How do Latin American countries and in particular Mexico portray Donald Trump in the news?

How do Latin American countries and in particular Mexico portray Donald Trump in the news?

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Great, everyone loves him.

They celebrate with Trump parties every day. He's almost as popular as little Quique.

Like the crazy bigot he is

dont know about latin america but in here they're pretending he's mentally insane and trying to make him look like a joke, mainly because they know he has a point and they're afraid someone will do the same here

> he has a point

and what is it?

That inmigrants ruins entire countries.


Hitler 2.0


all Unitedstatesians are immigrants.

South Americans in the US are richer and more educated than locals.

on Mexicans, there are more of them leaving the country than emigrating there.

50% of illegal immigrants in the US are visa overstayers.

aaaaaaaaaaaaj sudacas

>all Unitedstatesians are immigrants.
I'm not, I was born here.

> nytimes
Pure jew propaganda

You're native only if you, your parents and your grandparents were born in the place you live. (^:

lol like i'm going to read all of this
tl;dr please

>you, your parents and your grandparents
All good. I can go back more than that.

They cite data directly from the US Border Patrol

Mexico is about to cut the main route for central american immigrants into the US, a train nicknamed "the beast".

On top of Central American immigration being at their lowest levels since the 70s.

Americans without colonial roots should be deported back to Mexico where they came, Ivan

anything that doesn't agree with my preconceived notions is jew propaganda

>southwest border
