
>do you consider him a hero?



>US, from Chicago
>Hell yeah, a complete badass and Indian slayer, truly a hero for 'murica 2bh

I never met him

Foreigners, from what you've been taught, either in school for some reason or on the internet, what do you know of the American Civil War?

absolutely nothing

until going out of my way to read about it didn't even know which side won, who the leaders were and why america even did it

South wanted slaves in their cotton fields.
North wanted niggers in their factories.

one of our greatest generals

shouldve burned all of dixie to the ground

I'm from the North so might be biased, but here's the gist:
>Be America, ~80 years independent, 1850s
>Slavery's been an issue since colonial times, but starting to regionalize and boil over given that the North has become industrial and not needed, and indeed has become appalled by, slavery, while the South is agrarian and relies heavily on it
>Abolitionists from the North agitate for the abolition of Slavery, while Free Soilers agitate for it to not spread to new territories by the US; hitherto the US has admitted states such that Free and Slave States were in equal number and thus equally powerful in the Senate. This puts the Southerners on end
>James Buchanan is a shit-tier president and does nothing to try to relieve the situation
>After a heavily-contested 1860 Presidential Election, which involves 4 candidates from 3 parties and which fails to give anyone a solid electoral majority, Abraham Lincoln, a man who had previously exhibited Free-Soiler tendencies, comes out with an electoral plurality
>The South chimps out and decides to secede
>The North, now led by Lincoln, has none of that, and the two go to war. Although the South originally has many victories, they're ultimately BTFO'd
>The Union, led by the North, is maintained and national identity is strengthened
>Slavery abolished by the 13th amendment

Or also, more cynically, this:

He should have finished the god damn job.

Southern genocide the best day of my life.

The failure and premature end of Reconstruction was one of this nation's great tragedies, IMO.

I wouldn't call him a hero, while his efforts ended what would have been a long and drawn out conflict, also preventing the loss of a lot more lives, his methods could hardly be considered heroic, he was a definitely an outstanding general but he doesn't really fit the definition of hero. If anything he's an anti-hero.

He was a war criminal and a nigger lover

Almost did his job. Did not kill enough southern scum to create more lebensraum for Notherners aka human beings.

>edgelord worshiped by other edgelords

if we could harness the amount of southern butthurt he has created, we would never have to worry about energy again

This post should replace every shitty Civil War description in every history book. Perfectly summed up.

This, Dixie culture is now spreading outside the South. We should have exterminated them.

Yes, probably my favorite person from history

Texan reporting in

t. another white cuck failing to propagate even culturally

sherman's march to the sea was relativity bloodless compared to the meat grinder going on up north between Grant and Lee.

t. Neckbeard Cred Forumsack autist


>Union: 360,000 deaths
>Confederacy: 260,000 deaths

North was real fortunate their much larger population gave them an army of 2.1 million, compared to the South's 1.1 million.

Why was the South so perfect? I can't imagine how based a country the Confederate States of America would be today had it won its independence; almost all the social liberal shit was imposed on the South by the federal government and the courts.

It was so great that several states tried to secede from it at the end of the war.

>It was so great that several states tried to secede

You could say the same about the U.S.

General Order no.11 1862, some great general
So much yankee butthurt..it's delicious. Stay mad living in your rotting shithole states.
Superior Southern culture is supplanting the failed yankee culture exponentially. The egalitarian mindset you fools have is what is wrong up north.

>Before you go the numbers and stats route. high welfare rates, teen prenancies etc.... Consider this....we have the bulk of the nation's niggers.
t. Bama

US, from Texas

Absolutely if it wasn't for him and other who fought to destroy the Constitution we chicANOS wouldn't be able to flood the Union

Ironically if the south didn't secede, slavery would not of been abolished for at least another decade. Lincoln never intended to free the slaves when he came into office. Talk about ironic.

Stop leeching federal money and we'll see how quickly Southern states fair.

Tell that to Detroit and other rust belt cities and get back to me.

Michigan gives back more money than they receive from the federal government.

Dixie is the only place in the usa with culture

yankee-niggers will never realise that issues like slavery or tariffs are merely topical and could never be the ultimate cause for a civil war in any civilised country. the ultimate root lies simply in the south at the time having had a culture grown over centuries quite independently from the east coast experience of puritans and their ilk, the potential for conflict was thus there and its immediate cause then completely irrelevant.

needless to say, and this fact makes all yankee animals to this day furious in the depths of their souls (if they can be said to have one), in all the americas only in the south existed something of a high culture, influenced as it was from france and spain and not only england's dregs, one based on hierarchy as all high cultures have been and must be, which the yanks made sure to utterly exterminate, ensuring thereby the eternal philistine primitivism of their continent.

It's true. It's always interesting how non-Americans universally agree with you. Here in the US, non-Southerners piss on us all the time due to their cultural inadequacies and the Hollywood portrays the entire region.
Yankees will never understand this because of their pathological arrogance to anybody with a different culture other than theirs. I have been up north and out west many times, and the questions they ask are so ignorant. "Do you have slaves? Do you hate black people? etc..." I would think that a people that push so hard multi-culti and tolerance hate the South so much that they can't stop from retiring down here.
Yes I have an accent, more specifically a deep south one. I get more shit because of it, which is ironic because most Americans cum in their pants over British, Aussie, German accents..
It is the last totally acceptable discrimination in the USA, the negative treatment of native Southerners like myself.

I work in the oil industry and I go all over the world. Here is the best part, when I am around other Americans and the locals come around and ask where we are from. You have "I'm from Kansas, California, Colorado, Alaska...oh...I am from Texas...Oh wow, I love Texas! Such nice people. Enough said.

t. Southeast Texas

I love you France

Thank you
t. A Southerner

>You guys should abolish slavery!
*Throws armless kid into factory*
>Fucking evil southerners!
*Enables reconstruction act*
*goes on genocidal march west*
*Fails to get Blacks back into africa*

Zitto animale

He fought the wrong enemy

You guys still lost 2bh, though you did have an admirable performance in several battles.

Yeah, and further ironic was that even after all that, Lincoln was intending to treat the Southerners with more sympathy and forgiveness than what they actually got with Reconstruction, but he was assassinated by a sore Southerner.

This as well. A person with Grandparents and family being hillbillies from Kentucky, I am both a mild southernboo and still seeing it as shitty, though then again there's a large difference between Texas and M*ssissippi, IMO.

>which is ironic because most Americans cum in their pants over British, Aussie, German accents..
The more I think about it, the more I see the Southern accent as a very nasal British accent. I myself have the bastard lovechild of a Southern accent and a Chicago accent.

What wacky Yankees are you meeting? At most people think the south is a tad odd, you gotta meet new Yankees.

Talking about stereotypes, the hill billy one is in every state, it was never exclusive to the south. I have seen a few "The South Shall Rise Again" signs and rednecks in random places in New York.

t. Central New Yorker