Read all KNOWLEDGE BOMBS if you can

Timeframes are everything, and pay attention to what is going on. bomb/username/anonymous5/#

Other urls found in this thread: bomb/username/anonymous5/# Jew.html

Take the time to read em.

You'll learn some interesting things

Get the info out there bomb/username/anonymous5/#

Not trolling RP or whatever.

I've posted around 11 of them so far.

Glad to be on here, especially to piss off CTR.

Timing is of the essence.

confirm my suspicions about Extortion 17

No idea what you are referring too.

Wasn't the NC shooter guy just a crazy white kid? How's that related to a cell?

I've broke some big news overtime.

I suggest you read it only due to what it entails or reveals.

Is this ALL of them?
I know you got handed bans for some of them.

you changed your picture KB....

are you trying to tell us something,,,,money perhaps....


DB imploding the world?

Consider the recent events happening and the timings.

Also the PR spin to cover things up is getting hilarious lately.


1. why keep using the words castle bravo?
2. why did soros' pmc's kill a heli full of seal team 6 guys?
3. is any of this shit based on spooky astrological faggotry?

I believe so.

I think some older ones are still missing.

So please read & screenshot em.

It could be I needed a nicer picture. ;)

also whats up with this (((MODS))) banning KB user.

oct1 the internet is gone anyway, so wtf is the point..

Fuck yeah, sheeky forums is back

> something something revolution?

Castle bravo was one of the first hydrogen bomb tests on Bikini Atoll, part of Operation Castle. Ergo castle bravo would be the second phase or impact of an operation.

1) Because the news I broke about CTR recently is lethal to them

2) payback for the bil laden compound raid is one of the several reasons.

3) No.


the year of the american revolution

what did op mean by this

It's not going to be gone october 1st.

Also they keep banning me due to the information I am telling.

it's going to take a while for the internet thing to take effect

>UN troops will invade UK

What a load of complete and utter fucking shite.

Who the fuck comes up with this fucking pish?

bump again

Just get my info out there quickly.

Hillary and several other armaments industry related politicians were involved in the raid. It is a clash of interests to have Soros take out the SOF guys.
Much more standard operating procedure would be to fake their death. They became famous worldwide, but nobody looks for a dead seal team.

Hi Anon5. Jeh Johnson was just babbling about how we should expect more terrorist bullshit and the DHS can't handle it like the pussies they are. They actually are in on it, aren't they?

You might want to keep a open mind.

may kek bring you power and make my lotto ticket a winner with quads

i didn't mean gone as in no internet. i meant as in the internet we know will be different in a bad way starting on the 1st.

ICANN will go nuts because they are pinko leftist fagots.

other countries will have authority to fuck up websites with there cuckery.

it weakens security of the cyber variety even more than it is.

anyway thanks for the KB's user. keep em cumming they are the best thing on Cred Forums fuck these (((mods)))

No they wont.

T. good mate works for UN

Soros Black Op's were killed in the compound.

Does the "payback" comment make more sense?


Wew lad. Anon5's threads get blessed freakishly often.

> bomb/username/anonymous5/#
bump baggart

Look at the recent Train Crash.

And the other events.

I covered things in past knowledge bombs that talked about this & your comment.

is india going to float a sub into the persian gulf and false-flag an iranian nuke strike on mecca?

I believe its been delayed/stopped.

History has had stranger things happen my friend.

"london bridges come falling down".

please make mecca burn!!!

So youre implying Soros had PMCs guarding Osama who took down one of the assault choppers? Again, its a conflict of interests. People working in the same circles with similar goals wouldnt fuck up like that. They would either kill him, or "fail to find him". They only have to disclose what they want to disclose.

does advanced artificial intelligences exists?

are you one?

That should tell you something.


I get banned a lot for talking about Fuku and radiation. I have an industry quality analog Geiger counter.

>Building 7 was brought down by a demolition
>The fires inside it was from bodies being burnt

You're obviously a disinfo shill, whose purpose is to discredit known good information with utter shite about burning bodies and the UN invading Britain. You're only one step away from banging on about aliens and the fucking yeti.

Was that truely Osama that they were guarding?

Im telling you it wont happen. If it is about to happen, i will be one of the first to know, in that situation ill gladly submit an apology/happening thread.

some AG's from a few states are trying to get a judge to halt it because king nigger once again is over stepping his authority by handing over the internet with out Congressional approval. he wants to fast track every thing, stupid evil hussein. i dont know if they will get it slowed or stopped or what. i fear this may be the end of internet as we know it.

Keep a closed mind all you want.

Thats perfectly fine with me :)

I turned a Boy Scout Leader in for being a Pedo and the Police did nothing. It's really sick. Nancy Schaeffer and CPS. She was killed.

part of the winnings will go to kek redpill billboards in major cities.

What would it take for the UN to be sent in?

Theorize for abit.

As I said in past knowledge bombs, Obama is getting sloppy and wants to get out of his job.

Remember to get the information out bomb/username/anonymous5/#

It could be Jangles the moon monkey. Same thing applies. There arent different interest groups of that power in the same circle: thats not how these circles work. Who would Soros know about and want to keep alive that the US also knew about yet wanted dead when the two are in tacit collusion? Its just horrendously inefficient.

Was that a mannequin when Hillary collapsed on 911? The hair was weird.

