Name one thing you dislike about your country

>Be American
>Go out to a restaurant with bud to eat
>After appetizer waiter comes asking for main coarse
>Want a steak with a side of fries
>Had the steak before, know it's roughly the size of my stomach and would fill me up
>"But sir your order is cleared for two sides"
>"Yeah but I just want one, I don't need two helpings of French Fries"
>"But sir it's free food"
>"But I wont eat it and don't want it"
>"It's really a waste though"
>"More of a waste to not eat it"
>Try to get it through her head that I do not want two fucking helpings of french fries with my fucking steak larger than my head for minutes on end
>Only ends because bud interjects and says he'll take my second helping of french fries
I was fucking pissed.Bad enough servings are so big but they will fucking not let up if you don't want more "FREE" side dishes.

Other urls found in this thread:


I dislike the non-Brits. Every last one of them.

What about your only non retarded son, Australia?

Aussies are great, only met one of you though over here, seems to be mostly one-way traffic of Brits going to Ausland.

Getting put in booth with Sweden when every Swede thinks the average Dane is a nazi.
Other than that? The government having shit priorities.

You can come live with me if you want :3

In Russia, small portions as a child. Salad 100-150 grams of serving.

I'm alright, I love where I live, I don't want to leave.

Then can I come and live there? My town sucks.

Yeah if you want. Its a post-industrial city in the North of England though.

Drugs and junkies.

>low wages

It's also a problem that is impossible to fix.



our optimism

>Oh, so you want to put a non-stock part on your car? I'm gonna have to see a type approval by the parts manufacturer, and if you don't have that I need a certificate of non-objection by the car manufacturer, and if you don't have that it'll be an individual inspection that requires a material certificate, and if it's a performance part I'll also need a paid dyno test, a paid emissions test and a paid noise level test, and if it raises power by more than so and so many percent you'll also need a driveshaft brace, a transmission oil temperature gauge and a dozen other parts on your car in addition to certified braking behavior testing and high speed behavior testing. And you drive your car without my approval your registration is void and therefore so is your insurance and it'll be a crime.

>not putting the left overs in a box to take home

Alright, I'll be there next week. See you then!

see you soon lad

>walk to work
>1/3 of every other male my age looks like he wants to start a fight

>go to the pub
>1/3 of every other male my age looks like he wants to start a fight
Gets tiring having to size people up and scare off groups of boys that'd mess with you given the chance

weed culture

How horrifying. At that point, I wouldn't even bother with aftermarket parts

There are old people still alive who have been branded with the cuck stamp at a young age and still think russians are a super power who should be allowed to do what they want and funland should be their willing cumrag. That's why you get to read hilariously complicated mental gymnastics about why funland should never ever join nato in the opinion section of newspapers every time nato membership comes up in public discussion.

What kind of northern toilet do you live in ?

The Irish kind

>call the police
>"Hey there are two guys with guns and they're acting really aggressive"
>"Did they kill somebody?"
>"No. I mean not yet"
>"Call us when they do" *hangs up*

u r mad

what in fug

Can't we just ban them in public places?

Move to Dublin then



Those "people" that speak F*ench.

I don't mind talking to strangers

get a doggy bag, Jeez.



Is this really life?

I like Hull's accent.
what's that music they play at the K.C. stadium when they refer to video–referee?


I kekd.

thanks, finnish Stoltenberg (!)

Full of chink la

>call the police
>guys with guns shake hands with the patrol
>"we called the guy"
>get a beating

what was the point of changing Mılicija/Mıliciji to Policija/Policiji?
I thought there was something related to reducing corruption.

We thought so too. Nothing ever changes in Russia.

bump out of interest for other countries.

hoo boy. lots to list but ill focus on the major ones

1. Huge divides along social class/race/language/whatever lines

2. Unreliable, somewhat sharia-based justice system. Lots of unreasonable and badly thought-out laws and uneven penalties. Plus a lack of adequate regulation in the financial realm which leads to a lot of convenient black money pouring into the country.

3. Hubris. At least Dubai believes it can keep milking its unsustainable growth model that relies on foreign money and knowledge, its brand, tourism, and other whimsical aspects; while keeping the social and humanistic aspects of modernization and westernization at bay.

isnt #3 ideal though? get all the perks of modern world without all the cons of it?

What do you consider the cons, exactly?

