Random needle attacks in Kiev, Ukraine

Several foreign embassies are advising those visiting Ukraine to be careful of needles hidden in public places.

Pictured is a needle that was hidden on the paper towel dispenser in a shopping mall washroom.

The needles may contain infected blood.

Why is Ukraine so fucked up?

This is another case where a needle was hidden near the escalator handle in a metro station.

holy shit this is horrifying,Thank god i don't live anywhere NEAR there.

Wtf i hate ukraine now!

Unless that needle injects you with a decent amount of blood, its almost never enough to actually infect you.

Like if you get pricked with an AIDS needle, your body can easily fight off the virus before it takes hold.

I cant remember the concentration, but I believe the human body can eradicate about 150,000 worth of HIV before it becomes infected, and that amounts to about quarter drop of blood.
The tip of the needle does not hold enough.

I dont know about other shit like Hep


Is Russia minority

whom wanna bet they blame it on putin

Shut the fuck up you moron, look at any other country with a large portion of Russian minorities. Their crime rates are higher than damn black crime rates here in the US. Estonia, Ukraine, Lithuania.

It's like 60% chance it's some Russian


delete this

This has convinced me that russia was justified in attacking and occupying parts of ukraine


no such thing

More like 100% chance, they're pretty much all Russkies in denial

>visiting Ukraine

Why not Aleppo?

Be quiet East Prussia

>t. Nueva Granada

I'm always amazed things like these aren't more common.

Like razor blades in the beach sand, etc.

I guess evil people on this level aren't that common.

reminds me of the razer blades in candy thing people worry about on Halloween

people are shit.

they are, but the news doesn't report it generally because it happens on private property and the company tries to handle it or hide it to avoid PR problems

btw you're all faggots

only 4u baby

I've heard that South Sudan is lovely in this season

I'm not your baby, buddy

>being capable of having a functional society



wtf i hate wh*te people