On the contrary, my open minded examination of your statements, and the lack of responses addressing the issues raised, would only lead to the conclusion aforementioned. I have made my points with reference to your previous posts, stating with clarity which points are patently ludicrous and absurd, why they are so, and your motivation behind doing so.

There is literally no way to explain your statements ITT as anything other than disinformation shilling.

It was a trap.

Also it wouldn't be the first time SF and Soros BO's battled.

Black voters are facing a huge anti-climax in the 2016 election after two terms of the first black President. What do black Americans have to vote for? Why should they turn out? It wouldn't surprise me if the entire movement is the product of Soros or other "higher" forces that are stoking a "grassroots" movement in order to try to boost black turnout.

It also wouldn't surprise me if Soros is panicking over the riots. This is probably not what he intended.


Want to know the best history?

It's the one not mentioned in history books.

UK to suddenly reject any US forces on the mainland or airspace including tactical missile com.
UK to invade france or another UN country.
UK to start a massive race war a la Rwandan genocide scale, which by the numbers cannot and will not happen, or if it does will not escalate past a few days.

Trust me, if this was in the pipeline, id know. You still dont know about the index do you?

Im sorry that just makes no sense. If you wanted to take out an SOF team, and had the equipment to down 1 chopper, why not the lot?
Not everything is a conspiracy bro.

If the outcome of a Clinton presidency is war with Russia, Is there already a plan in place to convert Europe into a single federation of states with the help of the UN, EU Parliament, Merkel erc?

Soros created BLM to divide people are create a false uprising/organic movement.

Did you see Video Everything is a rich mans Trick?

Yeah thats an amusing one. Especially the bit about the 1934 failed fascist coup.

Jesus Christ, this is like talking to Mystic fucking Meg.

You have a different field of pages then I do.

Think abit going forward from that moment to now.

EU is suicide basically.

I think the UN is key to understanding.

> UN is going to have members leaving & will eventually go away.

Also: attacking London, internal conflict, Mecca nuked.

UN is essentially a (((globalist))) goal to world gov, but it was subverted by an alliance of Soros (b/c he wants total power) making use of most of the EU and islamists. Probably major figure heads of the EU were promised power position in the EU and the islamists get major influence in Europe. That is also why the refugees are there, to contain resistance.

Now other globalists are ofc. pissed b/c they wanted their part in the world gov, so we see several conflicts arising: brexit, usa (trump vs hillary), increasing tensions in Europe.

Ironically while the brexit happened, London is in the control of islamists and I guess that is where major conflicts will happen as the "bridges fall down" means the bridges between the cultures.

mecca will be a false-flag to increase tensions everywhere in the world while the real conflict is done via shadow operations (chaos seems to be in the interest of Soros so his PMC is unseen).

My interpretation so far ;)

I don't even get the reference.

Yep, getting pretty convinced this dude doesnt have access to anything special. Disappointing.

Ever been to Syrian Perspectives comments?

DB collapses big time
Germany faces money shortage
Because of this they cut welfare for refugees
1 million plus military aged men are now violently rioting because of the loss all over Germany

I sometimes fantasize Trump will let out a 911 Bomb on National News

You are starting to put the puzzle pieces together pretty good.

(Something I'm TRYING to get people to do actively.)

Also the "london bridges falling down" can be taken in the literal sense also.

OP thank you for posting. Very interesting stuff. A few questions for you--would love to know the answers....

What is Soros' motive? NWO from the ashes? Seems kind of short-sighted if you ask me. There will be nothing left to rule.

When will cells start higher-scale attacks? Are they afraid of blowing their cover / waking people up, thus sticking to smaller scale stuff? To tell you the truth, I have a very bad feeling about NYE 2017....

Is Deutsche Bank a serious problem / should I do a bank run?

Any other helpful info you can provide is welcome. Weirdly enough your posts seem legit

What's the craziest shit this guy has called so far?

So youre saying some GLADIO unit is gunna take out a bridge? Have you got any evidence for this..?

this guy is a shill nobody trust this guy

The perfect storm for a wolf pack.

Not a fucking thing as far as I can tell.

Nope not a shill.

I got CTR running scared since I called them out for there "kiddie" stuff in the last knowledge bomb.

How does China and Iran fit in? Did they try and bribe Iran by lifting sanctions and Iran stiffed them?

> What is Soros' motive? NWO from the ashes? Seems kind of short-sighted if you ask me. There will be nothing left to rule.

Become the (shadow) world emperor for the last months of his life? He is taking a huge risk obviously, but why would he give a damn if he is about to die anyway? I do not see a competent heir, his son is not really... worthy.

> Trump speaking at AIPAC
> Trump defending Israel against "nasty" anti-Israel supporter
> Trump endorsing Netanyahu
> Trump affirms commitment to Israel


> Jew.html
> (MASSIVE Pastebin full of evidence of Trump's kike connections, if you're not too lazy to read it!)

> Jeffrey Epstein
> Sheldon Adelson
> The Rothschilds
> The Rockefellers

> Trump's tendency for satanic hand symbols
> Trump's khazar ancestry
> Trump discussing kikes with (((Alex "never mentions the Jews" Jones)))
> Trump + Israel in depth
> Trump + Rothschilds + Netanyahu + Khazars = 9/11?????

You seem more informative than him user, please do go on if you have anything interesting to speak of

1) Soros is going down in flames, he wants to bring the world down with him.

2) The Train Station Crash was a dry run. Think about that for a second.

3) DB is the canary in the coal mine for the EU's path.