Seems like Russia just changes hands between thugs with guns who exploit honest people.

Well I was thinking more about how you get all pros of western world, materially and diplomatically etc etc etc, and at the same time culturally you aren't becoming too western, you feel me? cons here would be adapting western way of life completely, because you're not white, you're not european, and if you adapt their way of life and thinking you're, in simple terms, cucked. and it's dangerous.

The fact that you NEED a car to get anywhere in a reasonable amount of time

>Human rights make you a cuck

How's life in your dictatorship going ?

>Loud people
>Political corruption
>Music tendencies (reggaeton)
>Terrible women

pretty cool, not afraid to be mugged at night. not afraid my gf will be raped. not afraid my sister will be raped. not afraid i will stop seeing my nation's faces on streets. all in all i would say pretty cool, thanks for asking.

>Me: Hello I'm here to renew my driver's license
>Public employee :Sure, sign all this papers and wait at the end of the queue.
>Cunt right behind me: Hey wesley what's up? I really need to go now mind helping a friend?
>Public employee: Sure man, just pass in front of everyone, cheers
>Me: the hell was that?
>Public employee: he is my friend and he was in a hurry. Didn't you hear?
> Me: well you can't do that, it's unfair
> Public employee: I'm sorry sir but there are some inconsistencies with your papers, please return in 40 days.

Haha should have been recording it on your cell phone
Then you'd probably be in a shallow grave somewhere

>only have a town attempted rapist

People don't kill each other for petty stuff like this, the fuck you're smoking?
My point is that this small daily corruptions are a pain in the ass simply because to get things done and bypass our massive bureaucracy you need to know people from within.

You sound like a faggot, kill yourself commie.

>he isnt his own town's rapist


The colossal State, jacobinism, centralism and socialism.

This happens way more often in your country and you now it. It's interesting how you are projecting though.

what does this mean?
It's english, but makes no sense.

I had a house built for 200000,-€
19% Mehrwertsteuer tax = 38000,-€ straight to the state.
tfw thinking about how long I have to work just to earn the tax...

This is the most German post I have read in my life.

Elaborate on this please. Why do Swedes think Danes are Nazis? Were you not occupied as well? Or is this based on recent politics?

This is such a luxury problem

Its way to crowded over here. The Netherlands is among the most densely populated countries in the world.

It's their bloated feeling of superiority due to their better and more diverse "society". It adds fire to it when we're neighbours and have a rough history.
Jokes on them though, they're actually worse at integrating jahoudis and other foreigners and have some of the biggest and worst ghettos in Europe.

>Be average middle class American
>easily purchase a months worth of the protein content of most foreigners
>food so ubiquitous they're literally throwing it at you
>calories so plentiful you don't want them

1st World Problems

>200000,-€ for a house

The fuck is this eastern Germany or why do you get it for nothing?

You just had a shitty, retarded server, bud. I frequently do the same thing (portion control - I'm a fat fuck), and I've never had that problem.


You are Mehmet.

I love that you don't like us. Every Aussie I've met irl has been a giant asshole, and we certainly don't need any more of those here.

>not afraid to be mugged at night. not afraid my gf will be raped. not afraid my sister will be raped.
It's comfy af
Actually, the Danes were pretty based in helping their Jews flee Europe, and in their resistance against the Nazis.
>inb4 they were bad guys
XDDD Cred Forums Jews bad Hitler good XDDD


Too many foreigners here.
And our fucking government lets them all in.

> This happens way more often in your country and you now it. It's interesting how you are projecting though.
actually no, and no. im not projecting. you're butthurt though. your ass was set to fire by that initial post of mine. just stop replying. your mother will die in her sleep tonight hopefully and then you follow.

It wouldn't be that bad if you didn't have a country full of adherents to the cult of multikulti. Assimilating, not integration, works.

How far away it is from Europe. I like to travel but it cost a pretty penny to get across the Atlantic. Otherwise I'm pretty content.

you should be proud of your cheap pingas you ungrateful cunt

it's like $20 for a pill with 100mg of mdma in it over here


I'm in my 30s, and I can't find mdma. Please help.


Our foreign agency literally says that it is dangerous to go out in the dark in your country and that your cities are dangerous especially for foreign people.

Also for your information I know no person that has been robbed or raped.

