I have been catfishing a girl for a few months and we have fallen in love with each other

I have been catfishing a girl for a few months and we have fallen in love with each other

I do not know what to do and I am considering killing my self to avoid an arrest for being a catfish

I asked the law enforcement subreddit and they said it wasnt a crime and that the cops wont take a report about it but im still scared

How can I break up with her? Im so scared of making her upset and sad

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It isn't Illegal to catfish

thats what the law enforement officer subreddit says, but i was still nervous.

also cool trips

>arrest for being a catfish

Why are zoomers so pathetic?

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im not a zoomer, im 24. ive seen a bunch of people say it isnt illegal but im still justnot sure

you have to go back

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yeah its not illegal.

If it was, there'd be a lot more fat chicks in jail

Trips of truth my guy

it's not a fucking crime you moron. back off the ledge, and just ghost her.

ive been on Cred Forums much longer than i ever even knew about reddit. ive been here since i was very young and it probaby fucked me up.

I hope you guys are right

i cant ghost her. That might tell her i'm a catfish. i just need to find a legit reason to breakup with her


If you actually love her tell her you're not a catfish

I can’t do that. It will hurt her way more.

And if it’s illegal I’d be admitting to a crime.

It's certainly not that's why they had a show about it

I never thought about it like that. People on the Reddit thread were saying since no money exchanged hands and only nudes were sent there’s no crime

You really should be honest if you love her tell her the truth

I just can’t. I wish I was brave enough. I’m an emotional wreck, a loser and a coward. I don’t deserve a girl like this

Just ghost her fucknuts, what’s the big deal?

Exactly this stupid fuck is too retarded to do that

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I think that will hurt more than breaking up with her because it won’t give her any closure.

I’m also worried about the legal issue of it

Stop being a little bitch and tell her you catfished her


>t. baittaker

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How can I be sure?

And I swear this isn’t bait. It’s just me struggling more than I have in a long time

is she in love with you or are you in love with her

Why would it be Illegal?

I have run out of carrots, I have run out of sticks.

You have proven yourself to be beyond help. Please never use this board again.

It could be considered fraud. I used a fake persona to meet a person and got nudes in the process

Nope fraud only involves money not naked pictures

Here have a downvote pussy

Is that true?

+1 to image limit
>No contribution

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That would not be fraud. Fraud would be promising to pay her for those nudes and not following up.

OP, what you did is NOT illegal.

But it's terrible. She will not be able to forgive for that. But... Honestly. If she hasn't been in a vid call with you yet?

What is "in love" to you?

Your only hope is to ghost her if you want to minimize damage btw. She won't accept you after tricking her like that.


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Post her nudes

Eh, don't start that. You know he won't.

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I dont know if I’m in love or if I just really like her and I’m scared of hurting her.

I know I hurt her already but I think it could be a lot worse if she realizes it’s a catfish.

I think I have to find some reason to break up with her. That way she knows it was never a betrayal of trust, just one scenario like millions of others where an online relationship didn’t work out

plox delete
op doesn't deserve to gaze upon those perfects nipples

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My guy,
You have so many issues here.
It's becoming more and more clear you've ever touched a boob.
Actually how old are you?

Get out there. Hit the gym. Shave. Shower. Get laid. You'll find yourself much more stable emotionally.

This is not us bullying you. This is actual honest to God advice. It's not a pseudo science. You will improve as a human. These are corner stones to your mental health.

Ghost her. Break up. Whatever you need. Be quick about it either way and block her.

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Im 26. I have actually been with women in the past. Just a long time ago. I do have issues and this whole situation had brought them out of me even more. It’s becoming more and more apparent that I am inadequate

In a few weeks I will be broken up with her and I will start the healing/improvement part of my life

In a few weeks....

Little steps. Go out. Get air. Walk. Eat less. Talk to people in person as often as possible over voice chat.

You'll do well. Trauma from childhood can raise all sorts of hiccups as an adult. Be mindful about your well being, OP.

I already tried the just being friends thing the other day and it didn’t go well. I can’t spring that on her again. I need at least a week or a week and a half to come up with something else

Thank you so much. A little bit of positivity is nice to hear every so often.

I think what scares me most about losing this girl is losing somebody who is constantly telling me that she likes me or that I’m smart or great. It’s nice and I know it sounds pathetic but it’s become kind of necessary to me. This is bringing out a whole side of insecurity and vulnerability that I didn’t know existed anymore

conversation between me and the girl

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Why did you even catfish her in the first place?