Alright listen dude, I see these threads up once a day now and before I begin to take them remotely seriously can you at least allude to how you come across this knowledge?

I have been monitoring your threads and am up to date on your 1st 3 dumps. I have been thinking about your profile. So far, nothing you have said has gone against my own analysis of geopolitical evens so far, your info has been clarify and confirming. The more long term and broader trends are in a future time frame (London's UK invasion due to Isis Cassius beli for example) brings into focus the bigger picture regarding Khans placement.

Your intel regarding ISIS cells in NJ/NY operating under a media blackout is another example of a crystallization of other reliable reports into a larger picture.

So far my mental profile of you looks like a patriotic retired military service member. After Nam so to speak you entered into Government work perhaps with military intel. You retired recently and still have active contacts within the intel community. You are not operating in a vacuum. You are activily participating in a nearly open restoration/revolution within the mil/intel/sec complex which are fighting to wrestle control of the ring of power away from Soro's and company.

So why the info dump? I think you are using the short range time frame info to draw attention and validate your brand and build buzz over your longer range plans. If the "good-guys" expose the plans too much before execution the "bad guys" will change tracks to maintain continuity and minimize exposure.

You are part of an information warfare operation against "the powers that be".

How am I doing so far?

I by the way dont really care who you are. So long as you are doing what I think you are, I support and disseminate your info. Really Ive been saying this stuff for years so your info is more confirmation with the exception of your long range stuff in UK.

Aside from the info, any other authentication you can provide for naysayers would be cool for my purposes.

Oh look its this Shill/Troll again.

You can go fuck off to who ever is managering you.

Also the "Jewish Conspiracy" brainwashing by elites is so fucking hilarious.

what is the end game here? soros et al don't think like we do. they have long term strategy that would make the corporate world moan in envy. only those living benefit from control of the living. what's the plan, stan?

I do not understand, how can Trump be N(ew)WO if he sides with the likes of the Rockefellers and Rothschilds which are old order?

I mean it would make sense if Soros is messing with them and the old order is pissed. The (((jews))) now have to pick sides. Rothschild is close to the queen and old guard power in UK, this could have helped with the brexit.

If US currency or Euro fails on a particular date then selling short is a Soros specialty.

Did you mention in one of your KB that Soros was getting frustrated with Obama? I'm not able to check old ones at the moment.

Soros is the King. Hillary is the Queen.

(Chess Board)

The Queen needs to crumble(and she is, you should see her campaign, health & poll numbers not propped up by the MSN), inorder for the King to be vulnerable for attack.

What about Sandy Hook and Boston Bombing? Where there real killings beneath the fake footage on You Tube?

Dude he called India-Paki war that started today

Heres my problem with it.

In my line of work and with knowing people working in politics, you wouldnt at all leak like this. The phrase trust but verify comes to mind; we do not know him, so we cannot trust him, and no evidence means no verification. Thus, he could be predicting the future but nobody will reliably act upon it without proof. This is why i suspect he doesnt have special access.

There is plenty of stuff i COULD leak, but dont, because anyone in the business knows thats an easy way to prison or worse. And it makes people in my line nervous, knowing others in this line potentially leak like this.

So I dont like it at all.

Is Soros dying? That would explain his recent urgency with BLM & Hillary funding etc

>People still don't realize Trump is the candidate of the real Illuminati (Not the satanist "fuck everyone, we want to make you all slaves" kind, that's pretty much the Jews backing Hillary.)

While the kikes only want to destroy and control, they want to build and guide. And they're winning hard.


I know people have doubts about me(which sometimes works in my favor), but I try to get out information no matter how strange it might seem at this time.......

To help people and hopefully save some lives down the road.

consider some of the internal struggles going on in the US intel community right now. perhaps that will provide some motivation.

Obama is getting annoyed that hes the ping pong ball being hit by Hillary and soros over so many years.

>Jews like Soros want to build and guide
Jesus fucking christ on a cactus, this is the equivalent of a Wehraboo insisting that Hitler could have won if only he built slightly different planes.

just that the chess board is bigger, Soros is not only active in the USA. If he loses the elections, the ISIS infiltration from south and north is to keep the US unable to actively fight outside of NA?

Trudeau "is in bed with the enemy" and probably Mexico can be blackmailed by Soros somehow (my guess it the drug cartels need him).

Soros Black Op's for Sandy Hook.

Boston Bombing was done by a Cell(like I've been pointing out in the recent stuff).

Oh no doubt. But could you answer to your identity for my profile please? My buddy thinks you are a young kid getting info from your Dad's or uncle or something and I am going older than 40.

>reading comprehension
/Our guys/ are the antithesis of Jews like Soros.

Nothing. He's role playing.

Age is catching up to him.

And his son certainly isn't going to give him any heirs.

trips then dubs. wtf.......

can i assume any recent special operator's death is a hoax

If someone literally blows up London bridge I'm going to fucking shit my pants.

What ever excuse keeps you sleeping at night :)

Your mayor of London was put in there for a reason.

Can you please at least give at least a hint about how you have this knowledge?

What will happen to Germany? Safer in the East or West?

relax feeb, its just an AI bot from one of your sister agencies

Agree that some hint of verification would lend major credibility, but it might also be too much of a tip-off.

Wouldn't you agree that there's some good in simply informing the public? Or do you think it's bad to have a general public that's woken up?

Chris Kyle was someone who's faced Soro's BO/PMC before on the field, he was trying to give US SF training to counter them.

