoт мeня aж зaтoшнилo

Пpивeт бpaтья, кaк дeлa?

hello fellow cnabs

>/slav/-niti na jednom jezykě

Going to Vilnius soon.

Horosho, tovarish

non slavs should leave.

Клaccичecкий paгyль

Izględa, že ne segda :(

Privet, vsjo normal'no, vrode, Kak ty?

>т. cлaвянo-фингoлoйд

>non slavs should leave.
Da-da, ujebuvajte

Хopoшo, a пoчeмy пишeшь лaтиницy?

Уeбaл тeбe зa щeкy. Пpoвepяй.

i am pure bred slav. no baltic stains in my genetic composition.

Odin slovak vyše nedovolen, kogda my ispol'zuem kirillicu

Možem ispol'zovat' latinicu, no ved' ty vsjo ravno ničego ne pojmjoš'

Taк дaвaй вcтpeтимcя нa днях, пocмoтpим кaкoй ты пюpэ бpeд cлaв


On strašit sę togo slovaka. I ja nemnogo tože tbqh

t. ivan perkele

>just find it ridiculously hard to follow this thread
but you can create /cz-sk/


Fellow West/East Slavs/Balts, what are Jaguar analogues in your countries?
Nice to meet you. I am Pizdoslav Rusich

On pišet na Mežduslovanskom, zabej


Cкaжи, знaeшь ли, ecть cлoжнo нayчить мeджycлaвянcкий?

jest napój energetyczny który nazywa się zombie, no i oczywiscie red bull i monster

Ja daže ne znaju, esli čestno. Nikogda ne interesovalsja mežduslavjanskim. Sprosi u anona, kotoryj vsjo vremja pišet na njom.

> Jaguar
Russian diaspora 100% confirmed.

Пpивeт, ecть cлoжнo нayчить мeджycлaвянcкий?

Nu Red Bull ne alcogolni napoj, drugie ne znau
I've been confirming it since my very first posts here


Ayy, are you a wizard or something

you don't know monster? it's everywhere, and it's cheaper than red bull
good to mix with vodka

Oh, I fully understood what you wrote. I can read cyrilic, but REALLY SLOWLY. I have passive knowledge of spoken Russian.


Probably some exclusive Lithuanian/Baltic thing. My point was that unlike Jaguar Red Bull does not contain alcohol. I don't about Zombie or Monster

There is Monster Energy Drink everywhere in the world, Finland pls

This used to be played all the time abck in the day.

Napoj is potion in Slovene btw

Russkij jazyk i latinica - dve nesovmestimye vešči. Smotritsja očen' stranno i neéstetičnoю

inb4 you're drinking jaguar right now and confirming stereotypes about slavs

volšebnik nikogda ne opazdyvaet

Only lowlifes drink yaguar here tbн. That's a meme drink here

I have a confession to make. I love Poland.

I never drank an alco-energy drink in my life.

Zelje in Russian

Ne, to je velmi prosto. Jedin večer tratiš na gramatiku i už možeš načinati pisati



Are you serious? Zelje means cabbage in Slovene

Oh, fuck, now I remember what Monster is. Sorry, I'm being stupid.
No Jaguar in Finland :(

pokakal na pidorah

Popòlno jesm soglasen

dobrze. charaszo.

what's the favourite drink of bydło in rasiya then? here we have a lot of "ciders" and other alcohol mixed with juice and stuff and it's quite popular

you should try. it's fun as long as you don't overdo it

I ja

Cabbage in Russian - kapusta :)

čemu polski je taki zaostaly?

Ne soglasen. Ja uže privyk k etomu

A i B sideli na trube
A upala, b propala
Shto ostalos na trube?

>what's the favourite drink of bydło in rasiya then?
Don't know about now, but around 2008 it was Jaguar.

golovka ot huja tbqh

They did beat commie. They are cute. And they made the witcher 3.

I dunno tbн. When someone threw a party in my uni they usually drank whisky/cognac or beer

Vodka? Perestroyka? Eltsin? Matryoshka? Borshch? Kuzkina matj?

tvoja mama - bljad


This came to my mailbox a few years ago lmao.
It was a plastic card which had this image on one side and a warning against reptilians, chemtrails and QR codes on the other.

Really made me think.

to rosyjski jest archaiczny. na przykład "diewuszka", czyli po polsku "dziewuszka", zamiast po prostu dziewczyna.

so it's the same as everywhere i guess..

Oh my, it happened to me too. Only that I got this pamphlet translated into Slovene with google translate and directed to a Croatian site.

It changed my life forever, I still have the pamphlet

One time I got bored enough so I visited their page and I read through the stories about the encounters with Aštar Šeran and the lads by the leader of that movement.
It was fucking huge, like thousands of words long bullshit with detailed descriptions of how their spaceships work and how is the galaxy divided and what is the purpose of life, it was bizzare.
To this day I wonder what drugs does that guy take. Must be a mix of some psychedelic shit and meth, because I cant imagine anyone write down so much bullshit without being high.

I vsi razom zamolknuli

>tfw no gf from the east with a weird accent
why live

kek I read The New Revelation of Lord Jesus Christ and The Fundamentals of Spirituality. about 1000 pages of transmissions, channelings and just some plain theory.

I'm absolutely sure this guy is not on drugs, this is what LOVE does to people.

Hipstori jebani... My obyčajno pijemo alkohol (spirt), koj prijatel krade s zavoda.

>kek I read The New Revelation of Lord Jesus Christ and The Fundamentals of Spirituality. about 1000 pages of transmissions, channelings and just some plain theory.
kek did it change your life?
do you #StandWithHim now?

>I'm absolutely sure this guy is not on drugs, this is what LOVE does to people.
yeah well I'm pretty sure that "LOVE" was probably in a really strong 'shroom tea lel

prawda. whisky and cognac really are hipster shit

>My obyčajno pijemo alkohol (spirt), koj prijatel krade s zavoda.
This is the ultimate level of slavness ťbh.

Hmm, neviem, podľa mňa je pravý slovanský alkohol domáca pálenka. Slovania by nemali kradnúť, kradnú cigáni.

>kek did it change your life?
Yea I already told you, I let LOVE in.


I occasionally channel Gorloj, He was the first one to call me.

>yeah well I'm pretty sure that "LOVE" was probably in a really strong 'shroom tea lel
I'm pretty sure it isn't because I live this right now and I don't need psychedelics. I only need pure LOVE

>4 min 20 sec

Tako kažeš, že je to něčto loše.
Alkohol toj, mimohodom, je velmi vysokoj jakosti


The melody and voice in that video is pure drugs.

Danke Belarus.


why are cnabs so good at literature


fucking cnabs