Also your country is basically mixed with foreign Russians so that's your "nations faces" Your cucked beyond repair by Russia

>dark web
I'm not smart/tech savvy enough for all the encryption shit they want to use there. I'm too old to learn new things, and I just want a nice, old-fashioned dealer.

Thanks anyway...

20 fucking $, what the shits man

its like 4/pill here

Thanks. It's my third time being in a screencap

I'm guessing the dealers are like 5 levels of resellers below the distributor.

people in the US actively want to kill motorcyclists

they shoot down pro-motorcycle legislation
they don't look for or actively ignore people on motorcycles
if you do something a driver doesn't like and they have the gumption, you're essentially at their mercy if your bike isn't fast
people tailgate you like a motherfucker whether they realize it or not
bros in lifted DudeTrucks get super aggressive around you, they try and floor it at every chance they can to enunciate just how Bro they are, Dude

it's not my fault you get mad at me for trying to ride my bike around your land blimp

Self righteous assholes who believe government is the answer to every human problem. We have them on both sides, liberal and conservative.

Rude people.

Autistics. We used to just call them dicks,

>start seeing motorcycles
>as they speed and weave through traffic
>it's not my fault
Yes, it is. Any motorcyclist who doesn't recognize how obnoxious most motorcyclists behave deserves to become pavement meat.

case in point

por nada.

What is helpings

a portion of food, typically small, but the word doesn't indicate a size.

For example, a helping of peas would be a spoonful or two of peas. A helping of french fries would be a handful. Or it could be two, three, four (etc.) handfuls.
It depends on the person.

I'm drawning in loli pussy
What a shit hole

forcible seizure of food(s) by threatening the usage of armed violence if not given.

christ just do it in your garage and don't tell anyone

That's what I do

Relax, i am goin there to fuck all your bitches with my bbc(big brazilian cock)

also, I acknowledge the risk in lane filtering. If you filter then there's a higher chance you could get hit.

It still doesn't entitle the driver to become a self-righteous prick who can preach down to me.

But that's besides the point. The point I was trying to make was that people more often than not will turn directly in front of you, or rear end you, or any other manner of retarded bullshit simply because they weren't paying attention. To you, someone on a phone in their car is an annoyance. To me it's a death sentence.

So to avoid death I'll speed up and filter through to avoid having this person kill me.
Or I'll lane split at a traffic light to completely negate the chance of someone rear-ending me.

Yet stupid fucking drivers think it's all about superiority and how I'm "rubbing in their faces" how I can "cut in line" (what fucking line?) and so they veto anything that could make riding safer for me.

I live in the suburbs, now, but in Milwaukee it's fucking retarded.

It's pretty much the most segregated city in the country, which is good for me and bad for them. MPD patrols the good areas, and while still patrolling shit areas they sort of leave them to fend for themselves. Dudes would just start a massive fistfight and bleed everywhere, and if it was a black neighborhood the pd would take their time and come in after it was all over with.

Sucks to be poor and black. Get your GED and get out, kids, it's the fucking jungle for you guys. Shit's bad for poor white people too but there's less of them, and keep to themselves in the trailer park.

If you have been riding long you learn that you are invisible most of the time, and if they see you they will try to kill you. Ride accordingly.

Tip: get a coplike bike. One of my bikes is a black BMW R1200RT with reflective tape and spotlights. I ride with a white open face helmet and grey jacket. People get the fuck out of my way. Like Moses with the Red Sea.

Biannual inspections, also you'll be fucked when you get into an accident.

Is your country Mexico?

>tfw my car is 21 years old and I have never, ever had an inspection, have amazing insurance and pay approximately 300 dollars a year

Why do germans hate good things

While it does annoy me the whole lane weaving in traffic, you guys get more shit than you deserve. It takes one or two ass holes popping wheelies and people assume the worst about bikers.

Now cyclist, they deserve all they get and more.

Realistically I'm overexaggerating though. Inspections only get this arse tight when you make heavy modifications, parts usually have type approval if they're available on the European market, and they are usually inspectors in your region that let things slide as long as they look solidly executed in their eyes and don't blatantly violate vehicle codes. They only things they're definitely always anal about are noise levels and emissions.

Because in return for this anal obsession with the condition of vehicles (and driver skill as well compared to American vending machine licenses) we're allowed to drive any speed. It's the necessary precaution that allows this freedom.