Obviously..... he was killed off for a specific reason.

Well Anon5 reminds me to vote for Trump and not be lazy and stay home. Never see no Hildawg bumper stickers. Although Union types in my Hotel like her. I hope Diebodlt can't swing more than 30%

But Osama wasn't in the compound. What really transpired?

I rather keep people guessing.

No there has been some pretty bold shit claimed in these threads, mixed in with some common sense conclusions and most likely scenarios.

Those digits tho...

That guy Tony from BP Deep Water Horizen heads Glencore. He's one to watch.

>Yet Trump still won the debate

Anyone who legitimately thinks this unironically is retarded. I don't like either candidate but Trump self imploded and proved he knows absolutely nothing and his only tactic is vomiting words over and over at loud volumes.

If you were anything high level enough to have access theyd have you under surveillance on on taps, therefore they would definitely be following you and watching your browsing traffic to see what youre up to.

Therefore you must be low level or out of the loop, although out of the loop still get surveillance. And low level analysts dont know shit.

The fire ants in Hoboken thing leapt out at me as so simply true that I should have gotten it myself.
>"refugees" are both a simple attack on the Constitution and a vector for terrorists
>fire ants move into a target area, become conscious of their numbers, and strike with coordination
>every two to three days for the past month and a bit before has seen shootings, bombings, and events explained as infrastructural collapse
>The "refugees" have started to attack, but not on the spectacular scale seen a decade and half ago in part for practicality in part to build up a force that can do something truly spectacular.

Connecting the puzzle is fun isn't it?

Hillary knows.

The compound needed a special chopper to breach for a reason.

Shill thread


Shill thread


All newfags read pic related


He's just making shit up you retard..

>Anyone who legitimately thinks this unironically is retarded. I don't like either candidate but Trump self imploded and proved he knows absolutely nothing and his only tactic is vomiting words over and over at loud volumes.
Pic related.

He barely made any sense.

I know some people who were formerly in SF, should I be worried for them?

Where are the no-go zones located?

They are going to be staging areas.

Not the worship areas(they can be used for different purposes, like resupplies etc)

What is the rule cited when you get a ban? I got a 30 day for rule one, shit was lame for a month.

You cant get anything significant done these days without some credibility. If you can demonstrate worthiness of the source then people are more likely to act upon your info. Until then its just a lottery.

Shill more CTR.

I hope you have some good legal advice to handle the "kiddie" stuff your management got you into.

Wow wtf is up with all the repeating 7s in this thread???

Our Jews want us to die violently.

Can you tell us what happened to Osama? Did he even exist? Did he die years ago and Obama took his place?

(slow clap).

My threads always brings trolls out of the woodwork

ive seen it too, theres some fuckery afoot

Yeah ive been probing over the last few and thats my conclusion.


But you should ask them about George Soros & tell them about his soldiers.

I told some truth on Fuku and Fuku trolls being the very best top knot have trolls and got a message I couldn't access Cred Forums and still can't access it from that WiFi site

it was jon benet wasnt it

Which is quite a shame, but it comes with the giving of information.

Some listen, some don't.

Kek always blesses my threads.

I do respect the frog :)

How Savvy is the German Leadership to your claims about the refugee's being ISIS cells? Did they knowingly sell out their people? or is it safe to assume that many governments are in the dark about the real plans hatched by the powers at be?

so the kek high energy lab is doing all this?

Look, I get that you probably have a vested interest in keeping some of this stuff under wraps, but how the fuck did he call india-paki war a fucking week ago?

I don't even know what a wolf pack is but with digits like that, how do I sign up?

>"No, I hate those guys"
who tf would say that? a shill

But how can we be sure you're in intel? You and OP can both be RPing. Fun reads either way.

Did you read my past Knowledge Bombs?

Soros is blackmailing them, because of a cuckold sex club. That if made public would cause a large amount of the EU leadership(this includes countries that openly took refugees in) to resign.

Also SJW/Femenist groups have been helping them.(Useful fucking idiots).

Sorry mate, all of the evidence points to you being a LARPer whose up to date with media and conspiracy theories. None of it adds up. Someone in your position wouldnt or couldnt do what youre doing. And obviously your posts are made vague & ambiguous enough to be construed to basically anything.
Sad, i thought i might have found one dude whose actually in a similar situation to me. Ah well.

The wolf pack I think is a bad thing for us in this context bud


They harass my threads all the time.

He's saying the muzzies are gonna stir shit up in Deutschland when their big bank goes tits up.


Don't worry, only about 5 anons care about these threads

So are the anti-Soros globalists a force for good or just another interest group that doesn't care how their plans impact the average people?

Beyond Dutroux

Wolf Pack = Large group/Full Cell(s)

"Lone Wolf"= Solo-small group.

What evidence do you have of this?

> SJW/Feminist groups are helping ISIS set up networks across the EU and the US.

That's a preddy damning accusation.

Is there a site with legit info on fuku? All I have seen is extremism on both sides, basically the government says it's a non issue, and it's over, and the other guys say we're done. I lean much farther to the tin foil side on most things, but not that we are over, we always persevere and the earth has amazing healing capacity

Translation: buy fucking ammo, and get fit.

I had a feeling that train derailment was something more sinister. Recently most US passenger trains got refitted with safety cutouts, that kind of event literally cannot happen unless everything in the cab has been overridden manually. All the driver does most of the day is push an "I'm alive" button now and then and look over gauges.

