There's corruption in your country?

There's corruption in your country?



sure there's lobbying and favouritism in politics but as an individual it's pretty fucking impossible to bribe anyone. cop or government worker or whoever.


Everywhere dumb nigger, get out of your room once in a while.

They call themselves lobbyists.

That or the fuzz.

Everything else is pretty on the level.

Of course. World's second oldest industry.


What do you fucking think?

Kirchnerist were corrupt as fuck, thank god based Macri boosted our institutionality and now all those rats are going to jail. I won't say corruption is going to end on a 100%, but the situation is going to give a 180° turn for sure.

Nah, not really.

Feels good being first world.

It is essential legal to bribe a politican now (thanks to superpacs). But outside of that, not like any of the other countries I see in this thread. Someone asking for a bribe is so insane and uncommon it is usually played off as a joke in comedy shows.

Basically Cronyism in politics is the big issue but I'm pretty sure that's relevant absolutely everywhere.


Don't forget the payoff process that is completely legal. Once you leave office you have 3 options: go to work as a consultant on K Street (Gingrich), write a book (Palin, Romney), or go on a speaking tour (Clintons). All are highly lucrative and legal.

Ever notice how whenever they write a book it instantly is a million seller, yet you never meet anyone who read it? There is a warehouse in Virginia holding millions of these books in their crates.

I believe Palin heats her cabin with copies of her book.

And of course, the Clintons.... half a million per boringass speech. Must be nice.

why is giving money to politicians considered freedom of speech in US?
When did the government out of sudden decided that corporations are granted the same guaranties as individuals?
Honestly curious about it. Do the average Joe even know how many stuff can corporations legally get away with? Not saying we're any better. But seriously, people would be protesting and boycotting shit all over if they tried to pass a law emulating that.

Ask the GOP and lobbyists who fought for it, or the conservative Supreme Court who ruled it law.

I believe a majority of Americans want the ruling overturned, but (((the Media))) and the K-Street "think tanks" are fighting a change tooth and nail.

There are literally tens of billions of money at stake here. It's going to be hard to even get a hearing in Congress, let alone get the Supreme Court to hear the challenge. This is one of the reasons Trump is doing well. People are angry. (Ignore Trumps' own superpacs...)

We need an Amendment to the US Constitution. Good luck with that.

There is a little bit here, both at lower and upper levels but these don't interact. There isn't bribery though, mostly it's just doing favours for people.

I was learning about jeitinho in a lecture the other week and it seems damn convenient.


>Ignore Trumps' own superpacs...
>We need an Amendment to the US Constitution
Not an expert on US constitution but I'm pretty sure it doesn't says "corporations are considered as individuals"

>thank god based Macri boosted our institutionality and now all those rats are going to jail


Take a look at argie newspapers



take a guess giga nigga