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International #656
Say something noice to this cunt
1.Your cunt
/v4/ thread? /v4/ thread
/rus/ we want Duterte edition
Ita - /il filo/
I really want some facts about Finland
Be walking to work
Britain has the biggest Empire ever at the time
Four friendly looking smiling gentlemen approach you on bicycles?
Faces of Cred Forums
Hipanic intellectuals criticize Trump
You will NEVER be french
Apologize for racemixing with the savage natives and producing sudaca trash, Spain and Portugal
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
Ladies and gentlemen, how do we fix Canada?
Name a better shaped country
Name five Greek cities without Google
1.Your cunt
Your cunt
Japanese are nigger of Asia
I don't like black women
Do you like colombian girls?
Why did the English build a wall to keep scots out?
Is Obama really hated overseas?
Which country would be the most omnibenevolent sole superpower?
When was the last time you nutted on a girl?
How do you usually greet your gf when you come home
Do you like sushi?
NEET for 3 years
Kurva anyátok
Which is the MUH Separatism region of your country?
How do you say "liking futa is not gay" in your country?
I find a lot of eastern european countries creepy and scary. LIke serbia and albania...
Why is California so fucking stupid?
Want to get into anime for the cute anime girls
Development Index
/cum/ Canada, US, Mexico
Latin americans are worse than muslim immigrants desu
Your cunt
"Americans are all fat"
What does Cred Forums think about the NO vote winning the plebiscite? Was it the right choice or did we fuck up...
What is the secret to stop wasting time on meaningless things and start being a productive member of society?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Anti social freak
Call this man a nigger in your language
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
Why aren't more Balkanleri proud of their Osmanli heritage?
Why are hispanics so annoying?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
What is Canada? Is it even a real country?
Tfw you dropped out of highschool
What is horsepower called in your language?
"Ok Class, without using your phone to Google the answers...
How do you pronounce the word "perseverance" in your country?
1.what is your city's tallest building?
Quick, without googling, name 15 Norwegian cities and 1 famous Norwegian author
ITT: we stand up for Canada
Name 5 famous Mexicans and 5 Mexican cities
Without using google, name at least 80 Finnish cities
Sverigetråden - ingen politik-upplagan
Culture Pals -- /cp/
What's their end game?
Without googling, name TWO countries
Be Canada
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
Reminder that this could have been Germany now
1. Your cunt
Porn is legal in Turkey
Without Googling name 4 Dutch cities
Why doesnt croatia let serbia have any coastline?
Name 10 iberian cities
Without googling name 83 (eighty three) Canadian cities
Yuropoors will never experience this
Poland ball thread
I challenge you to name 15 (fifteen) UK cities without googling, looking at someone else's post, etc...
This baffles and enrages the perfidious anglo
Is this country as good as it seems to be? I've been investigating and it seems to be heaven on earth
How come americans are so obsessed with corn flakes? It's not even tasty, and it is overfilled with sugar...
ITT: Pictures of soldiers from your country with cats
Argentina and Portugal have the same poverty rates as Kazakhstan, Turkey, Morocco and commie Venezuela
Where will you go after Cred Forums falls?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Find a flaw
Learning japanese
White people around the world
If you were rich would you still stay in your country?
What does Cred Forums think of Filipina women? Are there a lot of Filipinas in your area?
Are Russian women more conservative and traditional? I am tired of the coal burning Tumblr garbage in America
If America gets fucked up to the point where people have to leave en masse, will you take us in?
Norway couldn't singlehandedly-destroy Russia in a week
Without googling, say one famous person and why said person is famous from as many countries as you can
Which of your neighbors could your country most easily invade?
He insults muslims and calls himself Phoenician just to ear the right to suck his European master's cock even though he...
/fr/ - Le fil de la francophonie dans le monde
Sverigetråden - inte 2d-upplagan
Why does Cred Forums use crying wojak more than any other board, even /r9k/?
Are all germans autistic?
ITT we are French
Nordic "men"
/nachtschicht/ morgens wieder /deutsch/
Without searching it up, name 3 (three) cities in Uruguay
What country is the most welcoming to immigrants?
He identifies himself as "European"
1. Your cunt
Do you want to be Korean?
This confuses and enrages the Yankee
Tfw Falklands War 2: Gibraltar Boogaloo will happen in your lifetime
His country doesn't use common law
Mfw we are the first nation to have a trans president
Is europe fucked?
Do you live in a prestigious city? These are the most prestigious in the world:
What does Cred Forums think of this country?
Kurva anyátok
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/ita/ - il filo
I have internal sources in the parisian police. It seems that Kim Kadarshian was raped during the robbery...
Fuck you, Poortugal. ;_;
Do you like Estonia's flag?