>cyclist, they deserve all they get and more.
meaning what?

I just dislike stupid people

Trust me, I know I'm invisible which is why I try and ride so defensively.

unfortunately my jurisdiction doesn't have motorcycle police so I don't think anyone would notice. Good idea for when I move though

>you guys get more shit than you deserve. It takes one or two ass holes popping wheelies and people assume the worst about bikers.
Thank you. We call those douches Squids, and they're the bikers everyone hates. I'm just trying to get home in one piece and they're riding wearing nothing more than a tank top and board shorts popping dank wheelies on highly populated roads while filtering through traffic at 80+ MPH in a 45 zone.

and don't you fucking get me started on cyclists. They think THEY have it bad? They can try riding on an actual road at 55 miles an hour with negligibly more gear than they would wear on a bicycle. Then they can tell me how they "almost die" riding their bike around.

We can't drive any speed, but we are pretty liberal when it comes to speeding laws. If the sign says 60mph, you can pretty much go up to 80 no problemo. 70? Like 85, 90. 25, though? You're going 30, no more, no less.

Our speeds are kinda weird and fucked. I would honk at someone going 25 in a 25. I'd honk at someone going 28 in a 25.

are you the person who tailgates me despite going 20 over the limit in the left lane

You are not supposed to be in the left lane if the guy behind you wants to go faster. It is for passing. Maybe you're joking, but maybe, just maybe, you don't know how to drive. To be safe, let me say to you:

If you see someone who would like to go faster than you in the left lane, get the fuck out of the left lane. When I'm going 75 in a 60, and a guy catches up to me in the left, I move to the right lane so he can pass. Please learn the rules of the road.

I bet you pass on the right too

That's very nice.

If you were in the left, going the speed limit and not following the rules of the road, I would pass you on the right because you don't know how to drive. I would maybe flip you off because you shouldn't be allowed to drive, but I wouldn't care too much. However, if I saw someone I knew do this, or accompanied someone who did this, I would shame them and have no respect for them. Just keep that in mind.

That's some speed, son.

That's a nice car, though. Considering you're on Cred Forums, though, I'm assuming you're of more modest means than the guy making this video. How fast do you drive on the autobahn?

80 to 85. :^)

Gonna work my way up though, it's really neat going 120 long distance on my dad's car.

Meaning people yelling at them and calling they fuck wits and almost getting hit. They're legally suppose to react like a motor vehicle. Stop at lights, no turn on red if the light says so, full stop, you get the idea. And of course use the bike lane when it is there.

None of it. Constantly running red lights, going way under the limit, illegal left turns, you name it. And then they get all pissy if you pass them because they're going 10kph in a 56kph.

I ain't mad at you about them, just expressing my general discontent.

Honestly I wouldn't feel comfortable going faster than 90, even in a brand new car. Well, maybe I could, if I eased myself into it. I could see myself being pissed off at someone for only going 100 when I'm doing 110. I'm talking from a point where we don't have an autobahn where the left lane is for fucking street racing, so maybe that would change my point of view.

My car is like 21 years old so I wouldn't push it past 85, 90, either.

are you guys talking in km/h or mph?

And the sheer fucking retarded level of balls to work it up in their head like they're not the absolute cunts that they are.

I'm assuming mph, maybe I'm wrong.

Anime sucks and has destroyed Japanese culture.

literally why

mph, I like to comfort Americans when talking units because they're likely worse at conversion than I am.

I think WW2 effectively neutering you killed your culture. You guys were like a bigger balled mongol USA before that. Thems the breaks.

Your words are like a soft pillow for my big stupid american head



>To me it's a death sentence
Good. I'm not even trying to be edgy; I just really fucking hate bike fags. The only legislation I'd support is a ban on those retarded machines.

Lingering in the left lane is illegal. If someone is riding your ass, you should get out of the way.

>Considering you're on Cred Forums, though, I'm assuming you're of more modest means
>everyone on Cred Forums is NEET
>I-I'm not alone...

I call cyclists lycrapists, as wearing their faggy outfits in public should be considered indecent exposure. I really don't mind cyclists who follow the rules of the road, even if I have to come to a near-stop behind them and wait to pass. The second they put on their "kit," though, they deserve painful death.