You wouldn't happen to have a speculative timeline of when they'd be the most interested in making a glass parking lot in the middle east?

From what little I've extracted from following this kind of info like you're sharing, it'd be an option only if their current globalization efforts don't pan out (And since they're not... well)

With the finance system being propped up on literally magic, pulling the limited nuclear war card to reboot the economy WW II style would make sense. It would continue on for years simply due to the sheer number of Muslims worldwide. Millions of people dead, including most of those who would normally be a 'drag' on the economies worldwide.

This would put such an event in the 9 months to 2 years range. Would you concur?

What better way to give the middle finger to Trump getting elected, and preventing further political normalization?

India bought thousands of rifles, body armour and other equipment a few months ago, and have generally been posturing a fair amount. Thusly recruiting has increased therefore someone high up thinks there is going to be conflict. Also Israel has been selling them the Brahmos & Barak 8 countermeasure. Just gotta follow the leads mate.

Just like how Hillary kept SAP's on her own devices. People are careless, info gets hacked, information is made available. Not to mention the information that is given to donors from within.

Cry more CTR.

Situations are a complex thing. Yours and mine are not truely the same.

but why do you care if he is a larper?

Will the internet oversight turn over go on? Will it be blocked or delayed?

What dirt does have in store for Trump in Oct?

Are there any credible reports of planned staged self inflicted attempts on Hillary or Kane to bolster their support.

Does DHS know who and where the Cells are and if so, are they being turned to look the other way by Jed? Is he on board with Soros? In Obama still on board the Soros Hydra?

Wow, such hindsight.


Think of how many powerful peoples/groups feet Soros has stepped on.

And how much damage SJW/Feminist/PC Culture is doing to civilization.

We will never know. It's gonna be "health issues" that caused it, they can't blame it on mechanical failure, and won't blame it on terrorism

No I have and I appreciate it. We spoke yesterday about the Joan Rivers, Obama's and the woman who was killed at the gate of the white house for claiming she had his kid. I'm having a hard time shaking off the believe that our leaders would knowingly sell us out like this, surely they fear the backlash more from the citizenry?(I.e the masses rising up against, possibly some hangings etc etc)

To be fair though i only knew about the rifles because i overheard a phone call so who knows, maybe a lucky guess or he might have something.

How many "refugees welcome" & "Hug a refugee" shit will it take Before and/or after X number of attacks before people wake the fuck up in time about it?

No kidding these these threads have been some of the best for the last couple weeks.

They ruined all the Fuku info with fake Trolls to misguide you. There are radioactive satellite cores circling the earth. All our reactors have tons of spent fuel rods blah blah blah. Unfortunately there is nothing we can do. Fukushima Diary if you dig into that site had some earnest ness but the blog is 100% trolls.

Fuck, isn't there a way to bust that bomb on them?
It really seems Soros must be weakened right now.

Well seeing as very few people knew about the specifics of the infantry equipment deal its not exactly an easy google. I may be wrong, but i dont tend to google shit i already know about.

How long until you BTFO CTR?

Remember the comic of the angel screaming "how many kids have to die before you give up your guns" same idea with leftist and the refugees. They are dug in on this issue, as we are on firearms.

Timelines =/= Timeframes.

Timelines have happened, Timeframes are when they are going to be happening.

I'm getting this info out now, that way when the timeframes happen it makes sense.

I get the feeling that Obama was to just gtfo so he can start covering his ass. If Trump is elected how likely is it that we can expect high ranking officials to face trial?

Ah ok, so indirectly. The way you worded it made it sound like they were directly helping prop these fuckers up.

Cus if he was a larper, at best its giving you guys false hope and misinformation, at worst its a counterop trying to spread disinformation and generally degrade what integrity this board may be able to present. Even though i have no idea why people take us lot seriously anway

You must admit, compartmentalization and SOP are vulnerable tools in your enemies hands if they can get into the power at the top.

Its not like he is hyping up a book or his movie. This is part of keeping your Constitutional Oaths and living with yourself I think.

He's been saying for a while that there will be an in tease in attacks that the media tries to cover up and used "gas leak" as one of several euphemisms they would use. Then we had the gas leak explosion the other day. We've had a shit ton of lone wolf attacks that any one of them last year would have been nonstop news, but are eerily just blips that disappear. I mean, seriously, any media still talking about the pipe bombers? The mall stabbed? I mean this is Islamic terror, even if they are radicalized lone wolves, but the media seeeps it under the rug.

Anyway, he started posting a couple weeks ago and these pets have indeed come true. Search his other threads and see if you are convinced. Not just the OP, but all of the thread to see him answer questions.

Fair enough, I guess it just makes me nervous. I hear a lot of shit but not much in the vein anon5 talks. Dont like to be out of the loop.

I'm totally convinced this guy is actually the manager of the CTR trolls. Nothing but vague replies and cryptic answers, no real knowledge at all.

You are all wasting your time in this thread as every single thread before is total garbage. You could be shitposting on twitter, beating back the CTR hashtags that have been there all day long.

Rothschilds are the king.

1) hopefully be blocked.

2) More things are going to come out and.or will happen that will make more people hate Hillary and come around to voting for Trump.

3) None so far. But Kaine is trying to distance himself from Hillary.

4) They know. But PC Culture is holding them back more then Obama.(Hard to explain)

Trafficking. Hollywood.

Connect from there.

