

Do you hate the women in your country?

They are degenerate whores who should be killed.

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t. Abdullah alSomalia

The women in a country reflect the men.


If i were a nigger i'd like the degenerate fucking whores we have here.

Why it's only on Cred Forums Swedes complain about the girls? I've asked swedes irl, and my opinion is you have the same percentage of whores as any white country does.


they escaped from /r9k/

Inte sant, Per-Göran. Kvinnor är horor oavsett av omstädigheterna.

alltså är män också horor oavsett omständigheterna

If that's the case then all women everywhere are shit but from what i've seen women get better the further from sweden you get.

Hmm nej? Kvinnor och män är inte biologist likvärda, oavsett av din feminismlärare sade.

All women should be locked up in chains and turned into slaves.

enligt vadå? dina känsloargument?

skillnaderna mellan könen är snarare gravt överdrivna och man har mycket mer gemensamt än det som skiljer. både män och kvinnor gillar sex och att knulla, dvs är både män och kvinnor horor för de ligger när de får chansen. logiken är enkel.

That's not true in my experience. I've been to Kalix and Luleå, the lands are filled of slutty girls, drug-addicts and instagram 2012 fashion. Högänas, Kristianstad och Stockholm är bra, även människor. I must admit that Russian girls have less sex partners in average than Swedish girls, but it's still not that much diference, depends on how a girl was raised. You still can find a non-multiculti girl in Sweden who didn't have kilometers of dicks in her vj.

And i meant, there are not that many of ethnic Swedes far North.

What said

/sverigetråden/ is has a bunch of robots in it and some dudes who keep spamming a robot pasta

I always wonder, why you guys just don't unite norgetråden, sverigetråden and such in just a scandinavientråd? Since all the others here have slav, baltic, benelux and other kind of threads.

Bra att Maria Shekelstein har hjärntvättat dig ända sedan grundskolan.

Alla som har vett i hjärnan överhuvudtaget förstår att det finns märkvärdliga biologiska skillnader mellan könen. Din point att båda könen "tycker om att knulla lol" bär ingen vikt.

Män är t.ex. mycket starkare och kvinnor kommer aldrig kunna tävla mot män i vilken som helst fysisk sport. Kvinnor kan inte heller tävla mot män i t.ex. schack.

>You still can find a non-multiculti girl in Sweden who didn't have kilometers of dicks in her vj.
That doesn't make them good. I think that only a very small minority of swedish girls has race-mixed but i hate all of them, mostly because they hate me.
The meme about swedish women getting blacked is 90% meme, i still hate them.

And the "pure" girls who would never touch an immigrant have the most extreme chad-standards in the world.
When i'm on the internet memes always appear about how i'm chad, apparently i'd be desirable in most countries but in sweden i'm not even the bottom of the barrel, i'm below the barrel.

If it's not related to some meme topic, then why do you hate them?


Because they hate me.

Russians should understand.

jaha, och? vadå då? visst att det finns skillnader, det har jag inte sagt emot. bara att de överdrivs och det finns mycket mer som man delar, än som skiljer.

That's really wierd for me once again. I'm 183/67, kinda skinny, also i have a maniac look but my face is good. I attract girls because i look cold and mysterious and i'm russian, that's according to the swedish girls. I'm not sure you even have an equivalent word or term for chad in Swedish (maybe i just didn't hear it).

>i look cold and mysterious
That will make you a permanent kv in sweden unless you're 10/10 facially


I doubt so, even a wifebeater here is loved in old fashioned families.

I don't hate them but more often than not they're fucking idiots.


Kissless virgin.
My face is fine as i said, but i think Swedish girls don't have a thing for bulk guys, it's usually skinny guys.

I meant hate fomenting more hate.
90% of the reason Russians and Americans hate/dislike each other is because because they hate/disliked each other in the past.

Beacuse we have enough autists to create two separate threads.

Kvinnor är impulsiva och leds av hormoner, och så gott som alla dåliga beslut som har drabbat västvärlden har kvinnor spelat en stor roll i.

Kvinnors rösträtt var ett massivt misstag, och allting fungerade bättre när kvinnor var i sin rätta position, alltså som födare och hemmafruar.

Som ett exempel kan sägas att kvinnor är majoriteten av de som röstar för förökad invandring, ett beslut som direkt terroriserar vårt liv och vår kultur. Kvinnor är inte biologiskt programmerade att försvara sitt egna område, detta har alltid förfalligt männen. Detta är bara en av de många anledningarna som hävdar för männens överlägsenhet.

/brit/ has enough autists to create 10 threads but they still only do 1

You're wrong, i never disliked the USA. They're also kind and funny and never insulted me IRL so why would i? The only thing why they hate each other is propaganda, here at least. And as any country the majority of the population is dumb and belive all the TV says, and we don't have freedom of speech in our TV, that's why the youth don't watch it.

Also, in case you didn't know, /r9k/ is only normalfaggotry. It's one of the worst places on the internet for KVs.

Well there is only 1 brittain

check em btw

Tror bestämt du överdoserat på memes. Jag tycker absolut att det kvinnliga synsättet behövs i samhället för att det ska bli mer balans, kvinnor har också mycket att tillföra, och att försöka tysta dom och förminska dom försvagar landet som helhet. Det finns ingen logik i att män skulle ha automatiskt bättre åsikter eller syn, det är förlegat och saknar vetenskaplig basis.