Tell me about the girl you had a crush on back in highschool
In this thread we speak chinese
I challenge you to name 45 (Fourty Five) US cities WITHOUT using google
Which country is better?
Guess posters above name
What's going on in Southern Europe? Most of news about Europe we have here are about Western Europe...
Does the average South Korean women look at least SOMEWHAT like this?
You may only post ITT if your ancestors were legitimate citizens of the Roman Republic or Empire
Name 5 [five] Finnish cities without using Google, Wikipedia or other external sources
Ywn run a farm with a japanese qt
Do slavs have inferiority complex?
What eastern European country does Cred Forums recommend me and my friends visit...
ITT: We blame leaders of our countries for stuff most people don't know much about
Why western countries are so degenerate?
How can Russians even compete? Where were you when swedish super celebrity exposes the TRUTH!?
Why is france such a shithole?
Tfw all your ancestors were captured and enslaved by whitey
What kind of tea does Cred Forums drink, and how do you like your tea?
Why do white people make such shitty, poorly engineered and unreliable cars compared to Japs and Koreans?
What country of Europe is the best to live in? Why?
1. Your country
Which is the shittiest city in your country?
Why do all of these non-nordic meme regions seeking independence use nordic crosses in their flags?
The usa will be whiter than the uk in 30 years
ITT: post your country's rightful clay
Kim Kardashian robbed at gunpoint in Paris
Today is China's birthday!
Why doesn't the US just conquer the world???
U.S. owes black people reparations for a history of ‘racial terrorism,’ says U.N. panel
Be America
Name 8(eight) Russian cities you know without Google, wikipedia, another posts etc
Anglo people
/fr/ - Le fil des Français
Psychopath general
You wake up in your current location in the year 100. What do you do?
Rate the best city in europe
Serious questions to Europeans
Insult the poster (country) above you!
Can we have a rare flags thread? How big is your collection?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Go to uni
Hiroyuki allowed one thread for meta discussion per board
/deutsch/ - Miehmbärenausgabe
Without googling, name 1 (one) Polish intellectual
Average russian
What is the best city in this country?
Name one thing the world's going to miss if the poster above you country is gone?
What are Maltese people like...
You get 10 million and have to stay for 10 years. Which city do you pick
Post Cred Forumsernational QTs whose farts you would suck of their assholes and hold them in like bong hits
Without google, name 3 (three) Vietnamese cities
V4 Good old days edition
She is Estonia's new president
Name five cities in South Dakota without using Google
Name 7 cities in sweden
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
His country doesn't have history dating back to B.C
Without googling, name 5 Canadian cities
1. your country
Faces of Cred Forums thread
Allow mass-mudering nacroterrorist to build his own prison, waive all his crimes and only serve 5 years
Why have we never accomplished anything of note?
If non-whites made the first civilisations how comes white people completely over took them when it comes to medicine...
/lat/ - hilo latino
/ESP/ G.A.L edicion
Without Googling, name 7 cities of Poland
You may only post ITT if the average penis size in your country is at least in the yellow zone
Without Googling, name 5 cities of Japan
Your country never had a golden age or an empire
Paris will again lose tourists, hahaha
/deutsch/ Mettausgabe
/sino/ 中文串 / 中文顶
Kim Kardashian left France on Monday after being robbed at gunpoint at a luxury Paris residence by assailants disguised...
Sverigetråden - Dö ensam upplagan
What is the best city in Mexico, and why is it Monterrey?
Rank 'em
Why is Greece so based?
Why are italians ignoring literal magic?
Why don't non-whites celebrate getting exterminated?
Why is literally everyone in this desert island retarded and racist?
Be dutch
What is your favourite period/style of architecture?
1. Your country
How do I get Northern European gf ?
I want an apartheid type system in australia where all shitskins...
BIG countries thread
1. You're a cunt
/fr/ - le fil francophone
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
This is normal in america
What did she mean by this?
1.your race
Really makes you think
China is only 92km (57 miles) to Bangladesh
Who here is /retarded/?
Americans, please tell me what's happening
One shot at life
Give a new name to the country above your post
How can whitey compete?
What happens heris?
/hell/ /gr/
Are these exist in your country?
What do you drink, Cred Forums?
What race is the most powerful in the world?
I'm Nevsky
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Arguably one of the most (if not...
Is it true? Do people from other cunts really prefer Canada to America?
I fucking despise white people because of internet white supremacists
Which countries exports the shittiest immigrants?
Kurva anyátok
Your country
Is anyone here happily married to a Japanese woman?
"You do know she's only 19, right?"
American women
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
1. City
/Nachtschicht/ bald /deutsch/
What does Cred Forums know about the Mexican War?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Conscription soon
1. Your cunt
/Rus/ - Russia needs Duterte Edition
Let's roll!!
