Why doesn't the US just conquer the world???

Why doesn't the US just conquer the world???

>can't beat half naked peasants hiding in a jungle
>can't beat low iq barbarians hiding in sand and mountains

They can't even end tiny conflicts in the middle east and only make things worse.

We lost to gooks twice as they always out numbered us and now we are losing to some sand niggers who blow themselves up.

If it were a traditional war yeah we would win.

America before world conquest: 65% white
America after world conquest:

No one would like that because it's "immoral" and "nonprogressive" which is what american society is usually against with its new normalfag tumblr mentality.
Not to mention it would be difficult and many of us would die

Imagine how great America could be if you deadbeat faggots would defend yourselves.

Flying cars, hookers, and blow for everyone.

They are already did.

Beacause the world isn't a game of Civilization and we have no reason too

>Not to mention it would be difficult and many of us would die
>and many of us would die
I support the mass culling of Amerisharts

lol they canĀ“t even win against afghans

Greece would fuck america

Because imperial overstretch is a very real thing and lots of empires ceased to exist because of it.

Just like they fucked Germoney.

nope, Poland

You're making everyone cringe, faggot.


>nuke the piss out of Japan
>never hear the end of it

Get a load of this idiot.

>nuke japan
>standard of living worse than japan

USA is going all out
Rest of the world isn't even trying
If there really was a war between USA and the rest of the world, America wouldn't stand a chance

>Get a load of this idiot.
Are you roleplaying or something? Holy shit you're stupid.