I already did in Knowledge Bomb v11

CTR = "Kiddie" stuff.

This is fake as fuck. Literally 4chans fantasy of how things are going down. SJW groups fighting each other and cuckholding brings this way beyond the realm of reality

her dads company was worth like 3 billion dollars

a certain famous company

I mean with actual evidence

Who knows anymore mate. Just enjoy the ride.

Is this something we should be concerned about?

Merkel is the key to the EU and to the EU sex club.

Most of the population cares more about a celebs butt or sports then actually doing something.

But that is slowly changing.

Beyond Dutroux has proof of European Elite Pedo ring.

Aight OP. Why are you releasing this information? What do you have to gain from it and how did you access it? You've provided next to no evidence. Maybe one in ten facts MIGHT be plausible.
You're either ignorant
>Do your own research, sheeple. Check out my water filter and coloidal silver.
Or you're a charlatan.

You fucked up by assuming nobody here has any experience in the special operations community.


Leftists are literally useless expendable idiots in the long term.
You are correct.

He REALLY regrets doing term #2.

Directly and indirectly.

It's not fake.

It's not a matter of when anymore, but a matter of how.

CTR can go burn in acid. Those kiddie liking fuckers.

Confirmed that younger Soros is gay.

Watch Conspiracy of Silence on You Tube. Death of Colby, White House Tours, Franklin Cover Up

"We" as in "you"?

Yes. Very much so. Mayor Sadiq Khan (pbuh) is effectively trying to turn London into Londistan. That part of meme magic backfired a little bit.

Think of Hong Kong if you want to see what he's trying to achieve.


(Look up the lyrics to this song, and apply modern context, such as media and things like that)

time to find a stonehouse in north yorkshire and comfy up with grandpas shotgun

In everything you've said I find Britain's positing precarious given we haven't accepted Migrant quotas. I believe we agreed to 20,000 over the course of 5 years, does Soros have the same leverage(Sex scandals etc) over our leadership?

>Most of the population cares more about a celebs butt or sports then actually doing something.

>But that is slowly changing.

That explains why those shitty celeb shows have recently started to humanize celebs now.

Fuck it.

The governments of the west are all using WebIndex and others to monitor online abuse, hate speech, harassment etc. Its all a big circle jerk of 'look how good we are'.
This is where the couple million ££ went to Scotland Yard for 5 detectives to start up an anti hate crime monitoring and arrest unit. The millions went on the indexing program that lets them filter masses of data and content.

Theyre all going for this too. Thats all youre getting.

What do you do with a puzzle?

Put the pieces together.

This is important. They literally sent out a warning in the New York area yesterday. No fucking joke. And the news station said it was a "technical issue" that they were in contact with FEMA and the NY broadcasting association about the issue. (per their facebook.)

They claimed it was a technical issue.

Understood. Not happy about it, but I'm just watching the game being played out at the end of the day.

You're taking a pretty big risk here user, it's easy to fall into the noise on *chan but you know as well as I do this stuff is monitored.

Keep up the good work, it's appreciated.

Bomb the Utah NSA computer compound.

Theres more then 1 way to get into the UK.

Also, how many people did it take to pull off the France attacks?

Not that many.

What happens when London becomes a big staging area covered by PC Culture & things like that?

2. uh oh, chemos on a train ???

Its usually between 2-5% of the population are muslim before extremist attacks occur but obviously there are outliers.

ha ha

>What happens when London becomes a big staging area covered by PC Culture & things like that?

I fucking called something like this a while back.

NSA + SJW = what you just told.

Well heres what index info i can say. Have fun digging

That's a terrible idea.

NSA IT fag detected.

I had no idea of this.

I was out of your loop, and you were out of mine.

Called as in thought it could happen or heard about it?

Are you referring to Northern Ireland? It shares a very lax border with south, people can travel freely between. Do the North's leadership the Two main parties being the DUP and SF have anything to play in this? I could definitely believe that SF would sell people out.

Some of the concepts of discord vs. order are similar to those presented in "Illuminatus!" by Shea and Wilson. I know the series was satirical, but the source material seemed well researched. Were these books a red pill with real information buried under the comedy?

How many military aged men refugees are in the EU so far?


That's going to be quite the civil wars.

Fair enough mate. Use it wisely

I have a feeling you have a better understanding of what's deep down in the rabbit hole than most anons I've come across... You seem a little too articulate to mingle with people of Cred Forums's ilk. Either that or you're the one with the disinfo trying to discredit him.
Either way, you have me intrigued.


The SJW/PC Culture allies will protect them.

Traitors they are.

We need to spread this video everywhere.

Was this a go signal? EAS is a relatively unsecured system, considering how important it is. PEP station transmitter and some software and you can make it say anything you want.

>How many military aged men refugees are in the EU so far?
>That's going to be quite the civil wars.
Many of which already have prior military experience.

France is already in prolonged state of emergency, i know there were a lot of talks with the foreign minister and then all of a sudden the National Guard popped up. So yeah, someone high up is prepping.

Here's my theory on who OP is.

He (or she) is not someone in intelligence, but he's close to someone in intelligence. A spouse, a family member a best friend, etc. He is putting out this information at the behest of his friend in intelligence, since anyone in intelligence is way too closely monitored to do anything on this scale. Not all sensitive conversations occur on the internet, or in the presence of smart phones. As pointed out elsewhere in the thread, he's called some big events (i.e., 'pipe bomb,' 'fireworks' euphemisms for terror cell strikes, the india-paki war going hot), and could very well be legit.