I don't speak eurokilometric, man.
>I'm just trying to get home in one piece and they're riding wearing nothing more than a tank top and board shorts popping dank wheelies on highly populated roads while filtering through traffic at 80+ MPH in a 45 zone.
>popping dank wheelies
I heartily chuckled at this bit, it brought a bit of humor to my afternoon.

I admit I get a little impatient when I get stuck behind them, but you're right, when they obey the rules I have no qualms.
My b. 10 mph in a 35 zone.

I hate the UK rail system.
It's expensive as fuck, and it isn't even reliable or particularly clean/pleasant.
It may have been shit when it was publicly owned, but at least it was affordable.
Our system is one of the worst in Europe.

Get your fag machines off the road. I don't know who is worse, annoying Harley fags or Scooter fags who use that shit to get around the DUI laws.

oh and our massively high taxes, when they do 'subsidise' the rail just pay for the stations and rail track, not that it makes tickets cheaper it just gives the company more profit as they don't have to pay for these.

How big?

>Scooter fags who use that shit to get around the DUI laws.

But that's the same everywhere. They pump billion after billion into our rail system yet it's still like 5 times as expensive as travelling the same route by car. And then they complain why noone is using their shiny new trains.

The new Vienna main train station they buildt a few years ago has even exceeded the estimated costs of 1 bil...

>Russians in germany : "Fuck germany! Russia better and stronger!"
German : "If you are so proud of being russian then why don't you live in russia?"
>Russian : "Waaaah! Shut up you evil nazi!!!"
>Italians in germany : "Fuck germany! Italy better and stronger!"
German : "If you are so proud of being italian then why don't you live in italy?"
>Italians : "Waaaah! Shut up you evil nazi!!!"
>Polish in germany : "Fuck germany! Poland better and stronger!"
German : "If you are so proud of being polish then why don't you live in poland?"
>Polish : "Waaaah! Shut up you evil nazi!!!"
>Greeks in germany : "Fuck germany! Greece better and stronger!"
German : "If you are so proud of being greek then why don't you live in greece?"
>Greek : "Waaaah! Shut up you evil nazi!!!"
>Turks in germany : "Fuck germany! Turkey better and stronger!"
German : "If you are so proud of being turkish then why don't you live in turkey?"
>Turk : "Waaaah! Shut up you evil nazi!!!"

Drive a car like normal people to get from point A to B, stop being special snowflakes I fuckin' hate you whiny biker fags.

Really? 2 of those mentioned were Germany's allies.

Problem with London is that you can't really use a car to get in unless you want to enjoy huge congestion, the trains basically have a monopoly on getting in and out of London.
While in you have Buses and taxis but the underground is still expensive and hot and crowded.

That literally never happened to anyone

Lots of people here really like spending time in/ working in Germany. Things happen on time.

da fuk is a helping?


a portion, i sometimes hear it used here

"Allies" don't invade their allied countries and act like superior whiny bitches. Proud russian? Get the fuck back to russia! Proud italian? Get the fuck back to italy! Proud polish? Get the fuck back to poland! Proud greek? Get the fuck back to greece? Proud turk? Get the fuck back to turkey! etc. etc. If these fucking foreigners hate germany that much and think that their home countries are superior then why do they come to germany in the first place???
Alter, wach auf und geh mal nach draußen etwas Realität erleben.

University tuition in UK £9500/year
University tuition in Germany £


>>"we called the guy"
who called who?

Chest thumping idiot "patriots" saying shit like "love it or leave it" when they have never even applied for a passport, let alone traveled.

an amount of food in which a person helps himself to however much he wants?

That decreases the number of honest people. Honest = weak. Don't drop the soap!

Why would they apply for a passport or travel if they love it?

Amerikancy are not taught the correct time when to use “who” and when to use “whom”?


Nor are they properly taught then and than; or if they are it never sinks in.

it's probably an euphemism for cops. Here we say "the men"

you guys pay too much attention to this shit. this is a fucking board for anonymous retards and you would bitch about grammer?

das right

tryana confoose da common man with all dem theres and theirs

i'll tellya hwat this sure as shit ain't hwat i done dropped outta hiiiigh schuul foa!

The German rail system sounds a bit better, but it's not exactly good either. It's designed to benefit the train company(s) and not the people.