TFW walk by a hotel on my way to the gym at 2am and every time hear people yelling and having fun
Why are americans so good at fighting
No vuelve mas jajajajaksjj
Sverigetråden - Fredagsmysupplagan
WTF, I love Cambodia now
How are 4'11 men treated in your cpuntry?
/bayern/, ehemals /nachtschicht/ und morgen wieder /deutsch/
1. Your cunt
If you regularly use Cred Forums (an American English language American image board that primarily discusses American...
You will never go back in time and kill this man before he started writing
Non-white thread
Say something incredibly mean about the country above your post
Do women make good friends in your cunt?
Russia Thread
Are you part of the group white master race ?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
What's school in your country like?
What happens when you're openly racist in your country? Here, this happens
The problem with Cred Forums is that it needs more ______
How easy is it to get hrt in your country?
/urban/ and /architecture/
Latin American relations
Well, we didn't give our country to FARC, but at least we have war...............right?
Do you want peace
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
Wake up
Am I white Cred Forums?
"You do know she's only 15, right?"
Why can't we just be friends ffs?
Pest em
1. Your country
Wtf Colombia
Which city would you rather live?
Sverigetråden: 4kanalen är död upplagan
What is up with Northern European showers and this shit? I've been to Germany...
Post 'em
"Argentina is not 'latino', Argentina is 100% white " thread
64 million people live on this tiny island
Was a bomb scare in our city this morning
Anyone notice italy is shaped like a high heel?
Why is the American government inherently evil?
/fr/ - le fil francophone
How does it feel to live in irrelevant country?
Holy shit
Traditional Food From Your Homeland
What's the average temperature of your town in winter?
Finns of Cred Forums
American Culture
Not "Americans". We are Stations
Say something nice about your neighbour countries
Masterrace in video game
I posted this on requests, but I was advised to come here instead. Anyway:
You may only post in this thread if the leader of your country is white
/ita/ - il filo:
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Tfw eat burgers all the time
1.your cunt
1. Your country
An albanian american is gonna be the new overlord of Cred Forums . serbs, greeks and Macedonians btfoed
Spain does all the hard work of wiping natives
Montana is rightful Canadian clay
In Ireland, 85% of the population considers themselves to be Roman Catholic. However...
European identity
Kurva anyátok
This is Serbia
What is your favorite civilization?
She's back. Do we still care about her?
/brit/ - il filo
Post music from your country
Do you guys really dislike cold and dark? I guess the grass is always greener
Norwegian visiting the netherlands here. what the fuck do these people even do on family trips...
Sverigetråden 2dupplagan
Should Cred Forums and Cred Forums be merged?
Live in the happiest country in the world
1. City
Fellow Eastern Europeans, how many Russian cucks do you have in your country?
Where were you
What does Cred Forums think of Georgia?
Black president
Which Nordic posters are:
/fr/ - le fil francophile
Thank you murrica. I'm not saying black lives don't matter, but exporting this is really not needed
Only after 2 months
Muslims on Cred Forums don't feel sorry for the things ISIS does
/luso/ - fio lusófono
ITT: post Highways from your country
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
ITT: Post pictures and videos of your country's metro
Tfw Cred Forums is actually gonna get deleted
Post Drawgirls from your country
/pleb/iscite - Colombia's peace-deal agreement
I'll never experience the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch
/esp/ hilo español
1. Your country
/balt/ + /ausnz/
1. Your country
/isr/ - /ישר/ - Israel Thread
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Cred Forums financial problems
Cred Forums - Goodbye Thread
Be me
Is Cred Forums kill?
He fell madly in love with a girl just because she was nice to him when no one else was
Why are balkans dumber than the rest of Europe?
Why are Unitedstatians so fat, stupid, and aggressive?
Is speeding horribe crime in your country?
Just voted YES to the PLEBiscito
They are only respectable countries in Europe
Sverigetråden - Hell seger upplagan
What have they ever done for us??
South Korea: ugly girls who get plastic surgery and arr rook same
How do Russians and French feel that their role in WW1 got ignored for empowering nigga minority instead?
/fr/ - Le fil des Français
My life is an endless cycle of suffering
Will we ever see a freed Palestine in our lifetime?
Kurva anyátok
How are the chin genetics in your country?
/sino/ 中文頂/中文顶
How do people from your country deal with tourists?
I don't like black people there I said it
Losing your best friends just because you have a different opinion about politics
Helsinki nowadays is worse than London. 90% couples you meet is black guy and white women
Why is Hungary so based?
Why have we never done anything worthwhile?
Degenerate european subhumans
Improve it
1. your country
Is islam the worst religion in the world?
Is your cunt really fucking big?
Come swim with us user-senpai
What's your sincere, honest opinion about Unitedstatians?
Are Jehovah Witnesses active in your country ?