NSA is not our enemy. Only a faction within wishes to do is harm.

No, its just a terrible idea in general.

As in... they were gearing up for something bigger in that NY/NJ area.

And now a fucking train crashes into a station injuring around 100 people.

Then of course the Media with PR spin it to not get people worried.

You're Julian Assange, aren't you?
I can't imagine anyone else has access to this info. Unless you're a gov worker.

4. so feed the info to pa_tr_io_t mi_li_ti_a and let them sort out those isis groups, the govs hands may be tied but they can help

>trafficking hollywood
will this finally get exposed to the point where the avg person on the street will know what a dirty industry it is?

I don't know. But it sure looks like something the Joker would send out before causing mayhem.

What stopsa river of red(mass civilian deaths) is a thin line of Blue(police) and Green(Military).

I find the Soros narrative hard to believe.

Now Soros was responsible for Extortion 17 as well?

My suspicions also arise when YouTube almost only links to "Soros=Evil" kind of videos.

Its like you want to blame it all on Soros, and also you never name Soros' partners or superiors

Thanks for the pieces

I rather keep people guessing.

Cognitive Dissonence prevents most from accepting. Even Jerry Sandusky families vilified the whistle blower boy who was raped. We are wired to want to love our family and those rotten Masters of the Universe took advantage of the human flaw to love.

So many "stars" are not from the families they claim to belong to.

Trueman show type shit.

Yup. Especially with the index you can really see the whole suppression picture coming in nicely.

what was up with that shadow brokers auction a few weeks back?

Well whoever you are, keep doing this. Also spread this to more than just Cred Forums. The world need to know this stuff.

Do not under estimate him or brush him under a rug.

Soros is a powerful player.

The more people know about him the better.

$6 million seems like a lot to pay a hand full of shills for a few months.

Those Hollywood types that are so in love with Hillary sure do love kids. So does Bill.

You're being banned for spamming these idiotic threads and making half the posts in them. It's pathetic how hard you're striving for relevancy; any sort of attention or acclaim to try and make you forget about just how dreary, depressing and shitty your wasted life is.

Every time you start one, it's so amusing to watch you beg for responses for the first 10 posts or so. I always keep my fingers crossed hoping that nobody will take your shitty bait, but then some newfag or Reddit immigrant pops up to remind me just how innundated we are with teenyboppers and idiots. Once that first response comes in, I can just picture you exhaling gratefully as a lone tear squeezes from one of your eyes into your fat fucking face.

Not a single person you've ever known or been acquainted with would give a shit if you died. You're an insignificant little pimple on the ass of mankind. Hopefully someone pops you soon. Does that 'clear the record',you dumb cumdrinking faggot?

You mean like Woody Harrelsons dad being in on JFK -esque?

I'm not the one to ask. If I had to guess I'd say it was a prank, but what do I know? Truth is stranger than fiction, and this is true now more than ever.

This is where Soros cells could be anyone

They are drugging common people to do shootings or drive a train into the poling point
Everytime you read the news about a shooting and the suspect is acting like a zombie its Soros and this drug!


The logic is self defeating.

Stop anyone from questioning..... so more people can get killed by "refugees" that keep being brought in.


Didn't Soros short sell the British Pound and ruin the UK a while back?

You always say the same, but the more I dig into the whole deal, the more it seems to me like you and other snitches are somehow trying to focus ALL of the blame and attention to him, and I find that rather suspicious as well.

And you reply with almost identical sentences as if following a script

Ok, so from what I can tell Soros has the world wrapped around his finger. How do we fix this?

CTR is really trying to grasp at straws lately.

Perhaps there employees should consider how much the "kiddie" stuff is going to hurt there lives.

you are right, i meant to ask KB user


Are you referring to N.Ireland when you say other means to access the UK?

I post in here, because Cred Forums helps get things around.


Well obviously if you suppress the peoples ability to speak out, when people dont have the ability to use words, they use weapons. Hence suppress the native population, import refugees, stir, boil for 6 months and there you go.

Some of the bitcoins paid into it were from the same wallet siezed by the feds from silkroad.

They bought it all back.

interesting....the cascade mall shooter was described as zombie-like

Yeah, I realised that ages ago
But when will this stuff become common knowledge?

I havent used it so i have no clue how it does it or what the proper term is. Just trying to let you lot know.

every shooter is described as zombie-like just look at the batman shooting lol the dude was on that drug for months

I focus on him, because I'm seemly the only guy bringing up his Black Op's/PMC's.

Not really, but he has significant spread.


Also Ships, Tunnels, airplanes, etc etc.

Also being smuggled in by SJW/Feminist groups.

>I post in here, because Cred Forums helps get things around
Well you're not wrong. It's just that Cred Forums isn't exactly the most trustworth source of information, and people might discredit this info knowing it comes from here.

That's another question. Where is our military in this? If FBIAnon is correct and Clinton Foundation corruption could bring down the whole gov, then why has there been no movement to remove the domestic enemies of the Constitution? Accountability in gov has become broken.

Another puzzle piece.


It's like they wanted the native population to die, or uncuck themselves.

whats your visibility on october 4th happenings?

>double dubs

You won $2

What reason is that?

Does Osama Bin Laden even exist as a real person and not a fabricated character?

Can you drop the bomb on some Hollywood star? some juicy info?

PC Culture is literally killing the west.