Long-distance trains are privately funded because they are profitable and the Deutsche Bahn wants to keep the profit. Most long-distance trains are older than our collective moms and the new ones they buy are mostly shit. They also cancel connections each year when they are not profitable (this year it's going to be all night trains).
Local trains are state funded because they are usually not profitable. In states that care about their railway, they are often pretty good – far better than the long-distance trains.

In a proper railway system the money earned on profitable connections would be used for funding the less profitable ones. I've heard Switzerland has it like that, but I'm not sure.

>The new Vienna main train station they buildt a few years ago has even exceeded the estimated costs of 1 bil...
We have that problem, too. People usually know the actual cost in advance, but the costs are calculated away in order to get the project approved. Looking at you, Stuttgart 21 and airport BER.



Crime and the culture it is based on: "I have to steal, kill or be a drug dealer because i'm poor :'( "

people here are lazy and autistic as fuck

>women approach you aggressively
This part is alright

>they start to mock you if you aren't as aggressive yourself
Fuck this country

We are exaclty the opposite. (Except if you are talking about people from the coast)

We are social as fuck too

>you will never get bullied into a relationship by a group of horsearchers

feels bad

>tfw brexit stopped me from going to UCL



>Go outside
>Foreigners everywhere
This is why Im a shutin.

You should send Nigel a thank you letter, London is shit for students.

Maybe you should be more pissed about americans being dumb.
Cos thats what it sounds like.

Just have them wrap whatever you don't eat and bring it home for later. Christ.

>When Americans divide themselves by race

do you have some sort of social disorder?

the rent would indeed have been extortionate, but at least I wouldn't have been made to study with a bunch of barely literate frat boys

You don't want it
It's usually women that look like this that do this

Public transportation fucking sucks, sometimes busses and trains are 5-10 minutes late and the schedule can be unreliable.

We do and we always will.

Can't wait till we're all "hispanic" and a uniform light-brown

Americans everybody.

We have the same problem
Although, buses being late is small problem compared to the railroad system, sometimes the trains are several hours late
Especially during wintertime, the usual explanation for this is that ''There was snow on the tracks'' And they also always say that they weren't prepared for that during the middle of the winter

t. racist zhang

It's absolutely true. Poor blacks and whites really aren't that different and have similar goals of success. If they could come together and fight for a better life for themselves they stand a pretty good chance of actually changing things.

It won't happen though, it's unlikely we'll pull our heads out of our asses. Those in power highlight what makes us different in an attempt to divide us because they know it makes us weaker. Shame.

Tourists. They are unironically worse than the Muslims, mainly because there are so fucking many of them. There all shallow, vapid hipster cunts who come here because their friend/family/Justin Bieber came here and took some cool photos, then they all complain how expensive it is while buying shit with a

Good post american brother

is car culture really that bad in germoney?

maybe they're from a poor family struggling and can't fathom why someone would give up free food. You could have just taken the fries home and rebaked them in the oven for freshness.

>not getting mashed potatoes and french fries
Non-american detected, 2 potatoes is the ultimate Steakhouse side

Shit man

I went to iceland, some very nice landscapes, walked up a few. Did not really spend much time in reykjavik as was out and about a lot, so did not see a Bonus thing. I thought things were a little expensive but having really high denominations may have confused me, i only bought food , a knife and a packet of bath salts anyway.

lots of terrible stuff here and not one of them can beat islam

Yeah, foreigners are a bitch.
> Did not really spend much time in Reykjavik

Thank your lucky stars, it's the closest thing to cancer that a city can be, downtown at least. Hiking is one of the last things you can do outside the Westfjords without running into people, which infuriates me to no end.


Just get the side and bring it home

or the blacks could stop fighting themselves.

>just stop being poor
thanks for solving black-on-black crime user

Here's "you"

>try to think of thing I dislike about Canada
>can't really

I guess cost of living is kind of high. It's pretty tolerable, even in Vancouver though.

kek you must be a shitty driver

Education system is fucked. Dropouts common




It's literally not difficult at all to not be poor

These retards just can't let go of the myth that the only way to make it "out da hood" is to play basketball or make rap music

or being prezdint

>born into poverty
>attend shitty schools because poor neighborhood
>never receive an actual education, have no marketable schools, college is expensive
Like just grow the money right? Pull yourself up by the bootstraps and just move out of the ghetto, easy mode

>Reading news headlines
>"3,500 homicides nationwide on August only"