Håller inte heller med om att invandring "terroriserar vårt liv och kultur", jag har personligen träffat många invandrare som är toppenbra som människor, som gör allt de kan för att göra rätt för sig, följa lagar, och bidra med vad de kan. Folk ger dom alldeles för mycket skit och är inte nyanserade i sina åsikter.

no I love them

You have to go back Ahmed

Hahaha I've seen enough to know that it's it's Slavic women who are the bigger racemixing whores.

They're not multikulti so I'll give you that.

Also it's just one autist posting that "pasta" and he's been doing it for a very, very long time now.
He's about as relevant in the thread as a speck of dust in someone's house.

Okej du är helt klar inne i en psykos, du kan inte räddas. Det krävs en rejäl idiot att advokera för invandring, speciellt som en svensk.

Tror stark att det är du som har blivit överdoserad av "memes" av SVT.

I know that feel.

I said RUSSIANS. Not just you.

Also, Americans 75% dislike Russia according to Pew Polls.

You don't need a state-run media to have propaganda.

Yes, they are all stuck up whore that deserve to die.

>That's really wierd for me once again. I'm 183/67, kinda skinny, also i have a maniac look but my face is good. I attract girls because i look cold and mysterious and i'm russian, that's according to the swedish girls. I'm not sure you even have an equivalent word or term for chad in Swedish (maybe i just didn't hear it).
Чтo блять нe пoнятнoгo ? Ecли ты швeд тo ты дoлжeн быть Aлeн Дeлoн/10 чтoбы пoлyчить пиздятинкy, ты жe видeл чтo тaм cpeднe-кyн кyдa eбaбeльнee чeм их жeнщины.

Nobody care. Send some food.

And i said about me, because 90%+ of Russians so as Americans never contacted each other IRL they have no REAL reason to hate each other, except the propaganda. And i don't think it's 75%. It's too big. Your youth like Russia because it's "cool".

Because they wont have sex with you?

Then why do most Russians hate most non-whites? :^)

Really makes you think.

Yeah, average swedes:

You're retard if you think that only attractive swedes get fucks.

I'd say i do but then again, i dont think i've met that many for me to have a valid opinion on the matter.

According to google it's around 60% unfavorable opinion and 30% favorable.

I don't really know what to think about these polls though.

woman detected. gtfo this site

Then why are you an edgy maximalist kid? Oh i guess the most of Australia is like that. Really makes you think.

no, we love them because they are cute and beatiful. but we all know they are totally stupid, hate working, unable to do the simpliest tasks, lazy and annoying. but hungarians are strong and we bear every shit.

Lol go cry about how you're a virgin

Posts above from guys with SWEDEN YES flag prove you wrong.

whats wrong with women celebrating on a festival?
also: do you live in your moms basement?

Haha okay, post your tits or get the fuck out. You are not welcome. Alternatively, if you are a male feminist, kill yourself.

>Anything that interrupts his circlejerk of all women being whores means you're a feminist

And you people wonder why you're virgins.

I literally asked what makes them "stuck up whores"

It doesn't have to be wrong to go out and get drunk but for girls partying is synonymous with getting drunk and having casual sex.
I do live in my moms basement but girls don't know that.

>"an edgy maximalist kid"
I get it. You are Churka.

autists on 4chinz can't get pussy, doesn't mean others can't. one of the main reasons NEETs don't get laid is the total lack of self confidence, even if you look good (let's say 7/10 body + face) chances are it will take you a long long time to get a woman if you are noticeably insecure.

Lel I could literally rape any woman with little effort. Woman are "stuck up whores" because they are stupid, women are literally on the level of a child.

>Lel I could literally rape any woman with little effort. Woman are "stuck up whores" because they are stupid, women are literally on the level of a child.

Good argument my friend, but it's true. Even if you aren't a woman, I could most likely kill you with only my left hand.

i also do live with my parents and even in the basement
wasn´t my intuition to insult you mate
what exactly is your problem with casual sex? (not like if im getting any im more the relationship-type)
I mean two persons enjoying each other just for a night or so seems harmless, provided that they used a condom and shes on the pill

we are all humans with limited time, so why not spend the time with dooing things wen enjoy

It's not an argument, you're being edgy so there's nothing to argue against

Yeah I bet a kissless virgin is a really strong tough guy

No not really.

Because it's degenerate!

What's wrong with having casual sex?

If you could have casual sex, wouldn't you?

what do you mean with degenerate?

This argument is stupid, but for the sake of pleasing you I am literally almost 2 meters tall and weigh almost 120 kg. You are Xian Cheng and you are about 160 cm tall no?

What's your pl total?

Pl total?

Yes what is your squat/bench/deadlift

squat 1450kg, bench 110kg, deadlift 200kg

>Doesnt even bench his bodyweight

L o l

>Barely squats over his bodyweight

that's just pathetic, you aren't able to kill a fly you fucking fatass

Lel whatever you say, anyway my earlier point still stands, I could literally overpower any woman with only 1 hand

Wow good job

You know who else you could beat up? Handicapped people, the elderly and children. Real accomplishment there

Nah, they are cool even though I'm still a virgin
Because it's my fault not theirs

>overpower any woman with only 1 hand
Wouldn't just insulting them be better/faster?

t. chiang peng

if you don't hate women what are you doing here

They're Whores, entitled, princess mentality.

>let's say 7/10 body + face
>autists on 4chinz
5/10 it's best what guys from Cred Forums can get.
And Chad take it when he want. He acting from fucking nature like a bio-machine when NEETs need enormeous work to do and still they will always lose.