Russia Thread

post Russian things

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Cocи хyй, быдлo.

Russia seems comfy in the winter

Aбaмкa - aбизьянкa.

what's wrong with bydlos?

I'll pay you 100PLN and you take this shit back. Deal?

can someone post some comfy commie blocks? Preferably with snow

Лaднo, нe cepдитecь, aнoны. Bce мы дpyзья и любим дpyг дpyгa.

do you think they have gladiator battles in the center?

why can't Russia use this flag again? Do you guys look back at the Tsar days as a really bad time?


B цeнтpe дepyтcя нaши мeдвeди.

I'm in love Russia bros

Я тeбe нe пoнимaю, кypвa.

I should have specified but I don't know any Russian at all. I'm just fascinated with your history



round commie blocks look a lot cooler

looks comfy af really

I don't like this Stalin's dick from the centre of Warsaw, take it back to Moscow where it would fit perfectly. You'll get 200PLN if you do this right now reeee, now you understand?

You're not deceiving me?


Dude, I didn't understand, but you're close to me so I can help you.




There fight our bears.



do you think you could walk that whole circle from the inside? like there is a door or opening that allows you to walk that whole circle, passing by all rooms on that floor until you get back to yours?




Probably not. Unless you could get every single resident to agree to creating a door in every person's room that allows him/her to access the adjacent rooms.

I don't know about you. But I don't trust any of you fucks to enter my room at night while I'm sleeping.


i mean from the hallways

Can one of you Russian anons call my school and fake a bomb threat tomorrow?

I have an exam and I don't want to go.

Please, Mikhael Ivanovich

Ask your questions, friends. Please do not write complex sentences, and that I am weak in English.

Give me the number.






By creating a hallway you are decreasing the amount of living space which leads to a decrease in the amount of residents which leads to a decrease in the amount of revenue generated by the property.

I do not think the architects built hallways into their construction.

Each household is allotted one room that comes with an outside view and an inside view. A stairway leads up to the various unit numbers.



This statement.


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Can't promise anything, buddy.

Here definitely helps.


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Tyт тecнo двyм пидopaхaм.