Want to kill some terrorists? Nah you can't do that because that would be xenophobic or racist.


Huh, haven't heard this.... I also remember the Aurora shooter being described this way.

What is the end goal in all this? A populace that is easier to control? Total world domination? Large scale genocide? Simple greed?

could you tell us which PMCs are involved?

Who is the player?

Who is his opponent?

Osama was real, but died in the early 2000's.

What ever was in that compound is truely a mystery strategically.

Still..... its the best place so far I've found.

thats how the cops described him when they arrested him

That makes plenty of sense to me.

Uhuh. In that case safe to say Erdogan is appearing the wildcard but still heavily in on it. Heard a lot of conflicting shit after the coup attempt.

KB is a role player from reddit who posts here when he gets bored.

I already did.

There is a reason why that theory about Katy Perry popped up the way it did, combined with her supporting/promoting Hillary.

Was Benazir Bhutto killed for speaking the truth about Osama's death in the early 2000s?

Ever notice how "diversity" and "Multiculturism" is only being promoted in European places?

It's about crushing the toughest bug, before squishing the rest.

Who is on Team Soros? What are some of the major players/figure heads we may recognize. Who will take over when that vampire dies?

Is an EMP attack or event still in the wings?

Will the Fed crash the Economy on Trump? Or will they play ball and let us re-industrialize?

I'll play personal army for a minute:

London Bridge is falling down
Falling down, falling down
London Bridge is falling down
My fair lady

Build it up with iron bars
Iron bars, iron bars
Build it up with iron bars
My fair lady

Iron bars will bend and break
Bend and break, bend and break
Iron bars will bend and break
My fair lady

Build it up with god and silver
Gold and silver, gold and silver
Build it up with gold and silver
My fair lady

London Bridge is falling down
Falling down, falling down
London Bridge is falling down
M-y-y f-a-i-r l-a-d-y

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.
Are you ready for this?
Oh, shit!

It's me
The pen
Fergie Ferg, what's up baby?!
Come on

When I come to the clubs, step aside (Oh, shit)
Part the seas, don't be having me in the line (Oh, shit)
V.I.P 'cause you know I gotta shine (Oh, shit)
I'm Fergie Ferg
And me love you long time (Oh shit)

All my girls get down on the floor (Oh, shit)
Back to back drop it down real low (Oh, shit)
I'm such a lady but I'm dancing like a ho (Oh, shit)
'cause you know I don't give a fuck so here we go! (Oh shit)


Theres one that the CIA uses as well its the same as this one and its injected into the victim anywhere they have this ice gun that shoots small invisible rice size ammo that can be activated by RF signal when the person is asleep.

There are reports of rape of many women and children in the US because of this weapon they commonly use this weapon to sabotage people, rape, make them say the truth and question them anything they wish then the person wakes up not knowing what happened and think that whatever he remembered was just a dream.

If the social situation is deteriorating, neither enforcement nor throwing money at it will fix it..? No idea.

I did say(in another thread) that PMC/Black Op's forces were involved in that coup attempt.


CTR harder.


Been saying this for a while.

So the end goal for Soros and company is total control of all the world governments. If the west falls, so to will the rest of the world. You said earlier that Soros is the king and Hillary is the queen. Who is the opponent, and what are their goals?

The Rothchilds are the players moving the pieces against eachother for fun and gain.
Control both sides.
You always win.

Do you know anything about tav_ist0ck?

What would they gain from the reduced productivity of the resulting population, though? Unless they *want* what are effectively serfs.

It would take decades to bring education and productivity levels up to where they were before, and that's before factoring in religion.

It seems to be, but the time frame of a major event like that is a bit up in the air, if I interpreted his answer to my earlier question correctly.

Yes, I was curious about names or faces, as you never mention those.

Particularly from the NWO. For example:

Hillary is to Soros what Trump is to ..???...

But I'm talking the brass? Are they themselves compromised and complicit?

Ok, what are the goals of the Old World Order? Can we consider them the "good guys"?

That's outside of the scope of what he wants us to focus on.

I wonder if the NWO OWO changed when they got ahold of all the spying of all the data. I wonder if they can empty anyone's bank account at will or steal all their stored gold bars. Maybe the power structure changed due to technology.

Bitch i live in fairbanks ak and ive seen multiple fuckin samsquanches you fucking cock mongler. Last one i saw was a 10 footer

High chance.

Media talking about the bridges

>London Bridge is falling down
>Falling down, falling down
> London Bridge is falling down

My fair lady

> Royalty

How are/will we rebuild

>Build it up with iron bars
>Iron bars, iron bars
>Build it up with iron bars

Collapsing/exploding bridges

>Iron bars will bend and break
>Bend and break, bend and break
>Iron bars will bend and break

Economy taking a hit due to the attack.

>Build it up with god and silver
>Gold and silver, gold and silver
> Build it up with gold and silver

Im sure theres other people who agree with you and would like this info out as well, what are they doing? or are they scurred?

>good guys
not in geopolitics dipshit.

You are such a fag..

Emma Watson's got to be a shill too right, bitch is never done giving speech's to the UN.

Fine, I'll rephrase what I meant. Do the goals of the OWO align with what we want to some degree?

Everyone involved in hollywood is a shill.

Youre a pawn m8.

Forever a pawn. It doesnt matter who or what wins in that sense.

What about all the amputee crisis actors, and faked ripped pants and blood? Why a cell if it was all staged?