WAIT I don't think anyone asked...

And I hate to dare try...

... How old is this other person you're talking to OP?

I originally used the Kik account as vehicle to go into chat groups and just shit post some political shit and anger some people for fun and I saw her in a group and she messaged me and we started talking and it just took off from there, flirting, talking all day, liking each other. It all happened so fast that I got wrapped up in all the sweetness and affection

She’s 22

How do you know she isn't catfishing you?

She has sent me a lot of pictures l, a couple directly from her camera so I know she’s for real

Best thing you could do is tell her you can't be with her anymore

I think that’s the way it’s heading. Either that or I cheat or something

How bad did you catfish her? How much of an exaggeration from what you look like from the pictures you sent to her are? Also how long have you been talking to her for?

The pics are an entirely different person. Taller, more in shape and more handsome.

The personality is a mixture of bullshit and real and there is no way my real one can be a substitute for the fake one

We’ve been talking since October I believe

Tell her you’re gay

Dude you should tell her the truth no matter what you do she'll be hurt

I think the truth will hurt more than s normal breakup. She even said earlier were not exclusive, she just doesn’t care to talk to other guys

It might hurt her or she might actually love who you really are you never know you should give it a try or at least try to get her to find someone for her

I know she won’t. I’m a loser

>Not a zoomer
Yew wot m8?

24 is a millennial, not a zoomer


Stop spamming this

"Hey, I've been catfishing you. I'm sorry, this is the real me. If you want nothing to do with me, I understand. I would love to keep talking to you though. I'm sorry for my past insecurities which made me do this but I'm ready to move on and be open with you. I hope you understand. I've never felt this way about anyone before.

There you go. There is at least a possible "win" in that scenario, worst case, you break up, like you wanted anyway. Who cares, just be honest.

Wrong faggot
Oldest zoomers are 24
Kill yourself

I can’t be honest. I just can’t. It will upset her more. I’d rather have no chance of redemption

Oldest Zoomers are porn in 97 which would be 23


Well I think you've got 5 options here.

1. Ghost her, which will probably seriously hurt her and make her worry about what happened to you (assuming she genuinely cares about you) and start to doubt herself and self worth.

2. You lie about why you can't be with her anymore, whether you say there's another person, you can't take the distance anymore, you're actually gay, or whatever else makes you sleep at night. (This will still hurt her, but probably less than you just ghosting her.)

3. Try to play off that the person you catfished her with is actually you but you've gained weight/had an accident/ unsuccessful surgery. (Honestly this probably won't work but its still technically an option)

4. Make her break up with you, come up with a weird fetish, change your political views to be like pro-killing puppies; literally become a more terrible person so she can't justify staying with you and breaks it off on her end.

5. You man up and tell her the truth. It's not illegal to catfish someone, and assuming you didn't tell her all your personal details it's not like she can hunt you down and send the internet police after you even if it was. If she actually cares about you as a person and not your looks she might be able to look past how you look, especially if the reason you did it in the first place is because you have such an unhealthy idea about yourself. And if you strive to better yourself before doing so this is more possible. Granted there is a huge possibility that she is disgusted by your actions, and rightfully so, or already knows you're catfishing but couldn't prove it. This is also the healthiest option here and it'll probably be easier for both of you to move forward with your lives if the truth is out there. You won't have any unresolved guilt and she won't doubt herself as much if you do break it off

Regardless you've gotten yourself into a messy situation in which there isn't an easy answer, but I recommend you do what you think is RIGHT not easy

Nono, leave it.

>are porn in
that's when you know you've been browsing Cred Forums for far too long

either ghost her or make a confession

Fucking coomer. Can't get porn off the brain

The only options that i think will work here are 2 and 4.

Well 5 would work here, but from what I can gather, OP just won't do it because they're to afraid to do the right thing.

OP thinks one will hurt less than the other. He might be right but he’s definitely retarded

That's true too, I still think that being honest is the only chance OP has at being with her, but I think their guilt won't let them.

youre a bad person. break up without a reason block on everything. you deserve to be alone

Damn.....I guess you're autistic

He has no chance with her. He should minimize the damage and fade out of her life

shut the fuck up if you refuse to take advice. "oh i just cant hurt her" boo hoo shes 22 youre just a blip in her life. now leave her life you horrible person