You get a Czech gf
What countries hate your country?
What music does Cred Forums listen to?
Daily reminder we can never let america forget
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
How hard would it be to move to Europe with no degree, given Irish citizenship?
/fr/ - le fil de la France aux Français
Have you ever talked to a german before in real life and brought up the nazis how did they react?
Meme books
Be Turk
Cred Forums:
I'm 20yo now
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Summer is coming
What happens here?
Why do many Europeans think that Americans are stupid?
What happens here?
Union of cute boipussies
How do you deal with long distance relationships?
/sino/ 中文頂/中文顶
/ita/ - il filo
Why are Australian license plates not as cool as North America?
Why are Mexican drug cartels so brutal?
60s was the best time. Every city was better in the 60s
Reminder if your family weren't the original settlers of australia you should leave...
Why are germans so obsessed with destroying the white race?
Balkanfags, how similar are you guys culturally? Is there a sense of "Balkaness" you guys share?
Americans think they are equal to Europeans culturally and intelligence wise
/rus/ - Russia need Dutertesque solution to it's population problem edition
This is the way to rank countries
What would the world look like today is the commies were crushed in the Russian Civil War?
Around blacks never relax
Latin america
Do you really hate our culture?
TFW my mom will kick me out soon if I don't find a job
Por favor ama en espanol. necesito practicar. voy a responder todas las preguntas
What is your true opinion about Japan?
Best friends forever! :3
I'm Japanese high school student
When will Turkey finally pay reparations for the countless innocent people that were murdered, raped...
Should racial segregation be enforced?
Kurva anyátok
/hell/ /gr/
Do you think the "weeb" stigma will die in the next decade...
Why are there only 30k Chinese in all of India despite its close proximity but millions and millions of them in...
Comment on dit « une criss de brosse » en anglais?
You wake up in 17th century North America
1. You're a cunt
Tfw non-whites still exist
Better World
What's your country's opinion about a Japanese man destroying Cred Forums from the inside?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Almost everything that happened during the last 100 years which caused the ruin of many countries can be traced back to...
I am from Russia and can answer on any question. Please, don't ask about policy too much
I had never meet a single lactose intolerant person in my whole life, how true is this map?
Why does Sweden hate Israel so much?
Sverigetråden - Nattlig 2dupplaga
Hungarians are voting on whether or not to let in rapefugees and be a cuck nation
There's corruption in your country?
What happens here?
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Tfw too intelligent to condone the concept of "borders"
Jew here. Please explain the difference between types of Christianity...
/nachtschicht/ - Analpiraten Ausgabe
Age of consent by country
What's living in the rust belt like? Are steel mills and stuff still common?
Do you consider your country to be the center of love and culture?
Look at some random Europeans facebooks
I've been here 10 years
How many languages do you know at least one word in?
You will never be genetically Polish
Is there anywhere more depressing than Ohio?
Let's have a thread for absolutely awful flags
Why do Europeans despise nationalism?
Which of these countries will give me the most culture shock as an american?
What's the country most similar to yours?
Do you like USA?
Guess the country below your post
Your country
What did she mean by this?
American ship operated by UAE sunk by Houtis using a Chinese missile
How do we fix the Russian problem?
Our best friends
/balt/+/ausnz/ = concentrated /bantz/
/nachtschicht/ - Weimarer Republik Ausgabe
Why are Northern European countries so more fascinating, civilized, less corrupt...
1. Your cunt
Post/Discuss the beautiful art and culture of the European people
What causes our poverty?
Will Estonia be superpower by 2040?
Why do Americans hate California so much? Is it jealous because of how it is seen as a the coolest state?
1. Your country
Ur'e country
Does Russia have the potential to become truly democratic and become friends with the west?
Post cutes from your cunt
/ita/ il filo
Come come,my little burger
Do you genetically represent your country well?
Romans without Greek knowledge
Can you spot the differences?
/asean/ comfy sunday edition
"We have long ceased to be a colony."
Rate your neighbors and tell why
Yfw there's no equivalent to the word "sibling" in your language
Last threads
Feet thread
Celebrity cum tribute thread, post a cum tribute picture of a celebrity you hate but want to fuck
After we die, consciousness must go somewhere, right?
Family fap thread, ill start with my sister
Post ones who make you HARD
Rape thread who want to rape this feminist woman
Hunger Games Thread
Hey Cred Forums, A quick penile angle survey for y'all. With enough data...
Real girls and celebs that deserve to be horny middle School boys sex slaves
Ask an internet Nazi girl anything
FB/insta thread
Roll 50 to win 50 dollers
Yummy tasty juicy lolis
Exposed bread. Post your favorite inspection pictures, websluts, and exposures
What do you think about hippopotamuses?
Celeb thread™
Tributes Continue